CH 88: Mostly About Pops This Time

 Hi guys it’s me, Marcus.

I wanted to get something out to all of you before the Holidays arrive, and all the work that needs to be done around here first. However, I felt it’s time to talk about the father-figure now living with us, and how it’s been going. Please don’t expect a doom and gloom story because that’s just not who we are.

I’ve been writing sketchy reminder notes on my iPhone whenever I can, so there will be a source for my journal stories. One thing for sure, whether it be me or Larry, getting free time to write is almost an impossibility. Oh, I suppose if we just came out to Pops with, “Hey we are blog writers so excuse us for a few hours,” might just work. Yeah, that’s just a pipe dream for now. Time will let us know when and if Pops will ever know the journal blog exists. Every time I start working on a story to tell, I wonder what part of the story Pops would object to. I never seem to have an answer based on what we have been writing about since he’s been living with us. However, let’s go back a few years ago when I let my horny loose and out of the cage, I’m not so sure I want him reading those pages. 

I have come to trust all of you wonderful guys that follow us; any advice you have on letting him know, especially if you have a few years on us, would be so welcomed. You would not know the turmoil I go through, should I, shouldn’t I; it’s fucking crazy. So, let me begin my chapter all about Pops this time. I hope you will stay and read about this most interesting fellow.

It was on a recent morning in the kitchen while Larry and I were having coffee and waiting for Pops to join us for breakfast. We do that more often than not now, especially if there’s any cooking involved. No sense in creating more than one mess to clean. Actually, we really look forward to sharing time in the morning with Pops. However, for the morning in question we had to wait somewhat longer than normal. That always scares me, should I go check on him, make sure he didn’t fall or something worse that I don’t want to think about. We did start talking about the lateness of Pops with us and I do believe one of us would go check on him soon. I did tell Larry that I wasn’t sure how Pops would deal with our intrusion. No further talks were needed I heard the shuffle of slippers headed to the kitchen and we relaxed. Not that the thought of our concerns left my head afterwards; sorry to say it remains as a possibility.

Pops had some paper in his hand as he entered the kitchen, but any thoughts of concern for him disappeared once we heard his cheerful good morning to us. He was in great spirits, perhaps a tad more than normal for him, sure made me relax as well as Larry from the big smile on his face seeing Pops.

Larry asked him about the papers in his hand and Pops said, “In due time son, first I need coffee.” Pops placed the papers on the table where he planned on sitting and then went to pour a cup for himself. I had a good look at the top paper, not that I could read anything from the angle I was seated, but I did notice that it was printed perfectly. Call it the artist in me to notice, but his page was a perfect array of gray space created by impeccable printing. By comparison to my style, if I dared call it that, is a combination of print mixed with occasional cursive, no plan; often happens that way. I do believe the cursive shows up when I’m in a hurry to get the word in my head on the page. I’d guess if anyone was viewing a page of my handwritten words would see a combination of Jackson Pollock and Picasso blended on the page; good luck reading it. Pops’ page could have been written by an architect or draftsman. Just an observation I had; no question there was some real thought put into the writing on that first page.

When Pops returned with his cup of coffee, the first thing he did was turn the pages over to the blank side and then moved them away from any possible coffee spills. He totally ignored the papers and said, “Mark, you look like you survived your birthday yesterday pretty well.” He responded with, “Ya, I think so, but it’s still early yet.” Which got a little laugh by all of us. But Pops had me thinking, damn, what’s on those papers. Pops has never lost his ability to set the stage of anticipation; make sure everyone is totally focused before he starts his presentation. I learned well from him.

Oh, don’t think for one minute that Pops was not going to discuss what was written on the papers in front of him, because that was prime on his mind that day. If for nothing other than the impact of anticipation and surprise, the timing of his presentation is pure business know how. You can bank that. 

