Merry Christmas All from Marcus and Larry
Hi guys, it’s Marcus once more before the year’s end.
I have finally done it for you. I made it easier to read our chapters. At the end of every chapter, there is a link to the next chapter. It took forever to do this, but this should make everyone happy!
Before I get into this posting, I’d like to wish all of you a safe and happy holiday season of your choice. We’ll be wishing you a Merry Christmas and a really much better New Year! I don’t know if Larry is planning on another posting before the year is over, we do love to keep these a surprise for each other.
I’ve had to deal with some up and down days recently, but right now I couldn’t be more up! That might be an unexpected pun! So, before this ‘decades long’ year of 2020 is finally over, I’d like to write another post for you. Maybe my last, who knows; as depressing as this year has been for most everyone, Larry and I have found some bright spots to cherish. Look at us, we’re living together now. I don’t think that’s something up for change any day soon, and I know I’m speaking for my buddy, too. And then there’s all this time I have on my hands now, without work staring at me from every stack of folders on my desk. I’ve been thinking about so much lately, some old revery stuff and I thought maybe I’d write about some of it; I hope you don’t mind too much. You might learn more about me than you expected after this post.
A few weeks ago, there was an opening for elective surgery once again at our Kaiser hospital; my doctor’s assistant called to see if I was up for the knee surgery. Apparently the COVID-19 cases were trending downwards for a while, and the pressure was off the hospital. Well that certainly has changed drastically now and that window of opportunity closed shut with a resounding bang. While recovering I’ve read the posted updates Larry wrote about me in our blog. He’s so new at posting stuff himself and he did everything perfectly. My babe has been working his ass off around here to make my life easier, yet he found time to write an update post for you guys that care to know. Now if that weren’t more than enough to expect from anyone, he jumped in and wrote some additional chapters, too! My life has changed drastically since we’ve gotten together. What can I say, it’s fucking amazing!
Well, I couldn’t have had this surgery without his help around here. Sorry to say, forget my Lisa, she is so married to her work, she’d have a hard time focusing on my needs, too. I’d have to check into a nursing facility otherwise. I had no idea how much you can’t do for yourself in the first few weeks after knee surgery. I’m very fortunate to have him care so much about me that he’d take off family leave time to be with me.
I’ve been behaving myself lately after working too hard on my exercises that I ended up hurting myself. I’m fucking stupid, I didn’t mean to do that, I’m just getting tired of the limitations. My knee recovery, the COVID-19 virus lockdown, no swimming allowed, and it’s fucking cold enough outside to get icy nips. I just want it all over. But then I think about the sacrifices Larry has made for me, I don’t want it over at all. Why would I, he’s knocked himself out doing things for me. How lucky I am to have him in my life. Sometimes you just want to pinch yourself to make sure this has not been a wonderful dream. Man, if it was, I must have been in the longest sexy coma I’ve ever heard about!
Now that we both haven’t needed to use my office for work, I am convinced that I never want to see him leave me, not for an hour, not for a fucking minute. He is half of me, the better half of course! I could only wish he feels the same about me. However, we will need to face the specter of work once again some day soon, at least it’s still work at home time for us. I can remember looking up over my desk and there he was working at his new desk across from me. There were times when we would look up and wink at each other. Who does that at work? We did! Two winks usually meant, ‘want to have sex.’ Haha, really, I think so, because sometimes we did. You could vaguely consider us dressed most of the time we were in the office anyway. Although we actually agreed on this ridiculous rule that we had to wear something in the office, silky boxers at a minimum. And then there was that empty corner that saw more sex than furniture. Am I talking myself back to working again? I hope not! Nah, not yet, I can milk this some more! 😏
When I decided to write another chapter again, I had no wonderful getaway trips to write about, and no sexy naked swim days as well. Any meeting we had with our wives held little interest for me to write about; so where was I going to get my material from? Moving on, what I decided to write about first didn’t happen today, it was a few days ago. I had been off the serious pain meds for a while and frankly; I was beginning to get horny as hell; I remember horny! I was so tired of looking down at my dick all shrunken and sad, (Was that Larry’s idea of a nubbin dick?) 😝 and hardly caring if it ever got a boner again. Notice how I transferred the responsibility of a lack of libido to my dick and meds instead of myself. Stupid huh? And then there was this particular morning a few days ago when I awoke to find my not so ‘nubbin-sized dick’ standing proud all by itself. I’m finally back to the Marcus that knows extremely well how to use a willing dick. Maybe my dick noticed a gorgeously naked sleeping buddy next to it. Well, I think I should start my story from there.
