Hey guys, it’s Larry this time. It’s a lot of fun writing for you guys, more than I ever thought it would be, that’s for sure. Anyway, thanks for accepting me like you have, and I’ll try hard to write something you might like to read about us this time.
After I read Marc’s last chapter, I just knew I could add some of the older stuff that was still in my head that maybe Marcus might not even know about. You know, I’m getting really good at letting go of that old crap more and more now, Marcus and you guys make me feel comfortable enough to do that too.
At the end of Marc’s chapter, I saw that Billy a “Gay Dad in Atlanta,” a long-time friend of our journal, wrote a comment to him. I like to read whatever Billy writes us because I learn so much from him. I’ve got so much to learn yet, so I take everything you guys write to heart. I really look forward to hearing from you guys.
Oh yeah before I write anything else about Billy, I gotta get this off my chest about Blogger. There’s this thing that Blogger does sometimes that drives me fucking crazy. I always write you guys and Marc back on your comments, but sometimes Blogger just makes my comment disappear, so I write it again and it disappears again. Now I’m way smarter, I copy what I write first so I can paste it again. Once I had to do that several times before it stuck. If you get caught like that, copy what you wrote first before posting it. If you don’t want for your main email and name to show, just post it anonymously. You can always sign your first name at the bottom, so we know who you are. I love knowing the name of the person I’m writing to even if it’s fake like “Larry” was at first. You can still call me Mark if that makes you happy. BTW I use the Edge Browser that I sign into first with my Gmail address and it just lets people know its me writing back, it puts the picture I use on the post too. Good that’s off my chest now!
Anyway, back to Billy, after reading his suggestion about writing some of our fantasy stuff, I figured I could do that big time! I’ve got lots of those still stuck in my head. I’m not sure that I have ever written much about that stuff though, like it’s supposed to a little private right. But then there’s not a lot of privacy here in the journal. Right Marcus? That’s okay, if it wasn’t for Marcus blabbing everything about us, maybe I’d still be the old Mark scared of his own shadow when it came to dealing with Marcus.
Before I really start, I’d like to tell you that living with Marc full time now is better than any fantasy I could ever come up with. I work at home again now and I’ll quit if I ever have to work out of my Elk Grove office again, I promise! I watched Marcus deal badly over retiring this year, but that won’t be me I bet! I know how I felt for those few months that I had to return to the office every day. I don’t ever want to feel that way again. Trust me if Marc and I ever need some space away from each other, there’s plenty of that here, you can get lost really good in this house! I just wanted to let you now that before I write anything about fantasy stuff. Okay?
Billy talked about sometimes having little problems or fights with his husband, but they always work things out before they would go to bed. I think that’s cool advice and if it ever gets like that for me and Marc, I bet we’ll do that too. You know there were times in my marriage that I tried doing that with my wife too, sometimes it worked and sometimes I got sex out of it too. Hahah, that would be the only reason I’d try anyway. Maybe you guys have learned about me that having sex in my marriage to Ellen has been more important to me than it was with Marcus and his wife Lisa. Now though, Marcus with me, well that’s a way different story; we could have a contest to see who really is the horniest toad living here! Hahah, I’d win, it’s me! Way more me! You shouldn’t worry about him though; he knows exactly how to get my attention when he wants it too. Am I that easy? Yup!
Billy also brought up my new friend Joe just like Marcus did in his last chapter. I could write some more stuff about him too. See, I got lots of stuff I can write about if you guys want to stay and read it. I hope I don’t screw up and get boring on ya.
‘Joe Cool,’ that’s how I imagine him now. He’s easy to like a lot and he seems to like spending time with me too. First of all, I’m glad that you guys like that I wrote about him, me too because I don’t want to hide stuff like that anymore. I did that for too long and it really screws with your head you know. I think I got kinda attracted to him a little like I did with Marcus, but not exactly the same way. Maybe I was attracted to him because he seemed to like talking with me before he started work on the pool. I know I liked talking with him because he made it very comfortable for me. IDK, but in a way he kinda reminded me of Marcus a lot.
You know, years ago I found myself so attracted to Marcus, and now there’s Joe being Joe I guess with us. Hey, that’s fun now for me, and I can’t tell you why, but it is. But I gotta tell you, I don’t understand something about how Marc is handling the naked stuff with all of us at times. Maybe you guys who follow us are thinking about it too. Marcus has this “grower dick” thing that made no sense to me at all, but it was super important to him. He stopped going to the gym, well Covid helped that by closing the place, but he was gonna do it anyway. He was so afraid of being compared to the big dick guys in the locker room, like they had any more choice over dick size than he did.
Anyway, if you’ve been reading our journal, you know Joe is a cool guy, but now we all know he is really huge down in the dick department too. I guess that’s okay since he doesn’t know about us talking about him anyway. I’ve been fascinated with how big it is though. But please don’t think I wished I look like him though because I don’t. I’m no way near his size, and I don’t care about that too. But I did worry about Marcus though when he saw him naked with us for the first time. I mean I know my Sweetbabes way more than pretty damn good by now, and I’ve had tons of conversations with him over the last couple of years trying to get his head straight on that kind of useless shit. But when I saw Joe totally naked, the first thing that came to my mind was, “Oh shit, there goes everything I tried to fix for Marc.” You know what though, he never said much to me afterwards and that was the strange part for me. I figured I must be a great therapist, or he is trying to bury his feelings from me. And that could mean we’re back to square one again.
I bet you want to know what happened after Joe was gone that day. I would. I had to drag it outta him, but I did, and it wasn’t easy too. Marcus finally told me that even though Joe has caught him naked many times over the years, that he wasn’t concerned about that at all. Well, I could have figured that out on my own, he’s talked about that before anyway. He also said that he had seen part of Joe’s dick many times, just never completely naked. Something else easy to figure out myself. I just knew there was something else he wasn’t talking about yet.
