Hi guys, like I said in the last posting, it’s gonna be me one more time. I hope you don’t mind.
First of all, don’t be too concerned about Marcus that much, he’s gonna be okay or else! Maybe he’s got that “writer’s block” thing I’ve heard about. Hasn’t happened to me yet. Actually, I think he kinda burned himself out writing so much, now he wants to make some paintings for a while. I figure at his age he should have a few more chapters left in him yet, hahah. Wait until the weather gets really nice and we are back out in the pool all the time, I’ll give him some really good stuff to write about for sure! Maybe he’s tired of trying to hide writing stuff for the blog when Pops is around asking what’s he writing about. I got asked by Pops myself, I said I was practicing my writing and maybe he should be doing the same thing too and I got away with it! I wasn’t being a smartass though because I laughed saying it. Anyway, it’s not a lie at all, every time I write something it’s just practicing getting better for you guys. (See that’s where you tell me I’m doing a great job writing, hahah! Kinda needy for a guy my age, huh.)
Anyhow, just to let you know that I plan on writing about my good friend Joe, you know our pool man. I gotta tell ya, this one is not gonna be easy to do. I have all these notes I put into my iPhone and now I’m trying to make it a chapter. I think I need a lot more practice yet. (I’m writing this part after I finished writing the chapter to get some sympathy from you guys, I was right about not being easy, this one was fucking hard to write. Well, it is what it is, and I kinda like how it came out. At least I got a lot of practice deleting and rewriting everything more than once!)
I gotta warn you up front, there may be some stuff in here that I wrote about before, IDK for sure, just swear a little if it pisses you off, and then get back to reading, cause there’s some good new stuff in here too. Anyhow, if you’ve been reading our stuff, Joe’s been talked about a lot, kinda an insult to him to call him just the “pool man” because he’s a lot more than that now. You know I’m the new guy here, Joe has been working here for years, I think before we moved in next door, that’s about a dozen years ago. Marc says he’s watched Joe grow up from a young dude hungry to build his business to something very successful and Marcus had a big hand in helping him too.
BTW, Marc knows what I’m writing about this time, I asked him if he had a problem with me doing that before I even told you guys in my last chapter. I like Joe like a brother that I never had, and he treats me the same way. I’m not gonna screw up anything between the three of us, at least that’s my plan. Don’t think that he could replace my Sweetbabes, Marc will always be my best friend in the world. I gotta lot of you guys up there right under Marc. No wait a minute, the only one that can be under him is me! (It’s a good thing I go back and reread what I wrote before I post this stuff!)
If you don’t know by now, Joe is here every Tuesday morning to do the pool cleaning, but now he spends time with us in the kitchen having coffee with us. He usually brings some donuts or muffins with him. He even asked Pops what kind of donuts he likes, he didn’t havta do that, but that’s our Joe. I mean the dude couldn’t be nicer. Pops told him that he likes everything he’s brought here, and the donuts are really great and wanted to know where he bought them. I don’t know why I never asked him that, because they are good, but not really on Marc’s diet. (Or mine or Pops for that matter.) Anyway, Joe said there’s this place in Citrus Heights, (a city close to us), called the Donut King, they make the best donuts and are open 24 hours too. Well, he was right about that, I guess the next time we are in that city we should buy some ourselves. Anyhow, I think it is very nice that he thinks about bringing stuff with him, I guess he must have felt like he owed it to us, but that’s not true, we are happy to share what we have with him.
I need to tell the new readers to our blog more about him and how he got to be our pool guy. Oh ya, that’s another thing, Joe knows Marcus as Al and his real last name too. Joe said it took a long time before he could call him by his first name, he always used his last name instead because he thought it was good business to do that.
Just so you don’t get confused too much, Joe knows that we call ourselves by different names now. He seems to be okay with that. He first got to know me as Larry, but now knows it’s a name that Al gave me. I’m not saying that he understands exactly why the change, but he’s cool with calling me Larry and he’s trying hard to remember not to call Marcus, Al anymore. In case you missed it, Pops is now using Marcus and Larry more easily than before, he’s trying hard too. I should get a pat on the back trying to remember when I should write Al or Marcus and Mark or Larry myself. I mean that too, hahah.
Anyway, back to Joe. He’s been with Marcus for over a dozen years now and all his business is here in our community. That wasn’t always that way though, Al was Joe’s first client in Granite Bay. Marcus told me that someone in his office recommended Joe as someone who knew his stuff; that was years ago. Joe told me that he asked Marcus if he would recommend him to others if he liked how he made the pool look and feel. I guess Marc did exactly that because Joe is in our area every day of the week now. He gets a wave-through the guard gate, that kinda makes good sense to me.
Joe changed his route day for a couple of his clients so he could spend Tuesday morning with us until around lunchtime. We asked him if he’d like to do that, it wasn’t him trying to horn in on our lives here. He’s got Pops wondering where’s Joe if he’s a little late getting here sometimes. Turns out it’s because he was buying donuts or muffins and got caught in traffic. That ought to tell you how much he likes being here with us, that means for me too!
Joe is younger than us, but not that much. He looks kinda young to me, maybe if he grew a long beard, he’d look older, I guess. I remember one day he asked me to guess his age, IDK, I just thought younger but not how much. I told him, maybe over 30 but not much over. He laughed and said that the age of his two girls would have made him a teenaged dad and he wasn’t. He told me he was over 40 years old, and I about choked. Really?! He told me that he knew my age because Marc told him, but if I didn’t have my beard maybe I’d look much younger myself. I laughed, but it made me think, how old do I look anyway! I’ve always thought that the painting Marc made of us together that we use in the blog makes me look younger than I think I look. Hey, I might as well enjoy it while I can huh. And I ain’t shaving my beard off too! I’d be shaving twice a day otherwise. When I first met Al a long time ago, I had a much longer beard; I just let it grow until Ellen started getting on my case about it. I’m not gonna tell you what she said it made me look like, you can probably figure that one out for yourself, hahah. Anyhow, after seeing how Al looked in a trimmed beard, I kinda wanted to make mine look like his. I did work on trimming it between the couple of weeks between us going out for coffee. I couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say about it. He didn’t say much, kinda disappointed me a bit, but at least Ellen stopped the bellyaching over the length of my beard. Al finally said that he liked me with a trimmed beard, just so you know that.