I was looking over to the right side of the bed, earlier than usual in the morning. The room was getting it’s morning light, and I was observing my sleeping buddy. He looked so very peaceful that morning; I could almost detect a small smile, maybe I imagined it though. He must have been warm because he was just barely covered with a sheet. The blankets were between us now and about the only thing on him covered was his middle body. His legs and upper body were free of covers and as the light from the window was caressing his fur, it began to glow. I don’t care how often I see him like that, I just melt a little bit. He probably would like to hear less about that from me, but it’s not an option. I will always stop and soak in the view.
I had time that morning while just looking at him to think where’s all of this was coming from; why am I so fascinated by his glowing fur. Maybe the glow is a spiritual thing, or could it be rooted in my childhood. I’ve discussed in older chapters that I once had a blonde furry uncle before he died. That certainly ties-in with my furry blonde lover, I could just leave it there, but I’m Marcus, since when do I just leave things, just there! Sometimes when I lay quietly just looking at him, my eyes get watery. That morning was no exception. I was back in reverie about my daddy now. Yes, I called him that almost all the time. I remember one day when he was ready to go back on the road with his band members again, he told my sister and me, that he might be gone for a while at times, but he’ll always be our daddy, and he will never forget us, ever. I still miss him so many years later; he’ll always be my daddy.
Now I’m locked into remembering my childhood with my daddy, and some of his band mates, I just went there looking at Larry sleeping. I don’t remember if I have written about that part of my life in the chapters, so please forgive me if I repeat myself. Nudity was not a big concern back then. Yes, I saw my parents nude often, and occasionally some of his band mates and their families, too. Smoking pot can loosen up inhibitions. Of course, my sister and I were way under ten years old at the time; but jumping in the pool without clothes was commonplace for everyone. (Gee, I wonder where I get my penchant for nakedness from? Haha.) My parents loved to take us to the family nude beach at Davenport, CA, not far from the Santa Cruz Beach and Boardwalk. We always ended the beach fun day with a trip to Santa Cruz to go on the boardwalk rides. That continued until puberty for me and then somehow things seemed to get embarrassing for them. I guess they didn’t have a working plan to cover that part at all.
When I started puberty, I got my first bit of chest hair, it was a softball sized patch in the middle of my chest and of course pubic hair with a small upwards trail to my belly button. I was so thrilled. I’m going to look like my daddy soon. Daddy was very hairy, a lot like Larry only dark colored hair. My father was Sicilian and looked it too. I loved his hairy arms and chest, but it didn’t stop there, his shoulders and some of his back was covered with dark hair too. In fact, a lot of his band mates had their own version of body hair masculinity. It didn’t take me long to fill in my chest and belly with my light brown hair, but I was very disappointed. Apparently, I’m never going to look like daddy. Although, I noted he was pretty proud of how his son was growing into a manly man. But to me, not manly enough.
At that point I was fascinated by hairy chested men, but mostly how everyone had a different pattern of chest hair. My memory here was from his band mates that practiced and swam with us at our home. One guy had hair only on his pec area, I felt sorry for him because the rest of him was as smooth as a babies butt! Another guy had the hairiest arms and legs and not a spec of hair on his body except pubic hair. I was fascinated by all the different ways men can look. Daddy had a couple of guys like him in the band and I was totally intrigued with them, and always had hope that maybe when I was as old as them, I’d look like them too. I should tell you these men were in the 20’s and eventually in their 30’s at the time.
I just flashed on something the guys used to do with me in the pool. Oh, I was just a child maybe under 5 years old at the time, the band guys used to toss me back and forth in the pool to each other. I was like a ball to them, but they made sure not to hurt me or my daddy would unleash all the power of Sicily’s Mt. Etna on them! I do remember saying, “more, I want more.” Haha, I was the only boy so far, two of his band mates had little girls and they would play doll house with my sister and stay clear away from all these rambunctious men. I gobbled it up, I fancied one day I’d be old enough to join the band. Well Marcus let’s not go there today.
The other thing that comes to mind now is about their penises, (does that tell you I’m getting my horns back again?) which I was aware of often but wasn’t my real focus at all. That was indeed a long time ago, but I think they all looked about the same to me, just regular guys I guess, even my daddy was, too. Of course, my penis was a child’s size until puberty. I don’t even remember if there where uncut guys, I doubt I’d spot the difference and considering when they were all born, there wasn’t a chance one could have escaped the knife. I don’t think I was even aware of men’s balls yet as well. I was zoned in on body hair, period. I bet you can see how and why I’m so fucking attracted to Larry.