You know what he was concerned with, I bet a lot of you guys that love Marcus as much as I do would. He worried that I might feel bad that he wasn’t a big dick guy himself because he saw how I reacted after seeing Joe myself. I wasn’t aware of anything about what I was doing myself though. I did ask him what I did that made him think that. That little fucker told me that he wanted to shut my jaw closed after I saw his dick for the first time. I had no idea I did that, now I wonder if Joe saw me too. I should have looked at Marc’s jaw myself, but I guess I was staring at Joes dick instead. Considering how much I hate being stared at, I might need to apologize to Joe. No, I don’t, that’ll be worse than just forgetting about it. Anyway, this was about the first time, and we’ve had several naked swim times together now. Joe has probably had his share of stares to be used to it by now. If anything, maybe I should be talking to him about handling staring people, huh.
That little story brought me back to thinking about me and Marcus again for a minute. I don’t think it was something sexual at all on that first meeting. Not like it is now for us, that’s for fucking sure! Marcus was nothing like I imagined my new neighbor would be like. I did love that he was probably my age or close to it, and that was good enough for me. I also thought he was so damn good looking. I know I never thought that way about other men I met or worked with before. Maybe it was that he looked so damn Italian, my favorite kind of people, especially the Italian women, and of course, any Italian food. I’m sorry if I pissed off any of you non-Italian people out there. (Maybe I’m just a blond Italian. I hear there are some out there, I think from the northern part of Italy.) I didn’t understand exactly what it was for sure, but it happened for real, and it was scary situation because I didn’t know what to do about it.
You know what I did? I fucking buried my feelings quickly in case he noticed something weird about me. Like really, I’m a married guy just like him, and for a long time too, WTF! I got kids that should mean something, right. I may have hidden my attraction pretty good too, but I couldn’t get Marcus out of my head at all. Every complaint I ever gave Ellen about moving up here went flying outta my head now. I even beat myself up for waiting weeks to try and meet him. Can you imagine how hard it was for me to pull off several years of making believe we were only best buddies to each other. I know now that it was hard for him too. I might have written that sometimes I’d Jack off before going out even for coffee with him so I wouldn’t look like I wanted him so bad. It worked until it didn’t work much any more. My answer to that was to just make excuses why I couldn’t go out with him. That fucking killed me more than you know. If I only had the balls to let him know how much I wanted to be with him. I was so scared he’d just kiss-off our friendship and he almost did as he wrote about. Now we both talk about those years before the trips we took and how much we both hid from each other. It just makes us want to be closer, I think. And now there’s Joe making me think about all this stuff again.
I’ve read all the great comments you guys write in the journal and in the emails I get too. There are a lot of guys who were married once to women that ended up just like us. That helps a lot to know; not that I understand why that happens though. I’m sure I believe in fate though. Long before the move up here Ellen and Lisa were friends from work. Maybe one day they would have planned a dinner out between the four of us, that could have happened. Sometimes I wonder if I’d feel the same way about Marcus meeting him for the first time in a restaurant with the wives. Would it be the same? Just thinking about it gives me the willies. Yeah, I bet it would and trying to hide it might have been hard, but I bet I’d find a way to keep meeting him even though we lived far apart. I really do think that too. Anyway, I can’t begin to imagine not having Marcus in my life, and I don’t want to either!
After I moved in with Marcus a couple of years ago, he told me that I’d probably run into Joe one day, his long-time pool guy and that he had total access to the backyard gate and didn’t need us to open it for him. Since I worked in Elk Grove and left early in the morning, I never did meet him until last year. Once I was home more often in the morning, Marc told me that Joe was a really cool guy that I should try to meet up with him sometime. He filled me in on a lot about Joe’s personal life that he knew about and something else kinda strange too. IDK if it was really that strange, I guess, but it was something I didn’t expect to hear about. Marc said that there were times when he was caught all naked in the pool, Joe sometimes would squat down on the cool deck in front of him to chat, and when he did that, Marc could see some of Joe’s uncut dick popping out of his shorts. Marc didn’t tell me much more than that, but the uncut thing caught my attention, I never seen one of those in person yet. Oh, I’ve seen pictures of uncut guys on Twitter, man its hard not to see them out there too. Where are all the cut guys like us! Marc said lots of those guys might come from Europe or maybe the younger ones came from after they stopped cutting boys at birth in the USA. Anyway, that thing about Joe really stuck with me and I kinda hoped I’d get a chance to see it too. I know get a life Larry! I am, a more fun life!
I wrote about this before, but maybe I need to again so it will make sense for you. I used Joe for a test for myself, and it had nothing to do with any possible look at his junk, what I had in mind was way scarier for the old Mark. After that first trip, we took over a couple of years ago, it’s so natural being totally naked around Marc. Being a furry guy when you don’t want to be, or getting so much grief from Ellen over it, was gone now. At least with Marcus, I’d could parade my naked ass around him so much that I was giggling inside. Marcus loves me just the way I am but will anyone else! I know, I know, this is fucking stupid shit for you guys so into furry men, I get it, but I’m trying to let you see it from my side, okay.
Marc has written descriptions about me for such a long time now, and sometimes I feel he thinks I’m not aware of how people might see me in their own eyes. After reading and hearing his words for some time now, I get it. Some people might think I have a hot body for an old dude. Yeah, I said old dude about myself, I am you know! Lots of guys who worked out hard like I have, have great bodies too. Some even shaved off any hair covering their bodies, I won’t do that again! I just felt it was time to see if I could just be me and not be embarrassed about how I looked. Marcus filled my head for years about how much he loved everything about me and stop the worrying crap because lots of guys will like me.