Once Joe asked me, “What’s it like being with a guy?” I might not be as smart as Marcus, but I kinda knew that was gonna come from him sooner or later. Anyhow, since I figured it was coming, I thought about what I might say to him without stalling. I assumed he meant sex not just living as roommates, but then I wondered if that’s only what he meant. I asked him if it was the sex he was thinking about, and it was. I told him, “Ya I think I can talk about that with you, but maybe I need to work up to that first.” I started by telling him that it didn’t happen overnight; it took years and being far away from our homes too. Maybe it’s time that he knows more than either of us ever admitted to him before. Anyhow, it musta took big balls to ask me what it’s like being with a guy in the first place, right?
I told him about the attraction I had for him, and I didn’t know how to handle it. Joe jumped in and said he knew exactly what I meant by that, and that kinda worried me a bit. Hey, we are grown-ass men we can figure this out one way or another. I didn’t tell him everything because I don’t remember everything anymore, it’s old shit and who cares anyway. But he was interested in how I handled my attraction to him and if I ever got to tell him. I told him that mostly I didn’t say anything about it until way later on, like years later. Joe couldn’t understand that at all. You know what, I can’t understand it myself. Fear of rejection I think, anyhow, that’s what I told him.
Joe asked me how I handled that, was it difficult, and what about my wife, did she know anything at all. I was as honest as I could be and told him I sure as fuck hoped she didn’t suspect anything because I didn’t understand any of it myself; how could I explain that to her. Joe wondered if Al ever gave me any idea that he might have been interested in me, considering the way it turned out. I said, “Nope, nothing ever and it made it even more difficult for me.” Joe still had more questions in him and kept going, like wanting to know how long not telling each other went on. I was almost embarrassed to tell him, but you know, I couldn’t ignore that it happened, so I told him. All Joe did was shake his head like he couldn’t believe it, I know the look, I’ve seen it before. I can’t blame him or anyone for reacting that way, but we were such fucking cowards, afraid of losing our friendship, that was all. I think Joe understood though.
What I’m gonna write about might make Joe sound like some kind of perv, don’t think that because he’s not. It’s just that we both feel comfortable asking questions that are hard to ask. I don’t think that I could have asked Al when we first got to be best friends what I’ve been able to ask Joe. Well, I sure ain’t Mark anymore, maybe that’s why. There are times when I sit and think about the old me, and I get the chills; I could never say or do the shit I can say or do now. You guys that have been with us for a long time probably know what I mean too.
There was this time, not that long ago, that I was in the pool with Joe alone, and he got around to asking me if I ever got an erection just thinking about Al back when we first met. Wow, he went there. Obviously, Joe and me were good enough friends by the time he asked me that one. Like we are both naked in the pool together, those kinda friends so it was easy to tell him, why lie about it. I told him that I didn’t think so at first, but usually when I was back home alone, yeah sometimes. Oh I know he’s up to something, just gonna need to see where he was going. Then he asked me if it made my time alone with my wife hotter. I’m getting a picture that I don’t know if I can handle, but I’m game for now and told him that usually my wife is at work downtown when I had my coffee time with Al. And then I just told him that, “I usually couldn’t wait until she was back home, and I’d take care of the problem by myself. And then I told him that my fantasies about Al and me were getting hotter all the time. Joe just gave me one of those big smiles that says he’s been there too. I figured I’m laying out the horny stuff to him, it’s his turn now so I just came out and asked him if he had times like that too. This time Joe laughed out loud hard and said, “If you only knew.” Ya, I’m kinda getting the idea I know more than he thinks I do.
All the old days talk wasn’t what he wanted to hear about I’m sure because he asked straight out when we changed and how did it happen. Fuck, I’d want to know myself if I was him. Anyhow, he knows all about us now, but he told me about what he thought about us after I moved in here with Al. I told him I’d like to know what he thought since he never told me. Joe said that he was good with me working here with Al because maybe I didn’t have a good set up to work from home during the COVID thing. Well, he got that part right! He didn’t always see me anyway and when he did it was work time. He didn’t know anything else until I let him know I was staying here all the time instead of going home to be with my wife.
Joe asked me if it was alright to ask why the wives wanted to stay next door and we stayed here in this house. Why not tell him I guess, like it’s a big secret or something. I figured maybe I could tell him some of the stuff about how we got to be like we are now. I didn’t think Marc would mind since it’s not like he’s in the dark about us. I told him how we got together on a trip to the lake for a weekend just by ourselves. And I told him how excited we both were about the trip and how we seemed to forget that we were having trouble with our friendship at the time. I didn’t tell him how Marc took out his hard dick in my truck on the way to the cabin, there was enough other stuff I could say to him instead. I figured if Marc wants to tell him about that, he can by himself. I don’t care if he does, it started everything good about us so why not. I just don’t know if he wants to share that with anyone except you guys. Not even Pops knows that, at least I don’t think he does.
I told Joe about us going hiking naked because there was nothing stopping us, anyway there was little chance of being caught doing that. I told him it kinda excited me thinking that we could get caught and then how we’d havta handle it. Joe asked if we ever did meet anyone while hiking, even if we didn’t know what was our plan on what to do. You know what, I’ve got a big fucking mouth! I don’t know how I’d handle it besides it was like four years ago and we never even saw each other naked before that. Joe couldn’t believe after knowing us now and the swimming naked all the time, how did we never get naked together before the trip. I told him, ya, I know it’s kinda fucking strange huh.
