CH 90: Marcus Coming Out?
Hi guys, remember me, ‘Marcus the slacker’.
This chapter, number 90 (actually, it’s higher than that due to earlier numbering practices that didn’t work well.) That’s way more than I thought I had in me! It’s been four years and counting since the first BGR chapter was posted. I wasn’t thinking chapters at all, just a short story to see if I had any writing ability. Well, that short story took a few chapters to get told. So, that was going to be it, especially since we didn’t get many readers for the first month or so. But then I bravely asked a guy in the UK I met online, if he’d take the time to read my story and see if it was any good or not. He loved it and said he’d put a link on his very popular Tumblr feed to my blog. That changed everything overnight, I saw the numbers of readers getting higher and higher, one day over 10,000 pages read, and I didn’t have a clue who or where they came from. I was loving it, but I couldn’t find it in me to tell my co-star about what I was doing without his permission. I hadn’t told him that my story was done and now online. Even though I changed our names and gave little reference to where we lived, I was afraid he’d freak out.
The fact that we had just come back from the best weekend I ever spent and found out that my best friend wanted what we experienced as much as me. Yeah, but considering the several years we’ve been best friends, yet never admitted our feelings to each other, chances are he’d ask me to take it down, like now! However, my burgeoning ego got the better of me, and I kept writing and posting, and writing and posting until there were at least 30 or so chapters online, and my best friend Mark was still in the dark. That was a killer to deal with, I wanted to brag to the world about my success as Marcus, not as Al, he needed to remain in the closet just as much as Mark. There were so many Bi-weekly coffee dates with him that I got that close to telling him about the blog, and then I didn’t. Every week that passed, the sheer number of chapters made the telling even harder. I guess that’s enough ‘old shit’ news, I put it in here because we get new readers with every chapter we post; this was for you guys, now you’ll need to go to the beginning pages to know the whole story.
I’m not that sure exactly how I’ll approach this subject, but since I seem to have little difficulty writing about what’s in my head, maybe it will go easier than I think. If you’ve been reading Larry’s chapters, you know I’ve had a little difficulty, (oh yeah, little huh) with doing the one thing I’ve wanted to do for years now. And to be eclipsed by the love of my life himself, I’m more than devastated by my behavior. I wish I had a big eraser that I could use to just say, “never mind, I didn’t mean to do that to you.” Why is this so fucking hard to do, why can’t I just say, “Fuck it! I’m gay, just deal with it!” I do pretty much that around the house with no problem when it comes to Pops, Joe, even Aldo our grounds keeper whom I believe is still praying for me to change my fucking ways. I’ve been able to relate the relationship I have with Larry to Tony and Bill, which we’ve both have written about already. However, put me back into the company of those I’ve done business with for years on end, or those I’ve had the privilege of being in a leadership role in the company, and I do a complete melt-down. I’m smart enough to know why, but not smart enough to know how to fix the problem.
I hope this chapter will be the one thing I need to write as to work out the problem I’m dealing with currently. This blog is the one ‘safe place’ I have in life that I can count on. I said ‘place’ not person, Larry holds that spot. I can be myself with him, except I guess in front of the many people I’ve done business with. I’ll get to that and to the hold that Lisa has on me as well in this chapter.
For those of you who have been living the dream for years, please wait for me, I’m trying to catch up to Larry and you. For those of you a lot like me, maybe this chapter will be painfully familiar to you. For those of you, especially those that have gone through being ‘straight married’ and now ‘gay married’ you’ll understand coming out a little differently. We’ve both have reader friends of the blog that consider themselves as always been gay and had their own coming out difficulties, as well as men that buried their attraction to other men. I think I might be rambling at this point, so I better settle down and make a plan on how this chapter will be structured. This is the time I wish I was more like Larry and less like me; can’t I just stop with the camouflage I use to hide whom I really am for once and for all time. I read something from Michael, someone that we communicate with gladly outside the blog. He wrote this to me after reading my last chapter:
“You really struck a nerve when you wrote that you realized that you are a closeted gay man. That makes two of us (and many more of us). I am so closeted I would need GPS to get out.”