I’ve been talking with Joe often now and I’ve offered him coffee to drink with me and I know that Marcus had done the same for years. Now I wanted to see if I had the guts to let him see much more of me. Hey guys, don’t think for a minute that I don’t love my hairy chest, because I do and I love hairy chests on guys, but chests not backs and shoulders and well every place. Even though Marc has made me so comfortable, that’s Marc, what about Joe. I felt I knew him enough now to trust him, but if he over reacted, man, I’m fucking outta here, like now. But he didn’t react at all, he never even spent time looking at me. I kinda wanted him to look at my body so I could see how I’d deal with it, but we were just talking and drinking coffee and man was I ever relaxed. Maybe Marc’s right, it’s all in my fucking head. Guys don’t care, yeah, well time will tell one day about that, but not with Joe, he’s a cool dude.
I’m writing this because Billy suggested it to Marcus. After I read it, I started to think about when Joe has been naked in the pool or around us and where it would go if we let it. Anyway, that night I found I had balls enough to bring this up to Marcus while in bed with him. I’m sure he’s had time to think about what Billy suggested and if not, I’d kill the thought and go for the dick I was planning on having some time with. (Not mine!)
I asked him what if Joe came onto us like he wanted to suck dick. And then I asked what if it was mine and then what if it was his. I should have waited to hear what he had to say if it was mine, but no I had to pushed on and he tossed the question back to me. I told you I found my balls, I could have said I asked you first, but I figured I’d have to tell him my thoughts sooner or later anyway.
I’m probably on thin ice here, but I said I’d let Joe suck me off if Marcus would watch and hold me and kiss me passionately at the same time too. Marcus thought because I added stuff for him to do that, I wasn’t really into having Joe sucking me off anyway. And then he told me that Joe should not be the one to finish the job of getting me off if we did go through with it, that he’d be the one to do it instead. Okay, maybe the ice isn’t so thin after all.
Could be Joe, maybe |
My balls didn’t get the hit like I thought they would get, so I brought up returning the favor to Joe. Would he consider sucking off Joe? And he threw it back at me again, okay I did bring it up, so I said yes, I would, I’m sure. It’s only fair we do the same for each other. I told him finally that I’m a little more than just curious about that big dick of his. Like how big it can really get. And I’d probably want to see him cum since that was a big turn on for me when Marc did it for me. Marcus just looked at me for a while and said that he better get ready for a hot ride in bed tonight, that I must be really horny. Hahah, ya think huh!
I remember a GIF Marc used once and it kinda fits my fantasy here, so I’m using it too. It’s a good thing Joe doesn’t know about this journal; he might not appreciate that I used this guy to be him all hard. IDK, maybe he can get this big. I know I’m glad we’re not built like him. Anyway, I’m just having some sexy fun on ya here. Can you believe this guy though!
I told Marc that he was holding out on me, that I still didn’t hear what he’d be willing to do with Joe. He stalled for a bit and that’s not him most of the time. I told him to forget about it, that I was trying out some fantasy stuff with him that I was thinking about writing in my next chapter. Marc probably thought I was going to push for this for real and now he knew it was something not to worry about, I guess.
Marc said that he loves what we have going between us and never thinks about other guys. I had to jump in there and tell him I felt the same way about him, I don’t want anyone other than him in my life, but I do have a lot to learn yet. He said that if I understand it’s only to answer my questions, that he could think about a guy built like Joe, but it wouldn’t be as good as it is with me. I asked him why, and he said that was easy. My dick was the perfect size for him, that he couldn’t imagine trying to take Joe’s big dick in his mouth. I told him that’s no different for me too, that I loved having sex with him. Then I asked about dealing with an uncut dick, what was his feeling about that, and told him don’t ask me first like he’s been doing. He said he didn’t think it would be any different if he used good hygiene like we do.
I know that Marcus has spent a lot of time at his gym and had seen all kinds of guys naked. I haven’t and I guess Joe caught my attention more than he has for Marc. I bet Marc never saw a guy like Joe with a hard on though. I still think I should try to come up with a way to get to see it one day. Okay, you got me admitting that when I’m horny and still writing. I do think it would be cool to know though, at least I won’t be like Marcus and think I was not big enough after seeing it. He should be over that shit by now anyway, I’ve been working on his head for a couple of years now, he’s at least stopped writing about the “shower-grower” thing he was so concerned about in the locker room.
I don’t know where Joe and the two of us will end up. I’ve read that there’s good fantasy shit in that for you guys if that could happen between the three of us. I’m not saying that I haven’t thought about that a little bit sometimes myself. Who knows maybe one day we might feel like we need some strange sex. Now I know Marc will want to talk to me about that comment. Maybe we’ll make our own strange sex afterwards. 😜
Anyway, I’m thinking about Marcus now instead of Joe. I know I’ve made lots of comments about loving heavier men and how much I love softer bellies on guys, even on me too. I better since mine got that way! I should have paid more attention to what Marc was up to on his diet. This Noom thing he got involved with really doesn’t look like a diet, at least what I think a diet looks like. Marc did stop with the second helpings, and he stopped with the ice cream and snacks after dinner. I just figured he was full or something. It didn’t stop me though. I don’t need him eating snacks because I wanted some myself. I can be such a junk food guy at times!
The new sexy Marcus |
After I started writing this section, I went searching for a picture that kinda looked like him now. He really does look awesome I think, and I know he’s so proud of himself, as he should be. Anyway, I picked out this guy to show off my buddies new body to you. Other than he doesn’t have a sexy beard like Marc or pecs anywhere close to him, his size seems right. Even his chest hair is light like Marc’s. I’ll let my buddy say if this guys junk is a good match or not, that would be fair, right. At least it kinda matches the picture he picked out for himself. I swear after he lost all that weight, he does seem bigger down there though. Hahah.