Joe said he remembered that I wasn’t very comfortable in my body, and it was a good bet that was why. I had to tell him that it was partly true, but Al had worked on my head a long time ago about that. I told him I think it was more about not letting him think I wanted something else from him, like sex. Joe kinda laughed at that and said, “But that’s what you wanted, right?” Smart ass kid! Ya, I did, not sure I wanted that to be a part of the story though. I told him it was a lot easier to wear a swimsuit, even the smaller ones that Al wanted me to wear than tell him how much he turned me on. Besides, what if I got a boner seeing him naked? Now what! Anyway, I guess you gotta know Joe wondered just when the naked started between us. After telling him about the naked hiking, that story was easy.
It only happened after our trip, and in the dark of the night, but there was a time later on that all four of us got naked in the pool. I asked him if he’d like to hear that story. His eyes told me that was about the stupidest question I could ever ask him. I laughed; I knew what he wanted. I told him it wasn’t that long ago, and it was on one of Marc’s birthdays after we came home from having dinner out. Marc’s birthday is in June and the weather is always nice at night, and we all planned on a swim before the night was over.
I told him it was me that stripped first, and I don’t even drink. They all had more wine in them than they needed, maybe that’s why I did it, maybe I figured they’d never remember me doing that. We were all having so much fun together, but I really wanted to be with just Marc that night. I told Joe that Marcus was the next to strip and we asked our wives to join us, and they did too! That was the first time we all got naked together and we always did after that. It helped that Lisa kinda thought I was the hot looking guy there, but don’t tell Marc that okay, hahah! I told him that Marc knows all about how Lisa likes my ass and furry body. Too bad my wife doesn’t. Joe couldn’t believe what I said and asked me to repeat it for him. I told him that Ellen was always on my ass to shave my body but said I could keep my chest hair if I insisted. Insist my ass! But I shaved my back and shoulders a couple of times, and it was pure hell dealing with it growing back so fast that I never did again. I did tell him that I do some manscaping like Marcus calls it now, but Ellen will never know!
I still haven’t told him what it was like yet, but I was feeling comfortable after I told him stuff like I just wrote and told him that it was me who made the first move up at the lake. I mean more than just getting naked for the hike. I told him that about halfway into our hike we stopped to rest, and I had about all I could take having him all naked with me, that I really enjoyed watching him as often as I could, but I also saw him looking at me just as much. We were sitting at the time and kinda cuddling together, it was in March and the weather wasn’t cold or hot; we were a little sweaty, but it didn’t matter at all. I pulled him close to me and he let me too. We stayed that way for a while, but I knew I was getting hard and there was no stopping it too. I told him that when he got up first and tried to help me up that I pulled him over to me and I reached out and grabbed his balls very carefully too. Joe asked what I was gonna do, I told him I didn’t have a fucking clue, but I had them in my mouth before I knew it and he let me do it too. I told Joe I was very aware that Al’s balls had no hair on them, nothing like mine at the time. I think that’s why I did what I did too. I remember thinking to myself that I want to do the same thing to mine, kinda clear the jungle down there and maybe my balls would look as good as his and maybe one day he would try to do the same thing with me. Joe asked of course, “Did he?” Hahah, you bet your fucking ass! I couldn’t wait to show him that my balls were as clean shaved as his, and I did one day too.”
Joe was pretty smart, he kinda figured out that a little ball sucking would lead to a lot more back in the cabin. Somehow, I found the courage to tell him more about that trip, but I still never told him about the blog and all the stuff Marcus wrote about it. I told him that on the way back to the cabin we walked together with our arms around each other’s back at times, sometimes we held hands or just kinda goofed off with each other. But I knew we were gonna have sex and maybe he would start it, but if he didn’t I sure as fuck was gonna be the one. I was so horny, and Marcus was too. I don’t even remember what we ate that night, all I wanted was to just be with him doing stuff I only fantasized about before.
I told him that that night it was like we’ve been doing it for years or something, that I don’t think we ever went to sleep, maybe for a little bit though. I also told Joe that the first time we actually had real sex was in the shower with each other. Joe said, “Real sex?” I told him you know like anal, that we spend a lot of time sucking each other’s dicks but didn’t want to cum that way. Man, I was on a roll and said stuff I never thought I would ever! Joe made it easy; I know now he really wanted to know everything for a reason.
I knew that at one point I was gonna find out why he was so curious. I know about being curious because I am that way too. Joe answers any of my personal questions, now I guess it’s payback time. I hope I don’t get too embarrassed if he goes where I think he’s gonna go. He had a simple question, “What’s it like?” I thought at first a good, easy question, and then I thought, “What’s the what he’s asking about.” You know that could be a loaded question. Maybe he means not living with my wife who’s just next door, or maybe what’s it like living with a guy like Al, or worse, like what’s sex like with Al instead of my wife? Now I’m sweating from the inside out! I just know it’s gonna be the sex question sooner or later.
I kinda stalled a bit, no that’s not right, I gave me a little time to think and asked him a question first. I asked him, “How much can you handle knowing?” I could see from how he stumbled a little bit at first, and then said, “Go for whatever you want to tell me, I’m interested a lot more than you think.” Wow, I kinda thought he’d go there; I know he feels safe with me, why not then. That made me think maybe he’s thinking about experimenting himself, maybe he likes what he sees between me and Marcus. I know one thing for sure, Joe has a set of balls asking stuff like that, if I was like I was years ago, I’d probably die of embarrassment just thinking about letting anyone know what I was thinking. In case you forgot, it took me a few years as Al’s best friend to admit how much I was into him.
I don’t know how I’m gonna write this for you, I hope it makes sense. I told Joe that I’m nothing like the guy that first met Al. I know what I like, and I know what I need. That’s how I started and didn’t know when it would end or how much I’d tell him. When that train rolled out of the station, it was full steam ahead! I think I covered the stuff he was thinking about, but never asked him. That was perfect because if I stopped to answer stuff, I’d find a reason to change the subject. Well, I thought it could happen, it didn’t because I think I covered everything he wanted to know.