I remember the band guys joked around with my daddy a lot, (It’s no wonder I ended up that way, too! 🤔) They all had dark long hair just like daddy did, that’s pretty typical of musicians anyway. I wonder if Larry were a band member with them, if he’d get ribbed about being so blonde everywhere; of course, it was during an age of bleached blonde surfer dude music. I doubt they’d ever get on his furry body though, that just wouldn’t make sense at all. Now that white furry ass of Larry’s might catch a comment or two though! 😂 I’m chuckling to myself writing this for you; I was so into chest hair appearance, that I don’t think I ever noticed any furry asses on the men. Today, I’d like to know that! Haha!
I do take after my mother’s side of the family. They came from Naples, Italy and most of her family look more like me. Perhaps I should have said, I look more like them. As much as I wanted to grow up and look just like my daddy, we had our differences. For instance, I got taller by a few inches, have much lighter hair than him, and I started to developed what was certainly going to be a manly hairy chest, too, which he did live to see. I didn’t know how long it would take to get as hairy as my daddy, but I knew I was on my way. Of course, as you know I didn’t end up like him, but I know he was proud of his little man-child, even if I looked like my mom’s family. My parents had a love affair I have only begun to experience myself with Larry. Another sad difference daddy and I had, I didn’t inherit his natural musician gene, I always was disappointed about that fact, but I do love all kinds of music.
I also picked up another trait from my mom’s family that I didn’t need; I could gain weight easily. I hated that trait so much. I wanted to be like my daddy, period! I was so conscious about my changing weight and wondered if my daddy hated how I could become chubby at times. He was on the thinner side, never spent time in a gym to gain muscle. He spent all of his growing up time playing and practicing his music. If he didn’t like that I could gain and lose weight, I never knew about it, I think he was smart enough to know that this was something I inherited, not something I chose to do.
Everyone I knew, grew up in Italian families, we ate good food; it’s too bad that I usually ended up wearing most of it. Daddy must have been like Larry; they could eat and eat, and nothing ever sticks to their bellies. I became addicted to dieting; I think I tried them all over the years. Some worked for a while until they didn’t. We’ve talked about my current weight a lot, so you know how happy I am now. But I did study my face in the mirror recently while shaving parts of my beard. My face looks really drawn now; I think I’ve lost too much weight. I don’t look like me right now. Maybe Larry is right, I shouldn’t try to be skinny, whoops, I mean too thin. I know my recent losses have to do with the meds I took, my appetite went out the window. However, Larry scares me, he loves thick chubby guys, and that’s so easy for me to become. I want to wear my thin clothes for a while longer. At least I know that no matter what I end up looking like, I have the love of my life supporting me all the way. That’s comforting to know.
Larry made fun of my closet when he moved in with me several months ago. I keep all my clothes because I never know what size I’m going to end up being at times. Now that I’m the thinnest I’ve been in years, I’m glad I kept my 'wish-sized' clothes too. And now I share my clothes with him, that’s so much fun seeing my clothes finally look good on someone with an awesome body. I’ll never make my clothes look as good as he makes them look. You’ve seen his real body in my red shirt, you tell me how hot he makes clothes look. I have gifted that red shirt to him now, I never want to see me in that shirt ever again. If you only knew how old that shirt is, it’s that fucking old. I don’t remember when I was that thin any longer, but I kept it, just in case. As you know from reading about him and the shirt, he’ll only wear it in the house for me. He thinks it makes him look like a hustler. He can hustle my ass anytime he wishes! 🤪 And he doesn’t need to wear the shirt or anything else too!
So here I am, still looking at my buddy, the love of my life who’s finally kicked off all his covers and truly enhanced my delightful view. He’s almost awake now, you may ask how I know this. You might try noticing his growing morning wood; I know someone who’ll be needing a pee real soon and I better not be in his way.
Larry finally woke up and looked over at me, maybe to see if I was still here in bed. Or maybe like me, wondering if it’s only a wonderful dream. I greeted him first, “Good morning babe, sleep well?” I received his romantic response, “gotta pee really bad!” Oh, has the honeymoon finally hit the horizon? I didn’t even get to kiss the horse! (Am I getting so old that only I know what that refers to? I hope not.) I told him to come back to bed with me instead of heading to the kitchen to make the coffee. I’ve been thinking about putting a smart plug in the kitchen to get the coffee made via Alexa request. I might just do that, too or I could buy a coffeemaker with a built-in time clock too, I guess.
Not only did my pee-free buddy get back into bed, he climbed on top of me watching out for my knee of course. He was sitting back on his folded legs, straddling my legs, and his ‘Mister Happy’ was already pointing at me on it’s way up to his belly soon enough. I’ve been off the Norco for a while now, just the Tylenol and I am starting to remember what my dick is used for beyond peeing. I’m trying to lighten up my own bad feelings because I fucked up recently and really hurt my leg, knee whatever. I was back on the dick shrinking Norco for a while and feeling worse for Larry than myself. That poor guy has needs too but I was not able to perform good enough. So, I want him to know that I’m feeling ready to get back to loving him the way he deserves. Somehow my rogue right hand found it’s way to play with his “softish boner.” (Haha, I read what he wrote recently about that term, and we are going to talk about that 3-dick picture he made about me too! It was funny though.) Anyway, so he got the idea that I wanted to play that morning, I guess so because he was already playing with my dick with both of his hands and seemed determined to get me super rock hard sooner than later.