The old sexy Marcus |
Marc has picked out pictures to represent him and me many times in the last couple of years, but there was one he used that was so close to him I wondered why he used it. But I’m glad he did because it’s so fucking hot looking to me. Marcus posted that picture in his
“Prologue: The Dream that started the odyssey.”
The guy he picked for himself had a thick core like him and just hairy enough to get me hard by looking at it. Laying down instead of standing kinda smoothed out the bigger belly on him back then. Marcus said had a “dad bod,” and he said I kinda did too. That might be pushing it, Marc. After our trips together and how we spent a lot of naked time together, Marc started saying he was getting too fat. I kept telling him to cut it out that he was fucking hot looking to me, besides I loved cuddling up with him. I guess I won since he stopped complaining about being heavier than me. He just kept it to himself, I guess.
I should have been more aware and supported him right from the start. But I know now that he wanted to surprise me with his smaller stomach one day. Man, I could have helped him like I’m doing now with some weight training or planned on spending more time in the exercise room he let me put in a spare bedroom. (There’s enough of those in the house for sure!) Well, I couldn’t be prouder of him right now, he looks so good and he’s able to use his new knee like normal now. I know I kinda stopped writing updates on his knee replacement surgery long ago, he was released, and his surgeon thought he was doing just great. I think his weight loss is helping his other knee now since he doesn’t complain anymore. Like 40 pounds lost is pounds not hurting his knees anymore. I think he’s lost much more than that though. He’s making my own gut look bad lately! Well don’t worry I’m working out with him at the same time. And I won’t make any jokes about our guts anymore, especially his lack of one. Since I brought up his knees, I should tell you his Surgeon’s PA told him he shouldn’t be kneeling on his new knee, learn other ways around kneeling. I guess our love making is gonna learn lots of new permanent moves for real.
Anyhow, I hope you are proud of Marcus for sticking to his diet too, he’s got more bones showing than me now and I bet his waist is smaller than mine. That’s so fucking awesome that I can say that about myself, really. I have a long history of being skinny growing up; that I can say I have a thicker middle than him sounds cool to me. But I’ll try to get my gut down a size or two. That should be fair for him, all he ever wanted was to look more like me. That was really cool to know, I just thought he was perfect the way he was, he didn’t need to change anything for me.
Since I’m talking about fantasies for a while. I could tell you some stuff I had going about Marcus during the first years as next-door buddies. I don’t want to rewrite the stuff I did already, you know all that shit or probably should. My wife told me so little about Marcus before we did meet. I think she knew more than she let on, I mean Lisa was her girlfriend long before we all met. It was a work thing that brought them together. I had more questions about him myself as we were busy moving in, but there’s so much shit to do on a move, even with help from the movers.
I didn’t spend much time thinking about any of our new neighbors though, however Marc’s house is the closest to mine and that had the best potential to meet a new neighbor one day. I did wonder about what kind of guy would live in a house that big? I figured maybe an old dude with a trophy wife. Ellen said that Lisa was her age, so if figured her out to be gold digger. I’m sorry I thought that I really do like Lisa, and she’s anything but a gold digger, but I had these weird nagging thoughts in my head about her husband. I kinda kissed off the idea of ever having a guy my age to get to hang around with. I guess with all that in my head, I never pushed hard to get to meet either of them right away.
We did get to meet by accident though and we both wrote about that, but I didn’t write about how I couldn’t get Marcus outta my head afterwards, like ever! I was so fucking happy that he was not this old dude I pictured, he was young like me and really good looking too. But I couldn’t connect him with that house though. What was he doing in a such a grand place like that. You know something else about him, he looked Italian, I mean REALLY handsome Italian, my favorite guy look of all, (not sexual yet that’s so not me back then). Like did he win the big Lotto or something. Maybe he was a Mafia drug dealer and go figure, here I am all clean and sober now. Later after pushing Ellen to tell me what she knew about him, she told me that he was this big honcho at his company and has been for years. She never told me much more, kinda left it up to me to discover on my own, I guess. Oh, that was gonna happen big time!
Everything about him got into my head after our first meeting, I mean I dreamed up all kinds of ways he could own a house like that. But what he looked like got way more important to me. I never ever used men as fantasy stuff for jerking off, that’s something I’m not so proud to admit I was doing more lately because sex was not happening very much anymore between me and the wife. Man like I must have taken a mental picture of him that first day because it was him in my head when my dick was in my hand. It was him that made me cum harder than ever before. Talk about scary shit! How did picturing beautiful soft tits and ass get replaced with Italian good looking him?
You know I never did see him naked in all those years as buddies, although I told you before I had a good idea of what he might look like under those tight shorts of his. Funny now that I think about back then, he was always wearing tight shorts in my fantasies and hardly ever naked. He was so fucking sexy that day. I still can picture him that way, yet I get to see him naked all the time now. Yeah, he’s even more sexy without the tight shorts. You gotta know that!
I guess you might remember that I own a classic wooden boat, it was my first “toy” I bought once I started to make my new salary as a Junior Partner at work. I don’t want to get into any my personal business here other than talking about owning this new “I’ve always wanted a motor boat” thing of mine. I can tell you that I really didn’t pay anything near what it’s worth though. I got it at an estate sale that looked like it was in a big hurry to get rid of everything. It had been stored inside a garage for I don’t know how long, and it had seen better days, and needed someone to love it. “Hey that’s me, I’ll love it! I really will!”
Anyway, I brought up owning the boat here because I’m writing about fantasies and there’s one for the boat too, yeah, way more than just one! There was this crazy thought that popped right into my head after I got to meet the hunky Italian guy living right next door to me. Sweet! My boat had a brand-new fantasy attached to it, like in a split second after meeting Marcus too. Maybe I should tell you about the original fantasy for the boat first though, so you know why it ended up being Marcus.