Once Pops was ready, he turned the pages over for his presentation. No question in my mind, he has been mulling over this pending talk for some time now. As much as I thought I knew his style, he did change it up that morning with us. He went directly to how long it was taking to write down his thoughts on paper and now was having second thoughts about the task he set for himself. Actually, the contents of his beautifully printed pages were not the subject of conversation yet; however, no question that it was important to him that he follow up on his idea and get as much help from us as possible. I had an idea but needed to confirm that he was not a stranger to a keyboard; he wasn’t. For him, typing was a one-finger activity on his iPad. I let him know that if I’m typing on the iPad screen myself, I’m faster using one finger than using both hands. On a normal keyboard I do use my typing skills. Pops told us that he was well beyond the years of learning how to type properly, but he knew where the letters were on the keyboard, and he was okay using one finger. Great, one obstacle tackled. What he didn’t have a clue about was were his pages went when he saved them and then on how to find them again. That is not funny to anyone facing that, and totally annoying after spending time trying to figure out where it went and why is it lost. I told him I’d be happy to teach him how to save and relocate his work the next time. I added that it wasn’t complicated, and he’ll be able to stop searching ever again. There was one very happy Pops sitting beside us now and it allowed him to cover some of the contents on his pages.

Apparently, there still is a major concern with Pops on his continued stay with us. I did think we had that totally resolved with him by now. He asked us while looking totally at Larry as he was speaking, “Are you that sure you want me to live here, and you both agree? I don’t mean to question your kind offer, but I am a fifth wheel here and I’m concerned that one day you will regret your decision.” Larry was the first to affirm our invitation and added that he was honored to have a parent living with us. I followed up with we couldn’t imagine our home without him. And then I stifled him when it looked like another, ‘are you sure’ comment was coming. Pops had to know that I thought that, but it did make me flash on the thought if was me in his position one day, and then I completely understood him. So, I told him that.

Pops has been living on his own as a widower for years now and never shared his condo with anyone else. He experienced living in Mexico with Sarah as a roommate but not a lover as we found out; that was sad to know. He’s been with us for some time now, and we have tried hard to make it easy on him. Perhaps that was the problem, he thought we were trying too hard. I don’t know if we were though. Larry and I are working through a new lifestyle ourselves. We are opposites, but we seem to be working it out just fine. I don’t think being opposites are an obstacle at all. Men and women are opposites, obstacles get worked through one way or the other, but there will be differences. I tried to let Pops understand that and we welcome his differences as well as his similarities to us. What else could I say. Most of the time I was talking to him, he had his head lowered and was nervously shuffling his papers, but I think I caught a tear welling up in his eye facing me. I’m glad too, it made me feel like I was able to reach out to him.

I’m about to write something that I should have suspected about Pops just from his behavior around here. Don’t begin to think anything negative at all, it’s nothing like that, but his demeanor has changed from what I knew and expected from him. It’s actually a welcome change for sure, maybe a little shocking to hear though. I can only hope that I am able to do him justice in my words. Forgive me for providing a little background information you might have read before unless you are new to our blog.

So, unless this is the first chapter you’ve ever read from our journal blog, you know that Pops took on the roll of my God Father before I was born. He and his wife Ginny were there for me when I lost my parents, although at the time I was headed to my Freshman year at the University and dorm life for a few years to come. However, I did not dismiss them, I just started living on my own. After graduation I relocated to another state on the east side of the nation, to start teaching high school art. I also worked on my master’s degree in art education at that time. What else that you might know, I got married, eventually had two children, a boy and a girl, and a divorce. How’s that for a life in one sentence! Okay throw in more fights about money than I’ll ever remember and a very bad divorce for all of us. What else… a move back to California with my tail between my legs and headed to the only parents I had left, Pops and Ginny. They put me up, helped with expenses and Pops gave me a challenge to get an MBA and join his firm. Well I did join the firm from the bottom up until I earned my second master’s degree, and I was rewarded handsomely by my mentor, and boss. I guess that about covers it for the newbies and any of you who might have forgotten.