Getting comments from you guys like this helps more than you might think. Thankfully, there are several of you that do this for us on a regular basis after a chapter is posted. For me, and I believe for Larry as well, it anchors us and makes what we are going through seem closer to normal; did I really dare to write “normal.”
Right now, in my head, this might be the shortest chapter I’ve ever written to date. But knowing me as I do, I’ll find a lot more to write about. So, get started already! The dinner date that Larry arranged for us would be a good place to start. I was not expecting what happened whatsoever. I was super-charged by the whole date and how it was designed. The limo ride, alone in the back seat not worrying about traffic, parking, goofballs on the road with us, just melting into the arms of the company I was keeping at the time. I am head-over-heal’s in love with that gorgeous man! If I thought, we could get away with getting all sweaty in that backseat I would have! (No, I wouldn’t, that’s just fantasy imaging.) However, we did put a lot of effort into the date, what we wore, and the scent of Armani’s Code which we both adore wearing. Unfortunately, that is a scent that only others can smell on us, so we watch how much is used, especially if we are both wearing it at the same time. I love the scent but my nose fatigues quickly wearing it. Oh well, that was only a part of our date, and here I am reminiscing about cologne.
You’d think once I knew where we were going to dine for our date, it should have registered an alert in me, such as, “Oh no, that’s been our company hangout for years.” Yeah, you’d think that should have occurred to me the moment I heard about the plan. Well part of the plan was a surprise aspect as well. But no, just being with the man I wanted to be with was all that my mind could handle at the time. Had no one interrupted us that night, I’m sure our date would have gone perfectly well. I was looking at the most handsome and loving man in the universe right across from me at the table. Sometimes we sit side-by-side but not that night, we sat opposite each other. I so wanted to just kiss him right there, and if we were sitting together, I would have without giving a fuck who saw us, yes, that’s true, true in my head. And then, reality sets in and I’m not on a date, it’s a business dinner, negotiations will ensue shortly. The people I acknowledged in the restaurant with a nod or wave of the hand, was back to a reality I’ve known for years. Meeting and greeting JD and accepting his wine gift for the table was as normal as could be. It could have easily been me granting the gift instead of him. Larry couldn’t have begun to know how business had been done for years away from the office. Pops did a lot of it at the country club golf course. That’s not something for me since I’m not a golfer, I’d be the most laughable one on the course if I even tried! I suck at miniature golf; can you imagine me at a real 18-hole course! I’d excel at the 19th hole though, haha!
Well, reality came upon me as if I were thunderstruck, our date was so ruined, not in the least bit by my gorgeous date partner. I could see how my face must have looked to him after the table encounter with JD. I didn’t know how to back out of the situation gracefully, I tried to tell JD that we were on a date night, and it only came out as a business date night, I just know it from how JD handled my comment.
I was devastated, but I tried to pull it off for Larry the best I could. Hopefully, I did somewhat. We did have a lovely evening in spite of what happened. I’ve had time to reflect on that night for a while thanks to Larry taking over the writing for a while. I needed that time to myself for reflection, and the best part was getting to read what Larry can write about. I might be his biggest fan, but I know a few of you out there might want to challenge that! Go right ahead and support him full speed ahead! I still get to show him in person exactly how big a fan I am. You say, “that’s not fair”, huh? Oh well, what can I say? Haha.
One thing I know about myself that I can count on, if I want
something bad enough, I’ll find a way to get it. I honed that craft at work,
and I got very good at it. I’m surprised that I didn’t apply that knowledge to
myself at home often enough. If you got this far into my story, you must know
what is bothering me and needs to be addressed. I know Larry is an understanding
man, but don’t push him into a corner. I can see how he would be thinking twice
about marriage if I can’t prove I’m ready myself. That’s been a big part of my moping
around and needing to figure out what I need to do to fix this. This morning it
came to me, just like the sun came up, it was as simple as that, I knew what I
had to do, and I wasn’t going to let myself talk me out of it, no sir.