I hope you understand that any boat fantasies I had before moving to Granite Bay only had my wife in it. The idea of an actual bed to use in the cabin below deck was about the biggest fantasy my head ever had to deal with after buying the boat. I actually talked Ellen into going below to try out the V-berth in the bow of the cabin with me one Sunday afternoon. (I started to learn what to call the parts of a boat after I bought it.) My boat was in our garage while I was restoring it, I wasn’t about to leave it outside! I figured it be a great place to try and put something strange into our sex life after so many years of married sex. Well, that was my plan, but Ellen thought the space was too claustrophobic (thank you spellcheck). She sat on the end of the V-shaped bed and said she couldn’t handle having to lay down in such a small place. She had me prop open the two side hatches and then survived for a few more minutes before totally bailing out on me. As she was climbing back out of the boat backwards, she told me that’s she’s probably going to get sea sick when below deck so don’t go getting any ideas in my head once we were finally get on the water. See what I had to deal with!
Way before Marcus ever got to see my boat close up and personal. I spent many loving hours restoring her at my old place in South Sac. There really wasn’t a ton of stuff to do though, other than a lot of cleaning, light sanding and then staining and polishing her back to something really beautiful. Okay, there were some (lots) parts that got replaced as I found them too. Hey, that was part of the job I figured on when I bought her. It was gonna be my new hobby (and money pit) until she was perfect, and I never even considered taking her on the water until then. I hoped she was gonna be water safe, if not I’d figure out what to do when I had to un-sink her and my embarrassment. Oh yeah, besides all that, it became obvious that I needed to buy a more powerful pickup too and get that expense passed by “you know who.” Ellen already thought I was fucking stupid buying a boat in the first place. She told me, more like scolded me, “You don’t own a boat, a boat owns you.” I’ll be damned if I’d agree with her to her face, but she was right. (She’ll never know I said that.) Just maybe I love being owned by a boat. I do you know!
My old pickup was struggling getting my boat launched often, let’s not even talk about getting it out of the water. I needed another pickup, and it ought to match the beauty of my boat too. I’ve always had the dream about owning a big fat-assed dully pickup truck, but who needs to be told I don’t need one because I did. Well, my boat did if it wanted to ever cruise again. Anyway, if I’m gonna have a pickup of my dreams it’s gonna be bigger and better than what I already have. I’m kinda sorry I wrote that because I loved driving my old pickup and it loved me! Even though it’s got over 200K on it and looks like it’s begging me to sent it to the farm.
Let’s say for now that several years ago I did go buy myself a brand-new King Ranch Dully at the price of lost sex for, oh IDK, maybe until my dick was looking forward to my right hand more than her. At least I got to sleep in my own bed, but Ellen fixed the sheets, so I was always on my side of the bed. You know I finally got some real rest at night and for a long time too. It helped that my dick had an appointment with my hand before jumping in bed though. None of that stuff is fantasy just in case you wondered! Hahah. I bet Marcus wouldn’t pull any of that kind of shit on me. I wouldn’t do it to him. I hope I setup the Marcus/boat fantasy for you good enough now before I go on.
Man, these thoughts go back so long ago I almost forgot I had them. I do remember some of it now that I’m forcing myself to think about them. I had this stupid thought in my head that once I got Marcus aboard my beautiful cruiser, I’d be so desired by him. That’s something he never did show me at all, but that didn’t stop my fantasy. I often dreamed about him taking charge, not like raping me or anything like that, just that he couldn’t keep his hands or mouth off me. I wanted him to take me below deck to show me sexual places I’ve never been. I’m not sure anymore if that meant I wanted him to fuck me, maybe I did, that was so long ago I can’t say anymore. But it was exciting to think a cool guy like Marcus would want me like that. You better know I kept that fantasy all to myself for years too. Maybe I was too good at that, ya think?
There was this time early on in our friendship that I did ask Marcus if he wanted to go boating with me on the Sacramento River. Of course, he did, he jumped on it right away, but he added something I didn’t expect to hear. He asked me if we could take the wives with us too. “Yeah, sure we can ask them if you want.” Fuck! And then double-fuck, I kinda wanted it to be just a guy thing between us. Maybe there will be a day when we will just be by ourselves. I began having these non-stop dreams of getting his ass down below with me after we anchored off in some safe spot. I didn’t know what I wanted exactly yet, but naked was always a good start and then getting off together was way up there on the list! I wasn’t gonna let a little thing like our wives coming along sometimes to stop me from trying to figure out how to get him alone one day.
But, what the hell, it could be interesting to see how the four of us would act on the boat together. I actually sold myself on that because there was a very good chance it was gonna happen over and over anyway. And it did, for lots of years too. We all were really a good fit together and we all got along so well. I remember laughing lots, but I don’t remember why though, probably us being silly. Anyway, on those times together it always guys together sitting up front and wives together at the stern of the boat. Ask me if I was disappointed about that arrangement. Yeah right. It was all in good fun, but I never got a feeling from Marcus that maybe he’d like to just be alone with me on the boat. Guess what, we didn’t for a while. But that didn’t stop me from fantasizing about it though. It’s what I had now.
Another thing just popped into my head now. It’s about when I finally got Marc alone on the boat. Yeah, I don’t know if it was something I said or maybe he just wanted to do that finally. You know there’s a marine toilet in the head below in the cabin. A very clean and never used toilet as decreed by both wives. If we ever expect them aboard the boat, we better never pee in that toilet. Did ever try to aim your pee stream while bouncing around below deck on a small boat. And don’t tell us to sit down like a woman too. There’s really a story here, but I don’t know how interesting it is.