There’s a tad more yet, and it was previously covered in a chapter, which one, who knows; there have been so many written now. Pops bought the large home we occupy today because of the great room that holds way too many guests willing to come and be seen and perhaps advance their careers as well. It happens in our world. I was given the opportunity to live in the mansion as a caretaker so Pops wouldn’t need to shut it down and leave it vulnerable to mayhem, or just dust bunnies. Those pesky bunnies still live here though! 

I had no idea how to live in such a space all by myself. Don’t feel sorry for me, I made sure Pops provided all the help I needed to care for the place; besides, he had plenty for me to do for the firm to occupy my time. If I was smarter than I was at the time, I should have pushed for a live-in housekeeper and cook. I damn sure would today though, haha. However, I did need grounds help which included a large pool and housekeeping service. Pops provided whatever I asked for within reason. And as both Larry and I have mentioned previously, we just close off many of the rooms, and live in just a few that we can handle on our own. I should say that during the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, I did lose my housekeeper, but I did gain a great housemate with Larry, so we took care of everything ourselves.

Well there’s one more thing before I get to Pops comments, maybe it’s more than one thing. I was still single and really wasn’t dating anyone, that would be female to those not knowing much about us yet. Trust me once it got out where I lived and in what I lived in, getting dates to spend the weekend with me, was not hard to do. Larry reminds me that maybe being a handsome Italian stud helped; I liked that assumption but didn’t believe it whatsoever. Pops had a different idea about my changing array of female partners when my roll as host was needed. He was afraid that his C.O.O. just didn’t need to be a playboy living in his mansion. He really started to suggest that I settle down and become the total person I was groomed to be. Enter my study buddy Lisa, well it wasn’t that easy to get her to see me as a love interest, but she certainly was enthusiastic about the location and home. Let alone the possibility of promoting herself during the events that the firm hosted. I know that sounds a little hard to believe unless you know it did take time to pull it off. I’m just trying to paint a little background for Pops story for you. You should know that Lisa was the absolute perfect person to pick as far as Pops was concerned and if he could have found a spot for her in the firm he would have tried to get her. Unfortunately for Pop she had her personal goal way higher than Pops had in mind for her. 

Now that you know that; let’s get on to Pops regrets. Maybe you already know what it is from what I just wrote, you’d be right. Don’t think for one minute that Pops has a problem with Lisa, his problem relates to the marriage that should not have happened but got his blessing and guidance from start to now the finish.

Pops continued with his thoughts about how Mark and I acted together, how free we were in showing our love and sharing it, which was important to him as well. That’s when he told me that he was sorry that he pushed me into a more permanent relationship, not just for me, but for the “family” image he had in mind for the company. I stopped him right there with, “You did not do that, I did that. I knew what you wanted from day one. What you didn’t know about me was how attracted I am to powerful females in business, I still am, and I have nothing but respect for Lisa and her personal goals.”

My comments fell on Larry’s facial expression as, ‘nothing that I haven’t heard before here,’ but he has been keeping quiet for most of the time together. I suspect that wasn’t too far from what Pops was thinking, however he did add that Lisa certainly filled the description I just gave them. However, Pops did say, “I’m sorry Al, I just never witnessed anything between you and Lisa that resembles what you and Mark have together, and I feel I’m responsible for that. Perhaps one day it will fade.”

Pops backed up his opinion of us by saying that he knew there was something uniquely different about our friendship; perhaps more brother-like than just good friends. I pushed him a little to expand his thoughts on what we were doing to give him that opinion. His answer couldn’t have been easy enough to figure out on our own; it was how we looked at each other, and the playful language we sometimes used in front of him. I told him we have a very long history of ‘ball-busting’ each other for fun. Larry pointed out that if we didn’t love each other, that would never have happened. But he was sorry and apologized for doing that in front of him without thinking. Pops quickly squashed that comment and guaranteed that he absolutely loved witnessing that banter between us.