I told him that maybe because he’s been married for a long time, he’s wondering what he’s missing out on. I kinda got a little agreement about that from him. That maybe he sees a real love between me, and Marcus and he doesn’t understand it exactly, especially since I was married for over half my life. I asked him if the sex was changing in his marriage, I know that’s kinda none of my business, but it kinda was at that point. Joe said unfortunately, yes, and big time. But he added that since they’ve been married for a long time themselves, it might be a natural thing. I don’t know for a fact if it’s a natural thing, but since it happened to me, maybe it is. Or maybe it’s a thing some guys don’t know how to handle or make it change. Joe didn’t interrupt me very much, kinda wish he would have but he was trying to learn for me, I guess. I remember telling myself over and over, that I could do this, I’ve been there like him, I can help him.
At least I asked him if he could handle some very private sex stuff I might talk about. I still got the go ahead; man, I know how he’s feeling and I’m glad I got to be the guy he asked now. You can’t believe how good that makes me feel inside about myself. I can’t remember everything, but I do remember telling him about how my wife and me had sex for years, mostly when she wanted it, but at least we did have more sex than poor Al and Lisa. Okay, now I know he’s gonna ask about them, damn slip of the tongue, but I’ll watch how much I tell him about Marcus. I told Joe because my wife really can’t handle my furriness that she liked sex but not me on top. Joe guessed from that she was always on top from what I said. “Ya, that’s right good buddy. She always got what she wanted, and at least I could get off too.
I told him for me touching is like a big thing, and that just wasn’t gonna be a thing for her, not like me. Joe cut in again and said that he bet Al doesn’t have a problem touching me. I told him, “Al can’t keep his hands off of me, and I love it!” I also told him that there was a time that all I thought about was being with Al and him touching me and liking it. But I was never gonna tell him that, it was okay, I was used to not being touched unless it was from me. I’m so tempted to put a hahah in right here, but that’s not funny, it was a sad time. But not anymore! Now I’m putting the “hahah” here!
Joe asked me if I really thought that Al would not like me if he found out I was a furry guy. You know that was a much worse question than if he asked what sex is like between us. Because how I am today is nothing like how I was years ago. Maybe I was afraid he’d not like me; no, even back then I don’t think I thought that. It was something just a part of me and I’m so glad that Al spent so much time convincing me to let it go, let it go! I did let it go between the two of us, but no one else, not until I met Joe and wanted to see how I could handle it. Joe kinda laughed a little bit at that subject because he knew I chose him to try out my new confidence. He said he was so proud of the way I handled being comfortable with him. He also said he had an idea from conversations with Al that I might try using him to see how it would go. But the thing that he was giggling about was Pops, he’s seen him in a swimsuit and said that maybe Pops was furrier than me. I think he’s right about that. Well, I got comfortable with Marcus long before Pops or Joe; Marc made sure that crap between us ended long ago.
I told Joe that I have gotten much better over the years, but I don’t think anyone really knows how fucked up my mind was over my body, I really don’t. Except Marcus because he had his own thing he worried about himself, he knows how it feels to be free of that, we both do now.
I asked Joe if he wanted to tell me about what’s going on at home, because I’m thinking it’s not that good. Like I mean he’s wanting to know stuff that he’s never asked before, like what’s going on in his head. He said, “Sure, I’d like to talk to you about some stuff, but I still have some questions for you yet.”
Joe said that he loves his wife more than anything except for his little girls, it’s pretty equal. The poor guy is living with nothing but females, I bet he wished he had a son. Well, he got to that too. His girls are growing up so fast, but they are still “Daddy’s little girls.” He told me that he had hoped for a little brother for his little girl, but instead it was a little sister for her. He told me the girls are great friends and if there’s a problem, it’s handled before he knows it, maybe because they are very close to their mom. He added that they know how to get what they want from me best of all; he was cool with it. And then he told me that before the girls got any older, they did try to have another baby, hopefully this time a little boy for him. Joe told me that he knew the guys control the sex of the children and he was probably gonna have another little girl, but it was worth trying, but she never got pregnant again.
I said I was sorry to hear that and before I could say anything more, he interrupted me with she is pregnant now. I of course congratulated him but again he had something to add to the story. After thanking me he said, “It’s not that good Larry.” Okay I had to ask why, maybe you would have too. Joe told me that, one, the girls are in their teens and might be concerned that the baby will replace their needs, and two, he and his wife are much older now, in their forties. His wife is concerned about late pregnancies, and she has been advised to do a lot of resting and not return to work if she wants to carry the baby full term. Wow, that was a lot of stuff to deal with at the same time, more than I knew how to handle but at least I said I understood how difficult it was for them. Don’t know if that was the best thing to tell him, but it’s what came outta my mouth at the time, I did feel bad though.
Since I figured that Joe was using me as a good friend to unload some stuff that he needed to do; I know when it’s time to listen and not make jokes, this was one of those times. But my mind is always looking for something funny to say, like “well at least you know your dick still works!” I did not say that, okay that would be stupid, but I thought it. I can’t help what my mind comes up with all the time! Anyway, I don’t handle grief too good.
Joe was worried for her and about how expensive it would be to have a baby without the two of them earning a living. His pool cleaning business pays the bills, but it’s been hard to save anything and still put money away for the girl’s education. (I know what Pops would want to do, but he can’t know this unless Joe brings it up one day.)
I don’t know why I asked him if everything was still on the table to talk about, and he said, “Why not, I could use all the help I can get.” I asked him if I could just hug him and let him know how much it means to me that he feels comfortable letting me into his life like this. I hope you didn’t think that he was gonna refuse me! We hugged each other for a little bit until he pulled away from me, I was gonna be there for as long as he needed my shoulder. I don’t think either of us talked for a while after the hug. Maybe we were both trying to think about what to say next, I know I was because I’m so fucking new at this kinda stuff!