Starting with a nubbin works for Larry, too! |
I know how much he enjoys connecting with me through sex, I’ve been on the receiving end a few times lately. I really don’t know which one of us loves getting fucked more, I think we are equal on that. I also think we rewrote the textbook on versatile love making between us. I asked him if he’d like to ride my dick sitting in bed. I wanted to be in him for so long now. But I have some limitations when it come to using my knees for now. Larry did get me hard but needed to get ready for sex that way. He handed back my dick to me and said, “Play with it but don’t you dare come yet, just keep it hard; did I think I could do that?” To tell the truth, I had no idea what I was capable of doing. I’ll be more disappointed in me if I lose my boner or came before he’s back. Oh, he’s getting good at getting ready fast, he was back to his former position straddling my legs lining himself up with my dick. I’m glad we keep a bottle of lube on both night side tables, too.
He said play with his ass! |
Back twenty-one months ago when we started having sex with each other, there were times when three or four weeks got in the way of the fun. It was like that again the morning I’m writing about. Since we’ve been living together, sans the knee replacement recovery time, we have some sex activity at least once a day. I figured you might already know that though. So, the gap had an affect on me. Is it too hard to see why we love living together. I know Larry can’t believe I lived without sex for so long. Now I can’t believe it as well. As far as I’m concerned it was the wrong kind of sex, I obviously needed what I’m getting now.
Larry tried hard to keep us connected as long we could this morning. We both needed this so much, screw everything else we might have planned for the day. I know one thing I want really bad, back into my shower room with him again. Larry was so cautious with me in there with him the other morning. I’m happy he feels that way about me, I don’t want to screw up, fall whatever, in the shower and start hurting again. I’m completely giving him permission to watch over me, it’s in both our interests.
When he rolled over off of me, I turned to snuggle up with him and I whispered in his ear that I wanted him to fuck me while we are in the shower room. Man did that light him up. He asked if I thought I could do it in there. Oh yeah, for sure I could. I like to face him when we have sex, and we just did. This time I’ll be facing the wall and he’ll enter me from behind. I like that too, no problem. I was feeling the horniest I’ve been in a long time that morning and the idea of feeling him entering me was exciting, I didn’t get hard again, but my dick had a workout already.
He wanted me to take my hospital walker into the shower room, but I asked him if I could just put my arm around him and walk instead. He said, “Do you think you can?” I thought he’d push for the walker, but he said to stay put in bed while he carried the walker into the shower for me. When he came back, he said to put my arm around his back and then he did the same with me. Could I love him any more than I do? He asked me if I’d like to prepare myself for him, yeah, I want this to be perfect, so I got ready for him.
We had the most perfect shower time together washing and shampooing each other slow and sensually. It’s everything I’ve been waiting for since the surgery. I wonder if we ever were as horned as we were that day. I bet Larry never expected hot sex when he woke up that morning, I had a good idea though.
I just had to lean on the wall |
At one point in our sudsing, Larry knew it was time and he put his arm around my back and guided me over to the tiled wall area with the built-in bench. Maybe it was more like power-walked me over, either way I got there safely, and in his powerful arms. He asked me if I thought I could just put my arms on the wall for support for him. Sure, I could, I can stand okay. He set my legs just like he wanted, and he actually got down and, on his knees, and began to rim me instead of using his fingers as I figured he would. Could this day get any better, you bet it will. One thing that didn’t change between us since my surgery, his ability to get boners. And that morning he must have called up an additional 5 ounces of blood to overfill his already good-sized boner, I swear! I was so ready to feel him enter me, I think I was ready for a little pain anything to remind me of what I’ve been missing. As he entered me, I think I gave out a little exhausted air sound, or maybe it was more of a, “Whoa!” it did make him stop for a bit. I told him, “No, don’t stop, keep pushing, it’s okay.” I wanted to lighten it up a bit for him by asking if he was pushing a baseball bat up my ass. He laughed and said he’d stop once more. I repeated myself and said no to please continue, I’ll loosen up soon enough. Which of course I did, and he was able to relax that he wasn’t hurting me. I still think he was trying to get a bat up my ass though. I bet I made him proud of his boner that day, I know I’d be.