Because of my babe’s apology, Pops addressed him with, “Mark I am so happy you and Al have found each other; you two are a joy to watch being yourselves. It’s easy to see how happy you are together; you can’t fake that happiness. I’m just going to say this, so don’t get me wrong, but I love how sexy you two are together and trust me, that’s something I’ve never said to anyone before.” 

I’m not sure what would be the proper response to being called outright sexy by him, but that didn’t seem to be a problem for my babe because he told him, “You are right, ‘Sexy ‘R Us,’ and that means you too Pops!” He made it sound like a new slogan for us, why not it’s true. He did get a laugh out of Pops but not a refutal. Well there was more said, but it does tie into what I want to write about, so you’ll know all before long. However, have we just been given a real first look into Pops’ sexuality? Or perhaps a view into what lies ahead for us as we age ourselves.

I suspect that what we heard next would have never been uttered by Pops, but it was, and we learned more than we ever thought we would about him and his friends.

Pops brought up Harvey, Sarah’s late husband and his very close friend for years once more, only this time he provided more background for us. He told us about the early years of his friendship with Harvey, which was before both were married, and during the early years forming a struggling cover band. The story was long, and we didn’t mind listening at all, but I could tell it was bringing up emotions he’s buried for years, that’s why we restrained ourselves. I can’t begin to remember everything he told us, however, there was a thread he gave us to follow and understand how he’s come to respect the relationship Larry and I have and don’t hide.

I remember one story, and you’ll know why soon enough yourselves. Apparently the timeframe of this particular story came after both men were married and still traveling with the band but without their wives. I do remember one particular story he told us about one night when they had returned to their motel room from a band gig, and both were in their own beds. Pops said when he turned and looked over to where Harvey’s bed was in the room he saw his bed covers wildly thrashing about and it didn’t take a lot of imagination at what he was up to. Pops said he was surprised by what he saw, since it wasn’t normal for them, but he had to ask anyway, “What the fuck is going on over there; do you have a girl under the covers with you!” Pops said that was the best he came up with at the moment, since he figured whacking-off was something they both would do when alone. He said Harvey just told him sarcastically, “What the fuck do you think I’m doing; I’m taking care of a problem!” He made it sound like I was some kind of dumb ass or something; maybe I set myself up for that, actually he was turning me on. I told him that if he moved the covers off of him, I wouldn’t have needed to ask him. He actually did that too, I really thought he’d tell me to go fuck myself, like we’d usually tell each other. However, after he pushed the covers off of himself it fucking almost blew me away by the size of his hard-on, I mean he was using two hands to jerk himself off!

Well, his story didn’t end up with just a voyeuristic ending, Pop told us what Harvey said, “Fair is fair, why should this be a one-man whacking-off show, so get fucking busy yourself buddy, let’s see what you’ve fucking got!” I should be in shock hearing stories told so frankly by someone who’s never showed me that side of him; maybe I was because I’ll give you only one guess what came out of ‘you-know-who’s-mouth’ next. Larry asked him, “Did you do what he wanted you to do, or did you just tell Harvey to just “fuck-off” like you said you did sometimes.”

Pops said, of course he joined the fun, especially after seeing him jerking off like that got him hard anyway. At that point Pops felt he needed to apologize for how graphic his story was getting, but trust me on this, we both wanted to hear more, and I do mean we. It didn’t take much prompting from us before he got back to talking about his buddy. I really didn’t know how much further he’d take us on that journey, but he did tell us that it wasn’t that they had never seen each other in the buff before, because they have and often while rooming together. He said, “Any messing around we did as kids didn’t count any longer, we were not into that kind of friendship, but getting into or out of the shower while on the road, was normal for us. I never thought Harvey had an excessively large penis, maybe a little bigger than me, but nothing that would suggest what I saw that night. I guess you can say it was a lasting impression because that was about 60 years ago, and I never forgot about it and can still picture it in my mind. Crazy huh?” Larry said, “Oh ya, I understand, I’ve seen a mega-dick before and it’s hard to forget once you see it.” He did not laugh this time and I’m thinking who he might be thinking about, couldn’t be Joe; could it? I laughed inside my head. Pops will eventually know about Joe anyway.