After a little bit of time and thinking about what I was gonna say next, I just went for it. You betta believe me when I say this was not easy getting out of my mouth. I say all kinds of shit most of the time if I think it will get a laugh, but I didn’t know about this time. Anyhow, I so wanted to make this lighter for both of us and get him to laugh. Ya, I know I’m a badass sometimes.
I took a chance, what’s he gonna do, haul off and try to deck me? He better not! Anyhow I said, “Joe, it’s been years since your girls were born and I’m guessing that sex still happens between you two, huh. Like how did she get pregnant, you guys forget how not to make a baby or something?” I was right, he needed a laugh and faked a punch at my arm but decided to give me a quick hug instead without asking. Okay I think that means we are bonding, right? Joe said, “You’d think so by now! We both know when it’s safe to have sex for us because I don’t like to use protection, never have, maybe I should think about starting.” I just laughed with him; I really didn’t have anything to say yet.
Joe asked again if what we talk about stays between him and me. I had to tell him that Marc and me, we have a no secret thing going on between us, never again. Joe said he understood and thought it was cool and he was okay if Al got to know what we were talking about. He did tell me that just talking to me about this was helping him, and he was grateful that I was someone he felt comfortable enough talking to.
I didn’t think talking about not making babies was on is mind, or how difficult it was on his wife. There was something else, I figured he’ll get to it, whatever it is when he’s ready. He kinda changed the subject and told me how much he loved how we took him into our lives, and shared coffee with him. He said no one has ever done that with him, just us. I told him, no thanks needed, I loved having him as a friend to talk to and hang with when he’s here. And then I added that Marcus does too because he does. Joe said for him it was like having an older brother to hang with. (Hey, I coulda gone all day without hearing the older stuff, but it’s true, I’m a lot older than him. Damn when did getting old happen! Well Marc’s even older, hahah.)
After talking around what he wanted to say for a while, he just laid it out there for me. He said that after he spends the morning with us, especially if it’s in the pool, it does turn him on but please don’t be upset about that, because sex with his wife was always a helluva lot hotter on those days. Should I tell him how that affects me and Marcus in bed, nah, let him wonder, hahah.
I knew to keep my mouth shut but I was thinking about all the funny stuff I could say though. He just told me that being with us, (Maybe it’s naked me?), does turn him on enough to let his guard down and get her pregnant. Anyhow, you guys know me by now, how long can I keep my mouth shut anyway. I said straight out to him, “Like this horny thing of yours, you really think we are good enough to do that to you, huh?” I really needed to make a funny outta that, because I really don’t want to go down the road that I think this is headed right now.
I do like Joe for a good reason, because he’s cool, cool enough to know how it was getting to sound like and said, “Well maybe we had a little something to do with him getting horny, but he has a history of getting that way long before us.” See, he pulled it off pretty good. (I think we both knew where this was going though.)
That's us diving, Joe looking at ya. |
Of course, I had to ask him does his wife know about the time he spends with us over the rest of his clients. I didn’t even bring up the naked time with us, I know better than that. He was honest in that she knows we are kind to him with coffee in the morning, and that he sometimes brings donuts with him. She was cool with that and said it was the least he could do for his pool business. Well, that was good to know. I asked him if she knew he was swimming with us when the water was warm enough. The answer came fast, “No! Are you kidding? The first thing she’d ask was why I wasn’t working! Let alone if I showed up with a tan ass in the bedroom with her!” I laughed and hoped he would too, he did. At least he’s here in the morning before the sun can do any damage to his white ass.
Well, the big question was answered without really asking it, he can get turned on at times with us, especially in the pool. To be fair but not tell him, that kinda turns me on too. I mean not like Marc does to me, but I’m human too you know. Seeing Joe naked in or around the pool with us is pretty hot, and don’t think that Marcus doesn’t think so too. Joe is not the only one who gets horny after he’s here! But then again, I kinda like seeing Pops and his buddies, Bill, and Tony all naked with us in the pool too. Man, when I turn a corner, there’s no looking over my shoulder at all!
You know guys, I’m not that stupid myself, I knew he was getting into me for a while now. I kinda loved the idea, not that I’m trying to underplay what Marcus does to me, no one will ever be able to do that! But it’s a different kinda thing, I trust more people now more than I ever did before and I like that about me. I’d be lying if I told you that I’m still so concerned about being as furry as I am, because in my little circle of friends, I’m not anymore. I could never go back to what I lived with for almost my whole life, the fear of rejection over my body. Not gonna happen, period! But I’d be lying to you if I said I don’t cover up a lot of my body when out shopping. I won’t wear a tank top outta the house and yard, period! I do wear short sleeved shirts now instead of long-sleeved ones. Talk about the heat in the summer! I even like that my forearms are as hairy as they are, but I do have a little secret now. I don’t remember if I told you that Ellen gave me a combo beard and body hair trimmer a long time ago. I mostly buried it in the bottom drawer in the bathroom. Well, I did take it with me when I moved in with Marcus. It has many settings for hair length to choose from. I’ve used it in a few places on my body over the time I’ve been here with Marc. I was able to find a length of hair on my legs and arms that I’m comfortable with now and it makes it easier to wear shorts and short sleeves out with Marc. Ellen would be so pissed if she knew I was doing it now instead of when she gave it to me. I think it’s because I’m so much better about my body that I’m okay using the trimmer, I think it looks natural and not like I mowed it all down! Marcus has helped me using it on my upper back and shoulders at times, at least it doesn’t itch growing back as it does with shaving. I don’t know why I brought any of that up here, sorry if it’s TMI.
Even I knew that dick size was gonna come up sooner or later, and it did on one of Joe’s Tuesday visits here. The three of us were in the pool together at the time. I guess Joe kinda caught me looking down at his junk bobbing around in the water too long and then said the water return nozzle was doing a number on his dick, sorry he was getting a kick out of it, he could move if I wanted him to. I told him if he did move I’d just take his place and laughed it off. I wasn’t gonna tell him I liked seeing a big dick bobbing around though. Anyhow, he said he was open for questions, even dick questions if I wanted to.