There’s one big rule if you’re a male with a dick trying to pee over the side of the boat especially a moving and in the wind boat. Don’t! That’s the rule unless you want to take a bath with your own pee. It’s gonna find you and pee all over you. It will! Besides for those times I was alone in the boat I’d use a plastic urinal, yeah, the same one I took home with me from the hospital when I had my appendix burst. I mean it works well for one good pee, but then the cap is just a snap-on and not too secure. And it’s hard not to notice there’s yellow pee in it just waiting to be dumped. I don’t think it’s a good idea to just dump it in the river, especially if there’s anyone watching. But did often, I’m not proud of myself for that, but I’m usually good for two or three pees while in the boat. Don’t judge me please.
Anyway, back to Marcus in the boat with me and my need to pee. I told him don’t freak but I’m gonna pee in a bottle while at the wheel. He was okay with that, but I guess it put the idea of peeing into his head and he wanted to do it too. Yeah, but I just almost filled the bottle myself and we were not in an area I was comfortable in dumping the pee in the river. That didn’t seem to make him want to wait, like he needed to pee now. I dumped it by dragging the bottle in the water and I got away with it too. Now I have clean fresh bottle for him, except now I will have another bottle to dump in a minute.
Neither one of us were tempted to use the head below, because we were told never to use it if we wanted the wives back onboard with us. You know there really was a missed opportunity there for us, but the wives made food for us and snacks, beer and wine, and club soda for me. Let’s not fuck that up! Well, that’s not the end of this story. Marcus has a solution for containing pee at home for his pool. If you’re in the pool for a long time you gotta pee often, and he has a rule about not peeing in the pool. Thanks Marc, I like that rule. Marc took a used-up bottle of Clorox Non-Bleach he uses for the laundry, yanked out the inner pour spout leaving an opening big enough for a man’s dick, even a big one. It’s maybe a gallon-size and dark blue and you can’t see through it too. Anyway, on our next trip out to the river Marc pulled out a blue bottle from his bag just like the one at his pool and gave it to me for the boat. He said that ought to solve our problem and it’s big enough for the both of us to use it more than once. That happened a long time ago and now I have two blue bottles stored on the boat, one for each of us.
This is the Snack Boat line |
There was a thing that happened between us on my boat a couple of years before our life changing lake trip. If I was on top of stuff, maybe the lake trip would have happened way before it did. We were just slowly cruising on the American river near the mouth of the Sacramento River, there’s only a small portion where boats are allowed and it’s a 5 MPH No Wake Zone too. We don’t always bother to go there but there’s usually a boat that sells whatever you might want while on the water, if you don’t mind the wait cruising up to the selling window. We usually just get one of those frozen drumstick ice cream cones and then turn around to head back out to the Sacramento River.
(I told Marcus that I was writing about some of the river cruising we did together before we took the lake trip. He remembered he had some iPhone videos of the American River during the trip I’m writing about. He Airdropped the video to me so I could try to take some screen shots to use if I wanted. The screen shots aren’t the best quality, but it gives you an idea of what I’m talking about, I think. It’s cool he had at least a little bit of the snack boat and a whole bunch of tied-together boats too.)
Boats tied together that day |
There’s always a crowd tied up together and drinking and playing loud music and young enough to be our kids. Now you probably know why we don’t hang around there to long. Anyway, while we were waiting for our turn to buy some ice cream, I looked over at Marcus sitting sideways in the seat with his back against the side of the boat. He was just staring at me. Did you ever get the feeling someone was staring at you? Well, that’s what made me turn to see him doing just that. I asked him what he was looking at. He said, “You.” I asked why and he said I was glowing in the sun and looked so sexy and cool, like I had a halo around me, and he was totally fascinated by that.
So not our crowd anymore |
By this time in our friendship, if I wasn’t shirtless on the boat, I was wearing a tank top that left lots of me still exposed to the sun. I’m so light-haired that I guess I could look like I glowed in the bright sun. I don’t see me like that though. Anyway, I kinda just said, “That really turns you on, huh?” And he said, “Absolutely buddy!” First of all, I can’t believe I really said that out loud, but in my horny brain I came up with something I’d have no guts to say anyway. Like, “Why don’t we go below deck and let me show you how I could really turn you on.” I’d fucking die right there on the spot if that ever came out of my mouth by accident. Even though I really wanted to. (Marcus, I bet you didn’t think I’d remember that “Absolutely buddy!” comment of yours huh. I never forgot it buddy.)
Back then I was so fucking sure he could be setting me up to really find out if I was gay or something. I think they call that paranoia, and I wasn’t sure any more if all the negative gay comments I made at sometime or other got them concerned that I was covering up something myself. Ya think huh Mark? Damn was I ever doing that too, I didn’t know how to handle my growing attraction to Marcus anymore. It was getting stronger all the time, I was going to fucking blow my cover, I just knew it. What I did do though was stop the comments and I think that helped me a lot. I just stopped worrying about being found out and figured I’d deal with it when and if it happened. It never did, not like I worried about.
You know I’m an idiot, big fucking idiot, I could have jumped on that opportunity he opened for me and see where it went, but I just shrugged it off to him as, “That’s cool I guess.” I figured that was a decent straight guy’s reply at the time. It’s his fault you know for being such a fucking good actor covering himself. But I wasn’t gonna fall victim to a sneaky setup like that. The sad part he wasn’t setting me up at all. I guess I’m just as guilty.
I hope those stories weren’t too boring or stupid because they just came up in my mind while I was thinking about us before we got real with each other. The very best boat story goes back to Marc’s birthday a couple of years ago, and after we stopped covering up how we felt about each other. Marcus wrote his Chapter 35: “I Had the Best Fucking Birthday Sex Ever” and it was about what I planned for his birthday. It was the best chapter he wrote up to that time. I can only hope to write something as good as that one day. He had me so emotional after reading it I couldn’t see from the tears in my eyes. I’ve read it lots of times and I always get teary-eyed, especially the part in the restaurant gets me every time. I wanted him to have the best birthday ever and I think I did give it to him. I hope you got a chance to read that chapter, if not I’m gonna give you the link at the end of my posting, maybe you’ll go read it again.