I’m really enjoying the time we were having with Pops; I’m hearing about a side of him, I never gave much thought to before. I knew he had a long-time friendship with Harvey, but not much more although I imagined more than what he’s telling us. Pops didn’t leave us hanging wondering where this all went over the years. Actually, nothing more than what I just wrote about. Did it end there? Absolutely not. Did it go any further than jack-off buddies? Not at all. He told us, if it was up to him, maybe it would have gone a little further, maybe a lot further, he really liked him, maybe it was love. But Harv had drawn the line at just look, no touch. This time I asked him where that went, and how long they kept it up. That was an easy out answer for him, and I’ve heard it before, he had to stop traveling with the band once his business grew and that ended the motel stays and lonely horny nights on the road. But they remained friends to the end and never talked about how they helped each other get to sleep when on the road.

Larry asked me when we were alone if I thought Pops was hiding what really happened between them, or if he was telling us the truth. I told him that I’m leaning on the side of truth, they were just kids and most of the time high after a performance. I don’t know if I convinced Larry but that’s not my job to do, he can deal with Pops at another time if he wants to know more.

Pops addressed his comments on the pool life around here to us but was looking at Larry as he spoke. I wasn’t ignored by him at all; however, I believe he was trying to let Larry know his feelings were important to him. I remember him commenting on some of the antique pool signs we’ve added to the yard, especially the one on the side yard warning about possible nudity ahead, and that he’d probably need to deal with it soon enough. He told us that nudity wasn’t a problem for him and hoped that it wasn’t going to be a problem for us with him here. He added that the men’s locker room at the seniors only condo village and at the Country Club he belongs to have men only private areas, especially the sauna and added that he’s had his share of naked time around guys; it’s not a problem. And then addressing both of us he said he was hoping that we could handle seeing an old fart joining in on the fun. Obviously, we spent enough time downplaying his comments about that, but he just continued on, and we just listened. 

He continued addressing Larry directly when he reminded us about his little accident when he dived into the pool and lost his shorts when Larry was the witness, not me. Pops said he was not sure how we’d feel about him joining us in the pool like we were. He added he was afraid if he brought it up to us that we might feel pressured in some way. Of course we asked almost together, “Why didn’t he just do it, we knew you didn’t want us to change our ways because you were here, besides swimming naked is a lot more fun. I understand his response though, he told us it just seemed to him like he was horning in on our fun times and didn’t want us to just put up with him. However, he didn’t admit to staging the shorts accident, but he did say he used an old pair of boxers that morning and the waistband had seen better days, besides he didn’t want to ruin any of his good underwear. For me that could be taken both ways, it was a real accident or a planned accident. Of course I didn’t say that to him, but I sure as hell thought it. But he did say that the angry tossing of the failed boxers onto the deck was good old theatrics. It gave him the ability to just stay naked with us and see where it went. We both in our own ways, told him we were happy that he was able to be comfortable with us, and it was cool that he’s continued doing what we all like best.