Ya, I might as well, at least he skipped the part about me staring at his dick moving like it was. Anyway, I said, “You sure you really want me to go there?” He said, “Sure, I don’t think there’s much left that we haven’t already talked about; where’s your head now?” Don’t ask me where I get the guts to say the things I do with him, cause I don’t have a clue, I just can. Maybe it’s him, he makes it easy for me. I don’t remember exactly how I said it, but I remember what it was about. It’s something I’ve put in the back of my mind from the first day that Joe jumped into the pool all naked with us. If you paid attention to the part where I was staring at his bobbing dick for too long, I think you can figure out where my mind was.
Anyhow, I took a deep breath and told him I wondered what it’s like having a big dick. Like I coulda said “larger penis” but I didn’t. It came outta my mouth as “big dick.” Am I sorry, NO! He said he answer even dick questions, and that was my dick question. But I had more, like what’s the best part and if there was a bad part. Yup, it’s been on my mind after getting to see that big hose of his. Oh that’s me being bad, I shouldn’t be calling it a hose, it’s only a penis. Just happens to be the biggest penis I’ve ever seen in person, that’s all. If it was mine, I’d nickname it “hose,” hahah. I would you know! Besides, I’ve heard Marcus call big dicks hoses anyway.
Like how do you get the guts to ask a guy that question in the first place? Like I said, sometimes with Joe, it just comes outta my mouth really easy. I was almost afraid to bring it up in front of Marc because of how he hated going to the gym showers at the 24-Hour Fitness gym that he belonged to, and you know, all those big swinging dicks in the locker room.
I told Joe that I was sorry if I was outta line and just forget I asked it. Nope, he said it was a legit question and he could answer any question from me because he knew I was just trying to learn what I didn’t know about. Well, I can count on Joe that way. He doesn’t mind my questions and he never makes me feel kinda dumb for not knowing stuff most guys probably knew at 13. Anyhow, I surprise myself with the stuff I ask him about all the time; I don’t even get embarrassed anymore.
Joe asked me what I’d like to hear first, the good or the bad. Personally, I didn’t think there could be anything bad about having a long hose, I mean dick. I guess I was gonna find out today! I told him everything good please, and don’t make the bad sound horrible. He laughed with me on that one. With all this big dick talk, you guys must think we have been short-changed in the dick department, nope! Marcus when he was still Al with me at the lake cabin four years ago, joked that when it was time to hand out dicks to the little boys, they ran out of big dicks, and he got what was left. I had to remind him to cool it, we both have the same size dicks, okay!
Joe went back to when he was in high school and considered himself a jock and was always on both the baseball and football teams. He even played water polo too, he said he loved all kinds of sports and still does, just that he wasn’t good or big enough to play pro-ball. He told me it was in the high school locker rooms that he found out he was not so “normal-sized” down there, and he got called things like “meat” and some things that he didn’t like. He said that the only way he could live with some of the comments was to just own them and laugh it off with the guys. I could understand that I think, I wish I coulda laughed off being so skinny or hairy as a kid, maybe it could have been different for me. Anyhow, Joe wasn’t done yet, he told me that later, long after high school, at his gym locker room, he always could tell who was hiding being normal-sized and who wasn’t.
Of course, dipshit me had to ask what is was that told him. He said it was the shower towels and how they were being used. Joe said that there were many guys who paraded naked around the locker room, and he was one of them himself. He said that when they headed to the shower room, most including him, just put the towel over their shoulder walking to the shower and then would hang it up on a hook. He said that way more of the men there would wear the towel around their middle to cover up. I asked him if he ever ran into Al there, because that sounded like him. I was just joking, and he knew it. Sorry Marc don’t be mad at me. Joe is a lot like me when it comes to dealing with your dick, it’s what you have, some are big some are small, but there’s a whole bunch of us that can surprise the fuck outta ya when we get hard! Own your dick and be proud of it. (You guys buying this shit yet! Hahah.) I understand a lot more now after living with Marcus, I don’t know if I would have felt the same as him if I had had the same experiences. I don’t remember being naked with other guys, big or small dicks. Doesn’t bother me one bit now; not seeing dicks, now that would be a problem, hahah! Man I’m bad! If Ellen only knew!
Okay back to Joe’s story. He said it was just another day at the gym when he and another guy were at their lockers getting dressed to leave. He said that he put his towel on the bench to sit on after he dried himself. The other guy still had the towel around his middle. Joe said they both looked at each other and gave the hello head nod to each other but didn’t speak. When the other guy dropped his towel to the floor to get dressed, he changed Joe’s mind about guys wearing towels to cover up. He said that this guy made me look small, he was that big down there. Joe said he accidently let out a sound something like “whoa” and the other guy just said, “Yeah.” Not like he was bragging, like tell me something new about it, almost sorry I had to see it. The guy finished dressing and just left the room without a word spoken and he never saw him again. Maybe timing or something, but it did make him change a few things. I asked like what and he said, from that day on, he started wearing the towel around his waist going to the showers, never again on his shoulder, and stopped strutting around like an “ass” in the locker room.
I asked Joe what it was about meeting that guy that made him stop parading around naked, like you never saw him again, why bother? Maybe he got me dreaming about what I’d do if I looked like Joe instead of me, I parade around here all naked and don’t care. Maybe you remember the time I did that in front of everyone in the pool and got a boner for doing it too! I wonder if that will happen to me again. Maybe I should try it in front of Joe, or maybe not! Anyhow, back to Joe and his big dick in the locker room story. I asked him if anyone ever asked him why he was covering up, especially the guys he used to parade around naked with. He said no they never did, but they never covered up too, just him.
Joe the naked pool man. |
Okay, you know me, I had to ask, “So buddy, remember that first time you cleaned the pool just as naked as you were with us in the pool, and that swinging dick thing you did for fun, were you trying to impress us with your big dick too? I couldn’t finish saying that without a big belly laugh, he knew I was just joking around. But he did say, “Maybe, maybe I was, you’ll never know.” And then he laughed as hard as me.