I decided to call my friend, a man I’ve known for many years, and his wife as well. We’ve done business together and he and his wife have been to every one of our large parties. They were here for Lisa’s promotion party as well. Unfortunately, with the size of the crowd at that party, we didn’t spend any time together. A big down side of those kinds of parties, people are there to be seen and some do get a little business done as well. As the host, you don’t get a lot of time with each guest. And if any of you remember reading those chapters, there was a lot going on and Larry got hit hard by some busy body lady that I’ve never seen before, had to be a Lisa invite. The man I’m referring to is JD, the man who caused me the grief on our date night out. Oh, he was only being the friend he always has been, it was me who forgot that.
I have been thinking for weeks now that I had to pick at least one person to come out to, someone who I could only hope would try to understand and not go on an attack. I knew it had to be JD. I also knew I couldn’t just text him or do this on the phone, I needed to do this in person. So I called him and asked him if we could meet for coffee or lunch. Coffee was chosen if we were to meet on the same day. Oh yeah, it had to be the same day, any day in the future might make me back out of what I was planning on doing. You probably won’t believe this, maybe you will, we met at a McDonald’s for the coffee, it’s not that bad, actually pretty good coffee. Yes, that’s coming from someone who has been known to spend a fortune on Jamaican Blue Mountain Estate Coffee. Go figure! McDonalds was chosen because it happened to be close to where he was located in Roseville on some business. He didn’t mind grabbing a cheeseburger there if it ran into lunch time for him. He doesn’t know anything about my weight loss program and how I’ve stayed away from fast food places. I did not tell anyone what my plan was, just going to meet an old friend for coffee and I’ll be back soon enough. Frankly, I was still afraid that I could get cold feet and not go through with it and then need to explain my cowardice when I returned. I really was thinking that and that was the reason I didn’t say anything about my plan. I had to prove something to myself, that was it, that’s all. It had to be done. This meeting happened quickly, what a blessing. I was already dressed for leaving the house. Grab my keys, kiss my husband to be, and ask him if he wants anything from a store while I’m out. Nope, he was fine and didn’t question me other than say, have fun, but not too much fun! And laughed. This is not going to be fun, but he didn’t need to know that. At least I didn’t think so. I told him to tell Pops to text me if he wants something and I left one step after another. That was a long fucking walk to the garage, I think I counted every step along the way. I kept saying to myself, you can do this, you must do this. The words matched my steps to the garage. Once I was in the car, it got better; I just wanted it to be over.
I found JD in his car in front of the McDonald’s waiting for me. I went up to his driver side window and knocked on it. He was on his phone, doing something, texting perhaps? He put the phone away and stepped out of his car to meet my hand out for a shake; he said, shake is for business, hugs are for friends. So, we hugged but nothing like a Larry bear hug. It was a perfect thing for him to offer and I knew I picked the right person to do this with. We headed inside, ordered our large coffees, and found a quiet part of the dining room to sit and talk. The talk seemed to go on for too long, but there was a lot of catching up to do, and business talk to pepper in between family stuff. Eventually, he asked what I had in mind to talk about since I was the one asking him out to talk. I did everything I could think of to act as normally as I could, not sound nervous, or stammer any of my words. Check, I succeeded, but my pee wanted out badly, and I went before I left the house. So I excused myself for a minute, made a ‘old guy has to pee a lot’ joke which was met with, “You’re preaching to the choir dude!” Both of us laughing, and for me only on the outside. In the bathroom, drat no mirror over the sink, I was going to watch myself say “You can do this!” a few times. Well, there was someone in the toilet stall, so I just said it in my mind while I was peeing and again as I washed my hands. I was about as ready as I was ever going to be.