Pops continued on with his frank conversation with us and we were fine with that, it all had to do with what he thinks he wants to write about and if it would be something worth reading. He also brought up how his age doesn’t seem to matter much to us, even though there’s a whole generation between us. And then he continued on before we could say anything in response. He said that “I know you guys make believe you don’t see this old white-haired man when you look at me, even though I am. When I see myself in a reflection, I do my best not to see me that way at all. But this old carcass of mine refuses to lie to me and keeps reminding me by annoying me with painful arthritic joints, or how my knees can break the silence just getting up from a chair. There’s a lot more I could lay on you, but I don’t want to depress myself.” I told him to cut it out, we don’t think of him that way and his arthritis can be managed. He said, he knew but before we know it, he’ll be 83 and God only knows what else he’ll be dealing with by then. What can I say, I know the pain of an arthritic knee; Larry wrote quite a bit about that when I was going through it myself. I just was having a hard time hearing him put himself down like that. I don’t remember exactly what I told him, but I remember his response big time. “Al I’m not that old, no fucking way am I that old! I don’t give a shit what my body on the outside says, inside I’m not that old. I can’t be.” As I said, I don’t remember my exact words trying to agree with him. I don’t believe either one of us think of him as an old man whatsoever. Perhaps believing is a lot stronger than we think, because I loved what he told us next as much as hearing him get over the downer he was giving himself. He addressed us with, “My sons, you gave me a wonderful present the day I lost my shorts, perhaps the best one I ever received. For that day my outside matched my inside, and I will never forget that feeling.” I told him and Larry joined in when he knew what I was about to say, that Pops will always be one of the guys with us as far as we are concerned, but so much wiser and ageless to me.

The day was filled with surprises and most of them came from the birthday boy himself. How could I not love being surprised when I least expect it myself. Pops had a hand in the celebration of course; I hope you didn’t think he’d pass up the chance to cement their relationship even better. 

On Friday the 9th of December, starting after midnight was game for me to celebrate the closing of the number gap between us. We get to drop the half-year difference and he gets to only be four years younger. Please don’t think that’s so important but it has been fun for us over the years, especially when it sounds like he’s five years younger than me. I get to be the old fart in his life. Maybe having Pops here now he’ll find a new disparaging name for me. I haven’t heard him refer to Pops as an old fart though and I don’t suspect I will. Have no doubt in your mind, when we closed the double doors to our bedroom he had a good idea that sleep wasn’t on the menu for a while. I’d like to keep some of our time together on a special day to ourselves, however, I’ll let you know this much, if anyone was giving and anyone was receiving, put me in the giving equation.

Our day starts in the Kitchen, or until we set up a coffee bar in our bedroom, haha. Don’t think so. By the time we arrived in the kitchen, Pops was already there with coffee on, and breakfast started for the birthday boy. Larry went over to where Pops was working at the stovetop and gave him a hug and got one back plus the Happy Birthday greeting from him. And then was told to get a couple of cups of coffee for us and go sit with me while he gets the rest of the breakfast done. He had pancakes done and in the warming drawer with the bacon already cooked. It was the eggs over-easy that he was working on at the time. It’s a good thing our bedroom is far away from the kitchen, otherwise we’d have been up the moment we smelled the bacon.

While we were enjoying the wonderful breakfast he made for us, Pops told Larry that he was taking him, well all of us, out for a very nice dinner tonight. And then asked him if he’d like to go to Ruth Chris Steak House since we all know how Larry and steak go together. After hearing Larry’s response to him, if I wasn’t already sitting down, I’d have fallen down. If you know us by now, especially Larry, you know there’s only one steak worth talking about and it’s a bone-in rib-eye, and the bigger the better. I guess all those hungry muscle cells of his scream for protein. Well, bless his big heart, he asked if he could choose someplace else for dinner. Say no more, Pops was all ears to hear where he’d like to go.

Larry said to us, “You know changes have been big in my life for a while now, you can blame my buddy here for a lot of those changes too.” And he let a short laugh loose for a second before adding, “I don’t think I’ve ever been to a fish restaurant before; I don’t eat fish, I only go fishing, that’s it.” Pops said, “I’ll make reservations for later this afternoon then; I know of a couple of chefs who know their way around a fish market.” Larry pleaded, “No, please don’t choose any fancy place, until I know better myself. Hey, I know a place, we saw a Red Lobster restaurant when we were out shopping not long ago. I remember the guys I used to work with talking about that place and they said the biscuits there were awesome and I do love me some biscuits. Ask your other son, he knows.” 