(Just in case you wondered, if I took this picture. No, my balls aren't big enough to ask him to pose naked cleaning the pool. Sorry, gotta be truthful even when it's painful.)
Since we’ve been on the dick train for a while now, there is one more question I had to ask, and Joe was the perfect guy to ask. So don’t judge me, I like to learn stuff, okay! Hahah, even dick stuff at my age. Marc asked me once when we were talking about this kind of shit, why I never Googled about the stuff I was curious about. I told him that was easy, one, I didn’t know you could do that, two, I’d be too embarrassed to write it in the first place. Marc still doesn’t believe me on that one, well I don’t either, not anymore, hahah.
Anyhow, maybe I’ve made you think that Joe owns one of those third leg dicks, sorry if you are thinking that; my bad. Well his limp dick and our limp dicks are no way the same size, okay. I’m not even sure our hard dicks are that big. Okay now I making him seem huge, I’m just having some dick fun with you, it’s who I am lately. Anyway, thinking about all the Marcus talk about shower/grower shit I’ve dealt with for a few years from him, now I’m thinking about it myself with Joe. I can’t help it, I like dick now, hahah. Because Marc and me are exactly the same down there, and now that he’s lost weight, even more noticeable for him, there’s this really big difference from us when it’s really cold outside or in the pool, and when we are not cold and as big as we can get. Like I said, we are twins down there, but Joe, good old Joe, is nothing like us, got me to thinking, like there’s a big difference between soft and hard for us. If that’s the same for him, man, he’s gonna be fucking huge! I don’t know, remember, I know nothing about shit like this. Who am I gonna ask about that? That is an easy question, you know I’m gonna ask him and I didn’t hold back either, I was on a roll. I mean, you gotta believe I think it’s a legit question, especially if you’ve never seen one that big hard before. Anyway, I asked him, and he laughed, not a little, a lot. Kinda pissed myself off for asking it now. Like how am I gonna learn stuff if I don’t ask questions. Joe saw the look I gave myself and told me to just stop it, he’s heard that question plenty of times and understands why.
He just came out and told me like it was nothing to be embarrassed about, “It doesn’t change as much as yours does.” Okay thinking to myself, I don’t think he’s ever seen my dick hard; ya, I know he hasn’t, how does he know? Apparently, he’s seen enough growers to know. I need to get out more I guess. He told me that there’s very little stretch in his, but it does get fatter and a little longer, that’s all. Almost, kinda what you see is what you get I guess. Not like with us at all, what you see is never like what you get, hahah. I think I like being our way a lot more, Marcus should be hearing this!
Joe wanted to know if he answered my question good enough for me. You bet he did, but he wasn’t done himself. He was on his own roll by then. He told me about the first time he found Al naked in the pool so many years ago. He said he was so embarrassed and almost couldn’t do his job, he was afraid he was gonna get fired or something. I heard the story from Marc a long time ago, he even wrote about it too. Marc said he felt really bad for Joe, it wasn’t his fault other than coming much later than he usually did, that’s why he caught him naked. Anyway you can read about that in an older chapter of Marc’s if you want to. I know that Joe does a lot of pools in our area, and that Al helped him get new clients with great reviews. Joe said that over the years here he’s seen a lot of naked bodies when he comes to clean their pools. Other than Marcus, there are quite a few of his lady clients who seem to like being caught naked by him. It’s like they are trying to seduce him into doing something he doesn’t want to do. I said I was surprised to hear that, but I really wasn’t surprised at all. A lot of lonely housewives live here I bet. Husbands are out all day working, who knows what else they are up too at night. Hahah, sounds like I live in a Soap Opera huh. Around the time I get to this part of the chapter, I’m about as horny as I get. I’m gonna need to stop and fix myself soon! “Hey Marc, where are you?” You think I’m kidding huh, think again!
Joe's dick slip or on purpose? |
No, I’ve got one more thing to write about, I’ll just squeeze my legs together like I gotta pee or something. Anyway, since I was on a roll getting “dick” educated, I told him that there was the other side I asked about, the bad side. Personally, I didn’t think there was a really bad side. Joe said there was an uncomfortable side, not necessarily bad. I think I know where he was going with this since I’ve always thought where do you put that big thing in your pants so it doesn’t show, especially now that I know it really doesn’t shrink much at all, then how do you deal with that. Joe said that underwear, especially tight briefs, are off limits for him, he does wear boxers or nothing, depends upon what mood he’s in at the time. He also hates jockstraps since he hasn’t found one he likes to use. I was beyond brave by now and told him that sometimes when I was in the pool and he stooped down to talk to me, that I kinda saw a little of his dick poking out of his shorts. I said I hope that I didn’t make him feel bad saying that to him. He said, “No why would it, I saw you totally naked in the pool, what’s a little dick slip gonna do.” And then he kinda laughed a little and winked at me, like maybe it was something he planned all along. I bet it was too. He did say that wearing boxers can have a downside at times for guys like him. Ya, I can see how that could be, well not something me and Marc have to worry about; would that be considered a perk?
I kinda saved this one for the end of my chapter, even though we talked about this a while ago, and it’s kinda an open question still, it is a good question to end up with. Kinda beating around the bush, huh? If you don’t know what the question is, you’re just like me, welcome to my world!
It was a short question with a really long answer, “What’s it like?” And this time he meant “what is sex like with a man.” You know sometimes these questions are like pulling a band-aid off a hairy arm, you just do it. It helps if you are biting on a stick though, kinda muffles the sound. This was one question I’m glad Marcus was not hearing. I don’t think I could have said anything, that’s kinda personal.
I did tell him a couple of things and that maybe one day, we could all sit down and talk about it if it was still important for him to know. But he has to be honest with us and let us know why he’s asking. I told him that I know exactly what I like to feel like, and I know what I need to do to make that happen. That I used that knowledge with Marcus because as a man, he probably has the same feelings and likes. So far it has worked very well for us, we don’t need to ask a lot of questions about stuff like that. Nothing like it was with my wife. It’s really a guy thing that works for us.