Rain shower a favorite spot |
As we moved under the ceiling rain shower, Larry said that he wanted me to use him as the rock to lean on if I needed, even if I didn’t need too as well. I usually ended up under the rain shower to be free of soap and shampoo. However, now that we use it together, it makes me imagine we are out under the open skies getting caught in a warm tropical rain shower. There’s no hurry to shelter, we’re naked and our bodies couldn’t be more in tune with nature.
He said plank it down and wait |
When we carefully walked over to the dressing area, he said to just plank it down on the bench and he’ll go shut off the faucets, and don’t move! I told him I will have difficulty getting off the bench since it’s lower than my knees. He gave me such a look, he didn’t need further words, and then turned around and left for the shower area. He did say over his shoulder, “Don’t fucking move!” Yes sir, you bet your ass sir, I will not be needing a Norco over this, you bet! I thought all of that, while admiring my man for caring so fucking much about me. I’m not used to this behavior from anyone, and now I’m showered with it. Just fucking amazing.
Drying with particular attention to detail! |
I watched him dry himself, barely needed since he was mostly drip-dried already. However, it was showtime and he was on stage for me. Clownish Larry was alive and kicking and I was delighted with his performance. Perhaps you remember from a chapter I wrote, I think it was a birthday chapter if I’m not mistaken. I tried to make my almost a boner dick spin around in a helicopter move and failed miserably. Guess who got his to do that for me! Oh, I am going to practice that a lot more now, if he can do it, you bet your ass I have it in me too. I laughed so hard I almost cried. I figured if I ever had a long dick, I’d do that for kicks in front of my mate. I gave up too soon, I guess.
Well, once again I was power-lifted off my ass and guided arm-in-arm back into the bedroom. At the bedside I received a request, “Could we spend a little more time in bed?” Did he think I was going to say, no, we need to do stuff; maybe if I was Lisa or Ellen though. Fuck yeah, we can spend more time in bed! Even though he didn’t need to help me in bed, he did anyway. I’m sure I know where all this help is coming from, we finally had a day that was nothing like the past few weeks since my surgery.
He hopped into bed from my side, ‘Mr. Athletic’ was a happy show off now. He snuggled up close to me and started running his fingers through my chest hair ending up at my right nipple, which by the way, didn’t take much tweaking to get get rock hard. It must have been what he wanted to feel because his mouth was on it immediately. He knows how much that drives my dick flagpole straight; it might have been a test drive for him. No problem, my ‘Mr. Happy’ was in-tune with him that morning. Once he removed his mouth from, I believe now is a much larger nipple than my other one, just saying, I don’t know for sure. He asked me if I liked running my hands over his furry body. “Yeah, I do, of course, I’ve wanted to do that for years!” To which he said, “Then why the fuck aren’t you!” Whoops, oh no caught being mesmerized by his attention to parts of my body. I fixed it right away, remember, we fix each other!
We needed the time together without pressure to perform at this point; our dicks will be writing thank you cards to us later today. But just recognizing the need to be in the company of each other like this was the most important next thing we needed. The love in the air was most the palatable we’ve experienced to date. We looked directly into each other’s eyes often while laying there, no words were spoken, we never needed them. The communication was an incredible testament to our love for each other. We’ve talked through our eyes often in our long relationship, I’m sure even before we introduced our dicks to each other as well. That might sound crude, but there was a reason why we survived a several years of a sexless friendship; our bond was incredibly strong, and perhaps a bit too conservative for my taste. Haha!
Larry made the Java run |
I could have stayed in bed all day with him, we almost did. We drank our coffee and then some more, and finally he observed my exercises. Not that he doesn’t trust me for overdoing it, he doesn’t right now and I don’t blame him; but to make sure we don’t have to wait several weeks for ‘Mr. Happy’ to get hard again. Oh, you can trust me after today, I might flush down those fucking pain pills. (I know, you don’t have to tell me, don’t flush medicine down the toilet. Bring it back to the hospital for them to dispose of it properly. I was speaking only metaphorically as a horny-ass dude.)
After a morning we haven’t had in weeks, it was time to migrate to the kitchen, no question we both need to refuel ourselves after that session this morning. My buddy insisted that I did enough this morning including my exercises. Just plank it down and he’ll whip up some breakfast for us. Am I spoiled rotten, yes, yes, I am. Do I hate it, no, no, I don’t! Do I feel guilty? 🤔 I should be, but I don’t think so. I really think I’d do exactly the same for him in a heartbeat. Every move he makes, everything he does, makes me fall deeper in love with him. Even when he’s bossed me around during my recovery, it makes me feel safe and secured I’ll get through this period more than okay with him at my side.