My cruiser is sitting in the driveway covered of course, there’s no room in the garage for it unfortunately. We haven’t been out on the water very often after Covid hit, kinda sad, but we’ve got so much going on right here in the house that took the place of boating. I blame the fucking heat and fires and bad air. It just sucked the life out of us, so we just made do inside. We stopped talking about buying a cabin after the Salt Fire at the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in July of this year took out the cabin we stayed in at the lake. That was a long ass drive out of the woods if we were there during the fire. I can’t imagine going there and seeing a burnt-out forest and no cabin or boat. Fucking sucks!
Anyhow we are up to something in the house though. I’m so glad Marc has stopped talking about moving outta here for someplace smaller. I don’t blame him for that, but this place is so fucking cool and private. I can go outside buck naked and most of the time I do, and no one can see us. At least I don’t think so, maybe I should check for drones overhead. Anyway, we’ve been turning the house into a guys place. Like whom needs so many bedrooms, no one is gonna come for a visit. The kids would just go visit their moms and let them spoil them. They might come for a swim since my house doesn’t have a pool, at least not yet that we know of.
I talked Marcus into building a theater room with a 100” TV or even bigger or maybe a projection TV. I thought we could rethink out the main living room, the one they used for big work parties. That ain’t gonna happen here anymore so why not subdivide the room into a theater and smaller living room. Well, that got shot down since if he does sell the place some day, there’s still the giant room for parties. Okay I guess, but he did suggest why not take one of the interior bedrooms and turn that into a theater room. We wouldn’t need to block out the light from windows and maybe we could fit 6 to 8 lounge chairs in a stadium arrangement. The ceilings here are all very high, it’s only a one-story house that looks like two stories. See isn’t it great living with a buddy? I hope you don’t think either wife would agree to allow us to do this or get a giant big-ass TV too. I have lots of my work out equipment in a bedroom with outside access instead of my garage. I haven’t figured out yet how to get my wood working shit over here. No space in the garage but there’s lots of yard space for a work shed if Marc doesn’t mind. I’d love to get everything I own over here one day. You’d be surprised at how much shit you can acquire in ten years, maybe you wouldn’t be surprised after all.
Maybe I should stop writing here for now unless I get a burning desire to write something else in the next day or two. I have to face the music with the grammar checker yet, that’s a whole day right there! The checker really hates all the slang I use, but Marc said be real with you guys and I use lots of slang words. I ignore the grammar checker on that, and then I have to go back and see how spellcheck changed my words. I just fixed the TO GO in the above sentence. Some how it thought I wanted it to be YO HO, stupid shit!
Thanks for reading my stuff and don’t be afraid to write me and let me know what you’d like me to write about. I could use all the help I can get.
Hugs to all you guys,
M. Larry
Here’s a link to Marc’s Chapter 35, one of my favorite to read over and over.
The next chapter in our blog is from Marcus, it’s his 79th posting. Here is the link for you:
I'm still not getting notifications when either of you does a new post, so I've resigned myself to checking randomly. Glad I did today! I love these old stories about how the old Mark had all these fantasies that he had to suppress... and I chuckle that some of them were tied up with that boat! I get the dynamic of the double-dating stuff you used to do; some of my own youthful fantasies revolved around the chance to double-date with a buddy who I'd rather spend time with than the girl I'd have to take, while also wishing that he'd be more interested in me than in the girl HE'D have to take. Ha ha! (I wouldn't have had a clue what the next step might be, but the fantasies were real.)
ReplyDeleteStuff like that is a really big part of why I like this blog. Your new relationship has given you the chance to reflect and recall how you felt years ago and what same-sex-attracted feelings you had even back when you couldn't have named them. Exploring that can only be healthy, right?
Say, I look forward to reading about the big work party thing for Lisa and how handsome you both will have looked in your tuxes. I'm sure there will be plenty to write about from that evening, especially since you'll be navigating a social environment where two same-sex couples are masquerading as their former selves. Man, talk about fantasy double-dates! Anyway, I look forward to it!
I hope the air quality improves up in your neck of the woods. I have good friends up there and in Sonoma County, and I cry when I think of all the beautiful trees that are being destroyed -- and homes along with them. I hope that yours is safe!
Chip, in Palm Springs
Hi Chip! I hope you don’t mind me calling you that instead of your Bearfuz handle.
ReplyDeleteAnyway so happy you wrote me on my chapter, Marc says you guys have an online commenting history too. That’s cool with me Marc’s friends will always be my friends too. We come as a set you know.😜
I reminded Marc about that alert thing, but he saw your comments too. Like I said we’re a set. He needs to set up a list of our subscribers to email when we post chapters. I guess Blogger screwed with our list somehow. I’d like to have that list too I’m always waiting for someone to email me or write a comment. I could tell you guys I wrote something too if I had a list.
Anyway, I loved that Billy suggested the idea of fantasies because I’m always looking for an idea to write about. That sounds so fucking crazy to me that I’d want to write something in the first place, I have so little skills. But I’m learning from the pro around here. I wish I was as good as Marc but you guys are telling me that you like my stuff too. That means so much to me!
It took us a while to get over being afraid of our feelings for each other, but man after that happened, watch out below deck. Even above deck sometimes if we were alone out on the river or lakes we go to. It’s a good thing our wives aren’t that crazy about boating. You ought to hear the “My Hair” complaints from them. Like it’s windy on the water, wear a hat or something.
Chip it’s really cool hearing from guys who understand what it must have been for us when we couldn’t even come out to each other. And then afterwards, it sometimes got worse because now we wanted more time together. I think we are just regular guys even though it might not look that way. Except I am the horniest one! Hahah! I had to say that because I’m baiting you know who to challenge me on that. See I really am!