He said he really has more questions for us but needs to work on what and how to ask us. And he asked if it would be okay if we had this conversation again sometime. As far as I’m concerned, sure, why not. I learn just as much as him this way. Sometimes just talking about this stuff out loud helps.
I’m not through talking about my good friend Joe, I will every time I write I bet. I’m thinking that he’s on the edge of trying something new, and it might not be the best thing to do at this time. His wife is not as available for him right now, and it’s probably a big deal for him, maybe IDK for sure. I know if we do talk about what sex is really like between two guys who love each other like we do, then we both should be here to talk about it. Right now the way Marcus is handling stuff, I don’t think that will happen very soon.
Well, I’m gonna stop writing for now. It’s my turn to take a rest after writing three chapters in a row. I know I like writing a lot more than I thought I would, but it’s time for Marcus to get busy writing. Anyhow, he has started again, he’s still making art more though. He thanked me for giving him some time to get his head right again and being a good sport writing for the blog. Oh, I love writing for you guys, that’s not a problem. The problem is I love reading his words, and I learn a lot from that too. I didn’t know way back when we first met that writing would be something we both would be doing. I also would never think I’d be writing to guys from all over the world, Marcus says our blog is being read in 121 countries now. Fucking mind blowing, I don’t even know my neighbors and here I am writing to thousands of guys around the world. Well I don’t know what to say about that, thanks! I hope you like what I write. And Joey, this time I didn’t say I’m sorry for not being a good writer! (Joey and Joe are two different guys.) But you guys can always tell me I am, anyway, I have this ego that needs a lotta help! Hahah. Okay, now I’m done. BTW, if Joe read this chapter, do you think he'd hate it, or like it?
Love you guys.
Here is a link to the next posting:
Well, hello my friend! Sorry I'm slow to get to you again!! I loved hearing about Joe and honestly your reactions were pretty close to how mine would be. I am NOT shy about my thoughts and opinions, so I tend to say too much at times. It sounds like you couldn't say too much with Joe if you tried. It's an awesome feeling when someone can use your experience to help them navigate their own experiences. I'm sure you guys have established some parameters about what you do feel comfortable and what you don't feel comfortable sharing. Luckily, my hubby isn't shy about what I share, and I have the ok if it will help someone else. Also, I love that you devoted this chapter to how your relationships with him have grown from a visiting pool guy into a great friendship. It sounds like he needs a great friend right now. I think we should all take advantage of the friends who are "open books" because that's how we learn. I remember when I first came out and had very little experience with anal sex. I had a friend who sat down and gave me a play by play of preparing for it and enjoying it. I had very little idea how that worked, and the internet can be very divisive about how these things are done lol. What I admire about you is that you have gone from a little shy and insecure, to just attacking a topic or situation and having the balls/guts/nerve to just do what needs to be done. The relationship you guys have built on love, trust and mutual respect will stand the test of time because you have both learned so much in this process and you have been willing to help each other as you go. I've only been divorced and out for 23 years, but I feel like one of the "old school gays" lol sometime reading stories about others who are now navigating the waters. No matter when you are learning or dealing with it, it's not easy. What matters is that we do what is best for us and those we love. Be happy and we will talk soon!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Billy thanks for commenting for me, you know how much that means to me, right? I was hoping you'd get a chance to read this and let me know how you felt. I wasn't that sure I wrote a good enough chapter about Joe. I like him so much but I don't want anyone to think he's a creep or something. I'm so glad I decided to be friends with him. It's good for Marc and me to have friends who can support us now.
DeleteI don't understand everything about myself or why I don't have problems like I used to have. Marcus had a lot to do about that I guess, once I trusted him I could trust myself. Joe is a lot like Marc in some ways, he is so friendly and easy to talk to, I don't think he even thinks about it, just is that kind of guy.
Maybe because I've been writing about my feelings in the journal it makes it easier to talk about them too. If I met Joe years ago, like when I met Al, I don't think I'd be trying to be friends with him. I'd have no reason, I don't even have a pool at my house. I do remember Al telling me that swimming in his pool will never get my skin itchy because he had the best pool guy working on it. He was right, but I never thought I'd go try and meet him back then. It was all I could think about after living here with Marc. Go figure me out, okay! I can't at all!
I think it's because of you and a few others that write me that gives me the courage to believe in myself, and try stuff or say things that used to scare me before. Maybe I did grow a bigger pair of balls finally huh! Hahah.
Thank you for being my friend and liking what I write about, it makes it easier every time I write now. But I'm gonna take a break and let lazy Marcus write the next chapter. He is right now, but I don't know when he'll be done. I betta not bug him though, I still need a break! Love you Billy!
Hey Larry,
ReplyDeleteWell at least I knocked some sense into you to accept the special gift you have as an awesome writer! Another great chapter my dear friend! Tom and I have been offline for awhile in the mountains celebrating our 42nd anniversary! Where have all those years gone? We are so blessed to have found each other those many years ago. Forever grateful.
Love you my friend.
Hey Joey! I missed hearing from you and now I know why! WOW, 42 years together, that's fucking awesome dude! Man at out age I don't know if we can get to 42 years together, Marc will be over 100 years old, of course I'll still be a young 90 something, hahah! I wonder what we would write about if the journal lasted that long? I have a whole bunch of things that just popped into my head, but I betta not write them here and piss somebody off! Hahah, I can be real bad sometimes. Hey write me a letter telling me about your anniversary, I'd love to share it with Marc, okay? Love you Joey, at least you saw what I said about you at the end of my chapter. I think about you guys all the time when I write my chapters. Yeah, even saying that I write chapters is so not the old me. Not even Ellen knew what was going on in my head back then.
DeleteWrite me, I mean it!
Love you, Larry