When I returned to the booth and JD, I told him that as my long-time good friend I wanted him to hear something directly from me, not someone else. That might not have been the best starting phrase because he quickly thought there was some devastating medical news I was laying on him. I told him to relax, it’s not that. It was nice to know that if it was, he would be concerned. Sure he would have been concerned; I would be if it was him. I didn’t jump right into the subject I had in mind, but I knew I could get there now. I told him that Lisa and I were getting a divorce, which was a shock to him, or at least he made it sound that way. I broke my trust with Lisa already since she didn’t want that knowledge out, but I had a plan in mind for that. I told him that Lisa wasn’t ready to let that information out just yet so please let her be the one to announce it herself. JD didn’t have a problem with that, but I know for fact his wife will drag it out of him sooner or later. They have been close friends of both of us for years, Lisa shouldn’t keep them in the dark. Obviously, we discussed the coming divorce for a while, but thankfully he never prodded me for the reason. I figured he’d be thinking irreconcilable differences a common divorce theme.
To change the subject and pull the proverbial bandaid off my not so hairy forearm, (a reference to Larry’s chapter) I brought up the date night I had with Larry and the generous gift of wine he sent to our table. I never told him I donated it though. He remembered that night very well and told me that his wife was wondering where Lisa was, and who that man with me was. Man, was he ever setting me up, had to take advantage of that right then. I told him that the man was named Larry Janssen, my next-door neighbor who was at Lisa’s promotion party as well. JD said, did he have a buzz cut or something back then, because the guy in the restaurant had blonde curly hair. I told him, he was right, he hates curly hair but puts up with me since I like it. Then he said that he didn’t think Larry was one of the regulars though.
I told him he should be aware that he is going to be a regular
all the time now. But I didn’t tell him I have no plans on anymore large parties,
period. He asked if there was something he should know about Larry,
business-wise since I’m retired now. I laughed and said, “Not really, it’s for
another reason.” Well this bandaid is not coming off so quickly, I decided to
use an old business trick, just shut up and wait, see what he was going to say
next. Well the trick works if only one knows about it, he knew what I was up to
and was having no part of it.
So, I told him I picked him to be the person to hear something not easy for me to say. He was my friend and should know first. He thanked me once more, but still didn’t have a good idea yet. And then, after he spend some time staring at his paper coffee cup, he looked up at me and said, “Al, is there something going on between you and this Larry guy?” I said, “Yes.” I wasn’t the only one with a one-word comment, he hit me with, “Why?” I told him, “I love him, like I haven’t loved anyone before. And we’ve been living together for a long time now and plan on marrying each other.” Totally ignoring the marry comment, he asked, “Was that going on at Lisa’s party, has it been that long?” I had to tell him, “A lot longer than that and we want to get married.” JD wasn’t ready for all of that at one time, but it just came out of my mouth without filtering. He shook his head in disbelief for a moment, but that stopped, and he just looked at me. He saw my eyes getting watery and new this was difficult for me. He reached out across the table and placed his hand on top of mine for a while. I didn’t cry, I didn’t want to cry but it was emotional and maybe I’d be losing a good friend after this. And then it hit me, how many people will be told behind my back? That just made my eyes get even waterier. He wasn’t saying anything, just being quiet for a long moment; I started to panic inside, this could go so wrong. I trusted him, I don’t even know if he will still like me as a friend.
I couldn’t say anything at all, I figured I said more than enough already. JD finally broke the silence with, “Al, I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Thank you for your trust in me. I don’t know exactly how to feel but I can see how you are handling this though. I’m your friend Al, we are still friends, right? Are you happy? That’s all that counts.” I found my voice again and it was not normal sounding, but I was able to say something back to him. I told him I’ve never been happier in my life, and that Larry felt the same way. We are perfect for each other.”
JD was still not sure of what to say, but I was okay with what he said. I could see he was struggling as much as me. He managed to ask about Lisa, how she was taking all of this. I couldn’t fill all of that in for him and won’t, that’s Lisa’s job, she didn’t want the divorce out yet. I’m sure as fuck not going to be the one to out both Lisa and Ellen. They are on their own with that. I could see the man walking away with a totally blown mind if I did. I asked him if this news put our friendship in jeopardy. His response was, “What? Of course not, why would I care what you do behind closed doors! And then tried to lighten it up with, “You do, do this behind closed doors, right?” Yeah, we needed the laugh. But sometimes we don’t, but he doesn’t need to know that, right.