Larry told me that he knew one day he could repay me for being there with him years ago when he fought for his life in the hospital. That he knew there was a reason to fight hard to get better now. Little did we both know just how important that was going to be for us today.
There’s been something gnawing at my belly since early December, it was Larry’s 54th birthday and I couldn’t do anything I wanted for him. It’s been a couple of months now since my surgery and on the whole I’m on track in my healing. I get to use the shower again, but I’m still not allowed to drive yet. I’m sure that will change as soon as I get my next appointment with my surgeon, I just know it will happen. Better happen! But none of that bothers me as much as not giving him a birthday to remember. I’ll never forget wanting to be old horny Marcus for him, and I was a lot hornier in my head than my dick though. Trust me I’m not used to seeing my dick just laying there, especially now that I have a perfectly clear view of it refusing to get hard! I could give it a good pull and it would just snap back out of spite; I just know it! It’s teaching me a lesson for taking drugs for pain! My perfect lover never let me know if it was a disappointment for him, I only hoped he took care of himself when it got bad for him. I don’t know why I wasn’t pushed to perform more, but that would have seemed selfish for him to push for it I’m sure. I’m a little more concerned that we slacked off on letting each other know what was going on in our heads at the time too. It’s done, it’s in the recent past now, I won’t do that again.
While I was planked down on my ass in the kitchen, Larry asked what I’d like to eat, I suggested French Toast, I figured something easy to make. He thought it was a good idea and decided to make it stuffed with cream cheese and strawberry preserves this time. That was a real treat, so I had to ask him if he ever made that before. The answer was no, never would have thought about it. I wondered aloud, why then now. Because he wanted to keep me happy and always wondering what’s coming next for us. What a great answer, life will not get stale for us as long as we try to keep it fresh. And one more thing, this morning was a surprise for him, and he was still on a flying cloud I’m sure, I know I am.
While eating our delicious breakfast, maybe more like brunch at that time of the morning, I told him how much I loved him and how bad I felt about his birthday being mostly ignored. True to form, he just passed it off as no big deal anyway, he’s not a kid. That still didn’t help, I was looking forward to making up for not taking him to Cabo San Lucas on a deep-sea fishing trip last year. That’s still in my head. We did go to Sausalito near San Francisco for a couple of days and he ate it up! I did too, but consider we still hadn’t experienced living together yet, just some get-a-ways, it was truly a wonderful time for us.
Larry told me that it’s not necessary to wow him with locations, that he’s wowed just living with me and getting to snuggle up to sleep with me and have awesome sex like this morning. But he thanked me for trying to impress him. He also said my dick impressed him all over again that morning. Yes, he’s not alone there, I’ve missed that part of my life since the surgery as much as him. And I’d try not to get back on the Norco again. That got him up out of his chair to plant a kiss on my lips and then the admonition, you fucking better not! And he laughed letting me he knows why I might need the help. I also know that his down hill spiral into heavy drugs came from an addiction to pain pills first. He knows and worries for me.
I’m still hung up on his birthday, it’s not going to be dismissed summarily. I’m going to do something but think no, it’s not going to be just to please me, he has to be on board as well. I told him that and I think he understands where I’m coming from. We need to discuss what we can do away from home when it’s safe and to not think it’s just about his birthday, let’s make it about our birthdays together. I know there’s six months to go yet, but this fucking pandemic has no end in sight, and who know when it will be safe to travel again. We have the time yet.
I’ve often had moments in bed when my leg was elevated to reduce the edema and I thought about the two of us getting away from this big empty place of mine. A trip for a week or two would be okay, but what if we owned a place just for us to escape to whenever we wished; maybe the weekend when we are back to work again. We’ve talked about this before, but life and COVID just got in the way. We talked about owning something together, maybe a houseboat, a floating home, or a lake cabin, even a bigger river cruiser with more below deck living space. I’d like any of them and I’m sure we could get together on this if we really want to do that. So, I bring it up again. But this time I focused on what he seemed to like best last when we were in Sausalito for his birthday, living in a floating house idea.
Between the two of us owning a second place is not just a fantasy, we really can afford something, just how big should it be. Perhaps a smaller getaway place with one bedroom for us, or something more, let’s say livable instead. I saw his eyes light up with two sapphire blue beams of light, now I’m talking his language. He said, “Are you really on board with that this year? I felt last year you were kinda on the fence about that.” I told him I’m up for any of the things I mentioned. We need to own something together, our place period. And then I don’t know why I said it, would that be a good common present for our birthdays. He responded with, “Fuck just birthdays, it’s gonna be for just us.” “So, we are agreed, we will own something together, and we can start discussing what it will be.” Larry came back with, I put my vote to a floating home in Sausalito, I’ve never forgotten that place. And not tiny one too, I think we should have space to stretch out if we want to.” I told him, “Then it’s decided, we go looking for a floating home together, and as partners, too.” Once again, he gave me the answer, I’d only wish to hear from him, “Absolutely as a couple, partners for life.” At which point I couldn’t hold back my emotions any longer. Larry told me not to cry because he’ll lose it too. So, my dear friends, that’s where we are headed now.
