Ch. 25 Backstory

Here’s the Backstory I promised at the end of the Ch. 25 Journal Posting.

One of the amazing side effects of writing this journal is the reach it has made into the world. I assume Larry and my blossoming love story has reached into your hearts too. At least I hope our story of finding love where you least expect it, has become interesting to continue reading.

Know, one thing for sure, what you are reading is a real journal that I try to write in every day, although, sometimes it takes more than a day or two to finish the story and post for you to read. And, of course find appropriate pictures to illustrate the event in the posting. (I still must work, and I am married living a straight life, as does Larry. Also, I write in two journals, one just to keep me abreast of what happened today, or who was in a meeting, boring shit to read, even I don’t read it unless I must recall something.)

A few weeks ago, I got curious enough to look at the Stats portion of Blogger, the program I use to reach you with our story. It blew my fucking mind when I saw how many pages were being read, and every week since the number of pages read are even larger. And then, I noticed I could see all the Operating Systems and Browsers being used and whether phones or PCs or iPads are used. That was kind of fascinating, but the number of different Nations that I’ve reached is mind blowing. I’m going to list them for you below. As of May 9th, 2019, you live in 41 different Countries and one unknown Country. I had no fucking idea of how this Blog was growing. I am humbled to know this, and I am grateful for your readership too!

There’s only one unique situation I’m facing, there’s no one I can show or brag about this to, except you! Not my wife, not Larry’s wife, no one I know, because we are not out to our friends and family, only to you my dear readers! Not even Larry, he only saw the drafts of my short story, he doesn’t know that I kept writing about us or published the short story as the Prologue and Chapter One. 
I love you guys, I don’t know who you are except for the few who have written me about our story, I encourage you to write with your stories, we are greenhorns right now, and have lots to learn yet!

I’ve been adding countries alphabetically as I discover them reading my blog, and here’s my list as of today:

The Countries You My Readers Come From, Give Yourself a Hand! 
This is How I Find Out What Country You Come From
This is How I Know What Chapters Are Being Read By You


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