For Lisa’s work party it’s coming up soon and I thought I’d let Marc write about it first and then seen what he left out. We went shopping for a new tux for him recently and I won on finding something cheaper and closer to home. We went to Roseville, the closest city to us. I still think dumping a couple of grand on something you hardly ever use is stupid. I think he agrees with me now. For how I’ll act with my wife and his will be important to Lisa and I’ll behave myself because I like her as a person. But you know I’m gonna make Marc sweat. Hahah, I told I’m the horniest one around here.
Hey Chip thanks for being our friend and liking our blog.
Bearfuz hugs to ya,
M. Larry
Hey Babe, keep it up, every new post of yours is a great read from you buddy. Okay, let’s settle one thing about horny. You make me horny, period! So, if that’s the case then I must make you horny, right? So I’m willing to concede that you indeed are the horniest around here. I’ll happily give that to you on a silver platter if you wish. This is one time I’ll be happy to be the “runner-up” horny guy in the house. Imagine I can make someone horny just being me.
ReplyDeleteI guess our readers must know we talk a lot and share stories now that it’s safe to do so, however, often you come up with stuff we haven’t talked about yet. I can see that you’ve held lots of feelings inside you for so many years that we’ve known each other. I’m sorry that we couldn’t have had the safe relationship we have now back then, I really am sorry. I’ll take my big share of the blame, too. You and our readers know that I had bad experiences in the past experimenting with my sexuality. Unfortunately, as much as you turned me on by just looking at you, and later knowing and loving you as a brother, I couldn’t trust my poor judgement on men. I accepted my roll in life would be as a dreamer, and man were you ever a dream to deal with.
Thank you for jumping in often and letting our readers know you better every time you write. You are so much more than the eye candy that I make you out to be. Not that “eye-candy” is a bad thing mind you. And, as I’m on a similar subject, thank you for recognizing my weight loss positively for me. Although the picture you chose for me might be more “eye-candy” than I can deliver. Somehow I have loose skin areas just waiting for me to refill them, man, I hope I don’t!
All I’ve ever wanted personally was to be loved unconditionally, and man have I ever struck the “Mother Load” with you babe! So what will you write about next?
Love you,
I'm here finally :)! Sorry I haven't commented yet. I usually check once a week for any updates since Blogger doesn't do a great job of letting you know when there's a new post. However, I had an emergency pacemaker surgery week before last. Long story to that but it was completely unexpected since I have no history of heart problems and no serious health problems. What matters is that I'm OK. Recovery will take a while but I'll be ok. In fact, I wanted to ask the doctor a few days later how soon I could have sex, even if by myself LOL but I waited for a week for a "wank" just to be sure. OK enough about that. I was excited that any comment I made was helpful or interesting. I love reading when either of you write your feelings and experiences but sometimes life just isn't that interesting but what goes through our minds can be. I've been with my hubby for 14 years and he still turns me on like he did when I met him. However, every now and then, I meet someone that just "gets to me". There was a guy we met and I could not get him out of my head. I joke with the hubby regularly about him surprising me for (insert holiday here) by bringing him over and putting a bow around any part of his body for me /us to enjoy LOL. While we have been monogamous for 14 years, we both enjoy looking at other men and flirting as long as we keep boundaries. Neither of us gets jealous and we both figure that when we get home it will only be the other one that gets to be the beneficiary of the horniness caused :). I love the conversation about Joe and the openness and honesty that you both have about how interesting he is and how nice his dick is! I love the home you two are building together. Its not just a building but the home you are building in your hearts. It sounds like you both can say whatever comes to your minds. Keep that up. I often look to my relationship with my x wife to help remind me what didn't work and what hasn't worked to help propel me to a better relationship with the hubby. I love you both and I hope you are both having an amazing week :). Hugs!
ReplyDeleteHi buddy, if I can call you that!
DeleteOh you don’t know how much I hate the crap Blogger puts us through getting comments out. Although now I use Edge just for talking to you guys it’s better. Anyway I’m so happy to hear from you, I guess you noticed I talked about you a lot this time. I guess you’re not mad at me for doing that.
Wow, a pacemaker huh, I wouldn’t expect that but hearing you were still horny, makes you a real buddy around here! If you want to talk about it with me, just write me an email. I’d love to hear from you and I can fill Marc in for you too. I’ll tell him to read your comments here. I guess you know Marc loves that you are our friend through the journal. He told me about you long before I started writing regular here.
We haven’t done much planning on marriage yet, but we both will one day. Right now everything is working out good, so don’t mess with it huh. I love that you have a history like us and we can learn so much from guys like you Billy, so don’t stop telling us stories. I think I’ve been in love with my buddy for a very long time, I think it started when he visited me everyday in the hospital long ago. No one else did and I remember waking up and seeing him. Sometimes I’d fall asleep before he left and then I got woken up by a nurse and he’d be gone. I kinda cried a bit after the nurse left the room. I knew back then I was always gonna feel that way around him. So if we do tie the knot, I’m gonna tell people we’ve been married for as long as I’ve loved him. That should make us something like you guys right.
The day we get like you guys and think outside ourselves for strange sex, I hope you will still be our friend and help us through that time. Right now he’s all mine and I’m pretty sure he feels the same. Nah, I know he does, I don’t know why I said that.
I’m so happy my Joe stories are liked by you guys too. IDK exactly why I’m so into him besides that I like dick now, maybe because I never made friends before and now I can and it feels so fucking good inside that I can do that. I never trusted people much before and now with Marc I seem to be over that. I better go before I write a chapter again. Man, go figure writing would be what Marcus rubbed off on me. Well, maybe that’s not the only thing.
Love you buddy!
M. Larry