I had one more topic for us that morning, it’s one that has been heavy on my mind lately. Since late October when I had my knee replaced and found myself stuck in a hospital for days away from him, I knew this day and subject was coming up. I asked Larry to hear me out before giving me his opinions. He agreed not knowing where I was going anyway. I’ll try not to drag this out any longer than necessary for you because we talked for a very long time after breakfast.
Well, the easy part was telling him how much he means to me, and how much I love him. You know all that already. But I felt it was important to tell him again. Perhaps I should have told both of my wives how much they meant to me; I don’t remember if I ever did. That’s one mistake I won’t make with Larry. So, moving on, my discussion with Larry was one I’d never expect to make before living together this year. I told him the reason why my first marriage ended, it was about money. I was a high school art teacher that made peanuts in salary and couldn’t afford to make ends meet with a wife at home raising two kids. She needed to work as well. That wasn’t our plan at marriage, we wanted our kids to have a stay-at-home mom, at least until they were older and could care for themselves after school for a couple of hours until someone came home from work. I was back in college again working on advanced degrees to raise my salary, it just made everything worse. The fighting, the hurtful words, the lack of a sexual relationship all ended when the marriage ended.
I had some years to figure it all out, earned all of my college degrees and started working in a whole new field. I missed teaching, it defined me. Now money and power defined me, a new marriage, and new goals. One, no new children, just move up the corporate ladder as fast as we both could, never wonder where we were going find the money to pay the rent, or juggle who gets paid this month. This was one thing Lisa and I both brought to our marriage, no more money fears. We assured ourselves that we were on the same page, money and position was more important than anything, even sex. There I said it out loud, I knew what I was getting into right from the start. Larry was listening but not interrupting, he’ll have something to say soon enough.
We talked a long time, mostly me because I knew I had something to say and I finally had a partner who is interested to know everything about me. I continued until I got to the current situation we are living under together. He knows and I have written about it too. I have reached a position at work I am more than qualified to handle. It has earned me more than a comfortable living and rewarded me with enough stock options to secure my future extremely well. I earned this by giving up a life most guys have, a sexual partner, and when they went home the job stayed at work, (mine never left the house), plus the freedom to flip off the boss behind his or her back. I now have an offer to give up what I know how to do well, for a position I had no plans for. The plan I had was going to live on a deserted island and live off the land. Probably as a hermit since that’s what I almost turned into anyway.
Will be us one day |
So, I told him, I’m thinking about retiring. And we don’t need this enormous home to live in together. Most of the house is behind closed doors anyway and entertaining is over for who knows how long. I’ll miss my pool and the big shower room now that we share it together. I told him most of the time before he got here, I used my office shower. It made more sense; my clothes were close by and it was easier to clean. Larry finally had the floor and asked me where all this was coming from. He thought I was happy here with him. I told I am, I’m ecstatic over him being here with me. But if I take the job, I’m not going to be working from home anymore, I’m at the office all the time. Late hours, missed dinners, and hours away from him every day was not on my agenda. Moreover, I’d like for him to retire with me as well.
I got a, “WOW, I didn’t see that one coming.” Larry we both have done well at work, I don’t know or care to know your finances, but I’m betting we could live a wonderful life together and not worry about money. If there is a problem, I’m willing to fund our life together and sweetheart, I want to marry you one day.
Larry got up and told me to get up too. He moved over to where I was and gave me the best bear hug ever, he almost lifted me off the fucking floor. We ended up kissing for a very long time, and when the lip-lock had ended, he spoke five wonderful words to me, “Fuck Yeah! I’ll marry you!” But he did want to talk about living here and next door to our wives. We can’t just ignore them or living close to them until we resolve where the marriages end up. He was right, there is a lot to resolve yet, but I planted the seed, let’s see what comes from it. We know where we stand on marriage now. We’re engaged, and it’s for real. Best Christmas present ever!
Okay gentlemen, I am done for now. I’ll speak for Larry and myself and wish that you all have a safe and kind holiday with those you love. If you still want to see our journal exist next year let us know.
Love to all, 💖
Our journal continues with Larry’s 13th Chapter:
First, its good to hear from you again! I'm glad you are up and about even if slowly. Congrats on the engagement and I know how much work you have to do because I've been there. While I wasn't in a true relationship when my marriage ended, I did have to divorce and do all the emotional, financial and legal work that came with it so just know you have friends here if you need them. Luckily my X wife and I are great friends and are still there for each other. I think you guys will have the same situation or even better because of your openness with them. Good luck my friends and Happy New Year!!