We had spent more time in McDonald’s that we both figured upon, and that became evident when he looked at his watch and said that he needed to go, he had an appointment coming up. Asked me not to go anywhere while he went to the bathroom before he had to leave. I told him sure; I could wait, why not. As he left the bathroom, we headed out of the building together and walked over to our cars that were parked next to each other. JD gave me a hug and said, “See you later buddy, I really need to keep this appointment, too late to cancel.” I got it, he didn’t need to say any more, he’s a good friend after all.
JD’s ‘One Finger Salute’ as he left McDonald’s |
I’m sure I let out a big breath of air after he left the parking lot. I was just leaning on my car at the time as I waved him off. I walked around to the drivers side of my car and got in but didn’t go anywhere. I just sat, head down looking at my lap for a while. I remember making sighing noises, maybe it was more like deep breathing, and I remember needing to wipe my eyes before they started to drip. That was intense, not that he made it that way, I made it that way myself. The only thought I had after he left was what if he was only saying stuff he thought I wanted to hear. What if he can’t wait to tell his wife about what he heard from the horse’s mouth; I know his wife well enough, she’ll get it out of him and then talk about a “broadcasting machine” when it comes to gossiping. I could only imagine the ridicule, the non-stop explanations I’d be making forever! I thought those thoughts until I told myself I’m a fucking idiot, just stop and breathe again! James and I go back a long way, I’m sure he was being honest with me. Of course, I won’t know for sure until something comes of it later, I guess you’ll be one of the first to know.
After waiting a bit longer than I expected, I told myself to go home and tell the love of my life what I just did, he will be proud of me. Yes, that’s what I did too, but first I turned my car radio up to a 20 somethings kind of volume, and sang along to the music, even if I didn’t know the lyrics, I just made them up, who’s going to fucking care? I sang, and I breathed, and sang louder, and I laughed and sang again. I was feeling what the weight off my shoulder felt like, even if it was only for a little while. Part of me wanted the trip home to not end, the feeling I had, to not lose the feeling, but another part of me couldn’t wait to be in the arms of the one person who makes me feel this way. Yeah…
Don’t be upset that I stopped here, there’s more, a lot more to talk about, but let me live with it for a while before I write about it. Thank you for reading what I had to say and being our support system.
Love you guys.
Here is a link to the next posting:
Coming out is HARD. And it's ongoing, too. I'm proud of you for taking that step!
ReplyDeleteHi Chip! Thanks for the understanding and approval. I miss hearing form you, let's communicate!
Wow. First let me so Im so proud for you. I say for you because this is something you had to do in your time and in your way. Im glad you found your voice and the person who you wanted to share it with. It sounds like you did this on your terms. This is the first of many coming out conversions you will have. Most of them get easier with time. Just let yourself “feel” how you feel and decide what your next step(s) should be. Take care my friend. You know Im here if you need anything. Hugs!!
ReplyDeleteHi Billy!
DeleteYeah, it happened finally. But I'm not looking forward to doing it over and over again, it's inevitable though, I can see that. I want to believe you that it will get easier, but JD turned out easier than I thought. Nothing like old friends having each other's backs. I'm glad that's over, and I think maybe my true friends will act more like him. Let's face it, being gay today is nothing like it was for the older gents. I think I'd like to take a pill and it would be all over!
Love you Billy, I'll write you soon.
Yes I am proud of you, I kinda wished I coulda been there with you too. Don't you think JD ought to know me too now? Anyhow, maybe next time we can go meet him, but not at McDonalds okay! Now will you stop burying yourself in the office okay. Anyway, we'll see about that, you gonna write another chapter so I can rest my fingers, hahah! Love you,
Thanks for not letting everyone know what you actually told me when I came home! Babe, I needed to face this by myself the first time. I promise you can come and be by my side from now on, you might want to re-think that though. It's scary.
DeleteLove you.