Ch. 9 Finding My Balls Again, Back Story

Here’s an alert I never thought I had to tell you, I don’t know why Chapter 9 doesn’t show up any longer! You can find it with the Search Magnifier Icon or find it under the March Archive by clicking the small icon with three horizontal lines near the title. I’m sorry about this, I’ve got a request out to Blogger for an answer.

Anyway, my Back Story for Chapter 9 follows:
Larry has been avoiding me for some time now and I’ve become paranoid about it. I’ve thought just about everything under the sun that could be the reason, he’s just not communicating with me. I’m thinking maybe his wife and he got into it over the getaway weekend we had? I don’t know, but I care very much, and need to know.

I get the answers I’m looking for in the chapter and my Bro Larry has a present for me too. I have now become emotionally attached to him, and hate anything that keeps us apart. This is where I get so fucken scared that I could blow my straight cover without realizing it. In the past, sometimes a month would get in between our coffee dates. Well, that’s the way it goes, back then. Now, I can’t stand not seeing him all the time! That’s hard to hide. And, I want to touch him, and most of the times I do, ouch, this could come back and bite me hard, may even lose him! Damn, I don’t like these feelings now!

Spoiler alert: I really fucken love Larry’s present for me, I can’t wait to play with it soon!

Anyway, I hope you find chapter 9 without to much searching!

Marcus, Out for now!


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