ReplyDeleteHi Billy! Thanks for writing and your support. You’re background as you’ve talked about is well suited for us, especially now that we are talking about making big changes in our lives.
DeleteI’m not as worried about my relationship with Lisa as much as I’m concerned about Larry and Ellen. I hope I’m wrong in my thinking there will be troubled waters for him. I just hope that we all can remain as friends since we seem to be comfortable that way right now.
Perhaps if we keep from selling my house and just buy a place to get away will make it easier for him. I’m thinking what if the wives hit a sour note in their relationship and Ellen forces Lisa out, or vice versa. My house gone to someone else could be a problem for them.
Ain’t life a kick in the ass sometimes! Well, please let us return the offer on a Great New Years! We can all hope for that!
Thanks buddy,
Hey there Markie,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I got to say that you made me cry all over my keyboard! You damn rascal! I'm so happy for both of you! Congratulations! I wish you all the happiness in the world. I love you two too much, you know that.
This chapter just made my day, I gotta tell ya! And I really missed your chapters, nothing wrong with Larry's, but I just love to read your story from both sides of it!
I just wanted to leave here my support and love for you, guys.
Gotta get back to work!
Love you both,
João from Portugal
Hi João!
DeleteThank you for commenting on my posting. It’s great to know what you guys think about what I write. I guess I still have it in me to stir up real emotions, even after a long recovery from surgery. At least I know there are guys like us who can get a little bleary-eyed at times.
Thank you for liking Larry’s posts as much as mine. He’s getting really good at this, I never thought he’d want to be a part of the writing. Thanks to you guys for embracing him like you have. Now we all get to hear from the other side too.
Love you João, and I have to let our guys know you are expecting your second child and this time it’s a BOY! That’s so fucking awesome! He’s going to have a great daddy to grow up with!
Hey Sweetbabes! That was some posting this time. You had me all over the place, big smiles and watery eyes so bad I couldn’t read it for a while. You make me sound so good, IDK, am I that good? Ha hah, around you I am!
ReplyDeleteYou already know what I had to say about the chapter, but I thought I should write something since you don’t get enough comments. I don’t know where to start, maybe the easy stuff first. The pictures you used, I liked really! Even the ones about me too. I liked the Java run picture, sometimes I wonder if you aren’t sneaking pictures of me and then work them into the blog. But if I look as good as the coffee picture makes me look, good for me. Sometimes I wonder since you use real shots of the house too. I think the guy you picked for you with the towel was kinda spot on for you. You are getting really brave now. Maybe you are loving you’re thinner self, huh?
I never heard you tell me stories about your daddy and his band mates before this time. I think I cried more over this than anything else. You really loved your daddy so much, I could tell that. I’m so sorry for your loss. I also, I think I know why you like seeing me all naked and furry now. I never even thought about how your daddy might have looked. If anything, it would have been what you look like I guess. You know that you’ve made me comfortable with you, I never think about being embarrassed with you over what I hated about my body. Now I know and I’m so proud of being the guy you wanted to be yourself. I better stop writing this because I’m getting all bleary-eyed again.
We’ve been getting back to normal around here lately, so I’m sorry I haven’t posted sooner. But as you know, I’m writing another post and I hope to finish it soon. You gave me so much to think and write about in your post. I hope you and the guys will like it. I know some guys told me to stop worrying about being liked, but it’s hard not caring. I like being loved! Ha hah! 🤣
Love you buddy!
Hey there, guys! I have been busy and distracted by things through the holidays and this unending election season, which will FINALLY formally be over tomorrow! Well, "today," by the time I finish posting this. Really really glad to see you continuing to post. I'm just a little too invested in this story not to want to see the next chapters! I thought I was supposed to get notifications of new posts. Guess not. I'll just have to make sure I check in more often!
ReplyDeleteMay Covid be kind to you both, and I wish you a happy new year and happy new knees! And, you know, happy engagement too. Bravo!
Chip (bearfuz)
Hi Chip! Nice to hear from you my friend!
DeleteI checked our list of subscribers and didn’t see you there. Maybe an email change could have done that, I’m not sure, but you can always subscribe again. It won’t let you have two subscriptions so that’s one way to see what’s going on.
We are happy to see the end of so much going on that we don’t control. Now to lick COVID next. I’m glad you are invested with us, we can use all the support we can muster. Larry just posted his chapter the other day, he’s fun to read. A straight shooter and committed to the truth. Well at least so far. I hope you get to read his chapters too.
Love you buddy!