As I mentioned, I’m glad that I was sitting down at the time, but that didn’t stop me from reminding him about all the bellyaching I had to deal with if I ordered fish at a restaurant when we were dining out. Larry looked at me and said, “Did you not hear me say a bit ago I was cool about the changes I’m going through?” I answered, “Yes, I’m just checking to make sure I still don’t have shower-water in my ears. I thought I heard the word fish come out of your mouth, just checking to see if you are just ball-busting me this morning.” I knew exactly what he was going to say back to me, and I was right. “Now would I do that to you, especially on my birthday?” I said, “Bet your ass you would!” He laughed at me because it would be true normally, but he did say, “Now if the place stinks like dead fish, I’m fucking outta there before we even sit down!” Since Pops might still be riding the fence as to what’s humor and what’s real coming out of his mouth, so he asked him once more if he was sure about going to Red Lobster. “Yup,” was his only answer and I guess we’ll know soon enough if he gets to try the biscuits.

Larry was quite the conversationalist that morning; perhaps there’s nothing better than a birthday you are looking forward to. I remember a few things he got into, mainly because I was included as well as Pops. He addressed this to Pops, “You know Pops, when Al and me were getting to know each other, he said that we were like ‘brothers from other mothers,’ lot’s of times. I guess that meant we must have the same father, right?” Pops nodded and said, that could be true I guess. Larry wasn’t finished though, because he said, “You know, I think you are the father we both missed. Anyhow, look at you and me, I look like you, people could think I’m your son, don’t you?” We both looked at Pops at that moment and it was evident that he was taking what Larry was saying directly into his heart and it was emotional for him. But that didn’t stop the steamroller going by the name of Larry from plowing through the emotions. He continued with, “Pops I know you like me, hopefully love me almost as much as you love Al. You are everything I ever dreamed a real father would be like. I have one small present I want from you starting today if you could do it for me.” Pops struggled to get his words out, he’s certainly has found his soft side since he’s been living with us, and just said, “Of course, anything you want from me, is yours.”

Larry’s request was simple, but he did lay it out for us first. He related how he became Larry and of course why I want to be known as Marcus. “Pops, I know it must be hard for you to think of me as Mark and Larry, and Al as Marcus, but there’s a reason for our name changes.” Okay, I’m starting to worry where this is going and will I need to explain the journal blog and everything written today, I can see a future where this might happen, but please not today.

Larry did talk about the first weekend we had together, however, we have talked about that before in a round about way. And then he mentioned our second trip which was a whole week alone together and how important that was for us as best friends. Eventually he got to the name changes with, “Pops, everything about me changed during those trips together; I might have gone there as the guy I always was, but I came back a whole new guy, and Al did too.” Pops said from what we’ve told him in the past, he could envision how the trip might have changed our friendship, but why did we feel it was necessary to change our names. I saw that coming, and I’m not that sure Larry did. I looked at him and gave him a nod that I could give him the reasons why.

I hoped I would choose my words carefully with Pops since we do have a long relationship together. I started with, “Pops after we admitted to ourselves, well let’s call it what it was, a coming out to each other that wasn’t as frightening as I thought it would be. Please understand it was only to ourselves, not openly to anyone else. I had finally admitted to myself what I really wanted in my life and change was a big part of that. However as Al, I was carrying a lot of baggage around with me; it was easier to just free myself from everything. Calling myself by another name, freed me up from being Al when I was with him.” Pops knows as well as me, that a great deal of my time away from Mark at work required me to remain as Al.

I also cleared how he got the Larry name, by telling him a boyhood friend I had long ago but lost contact with was named Larry. I had a strong bond with him, and the name has always stuck with me, and somehow it got passed on to Mark. Pops seemed good with the reason and then reminded us that he was the one who gave me the Marcus name. We both know that, but I did tell him it’s a name I’ve always planned on using one day. I also told him that I got in the habit of calling him Babe quite often, but it didn’t appeal to me to use out in public. That’s when we discussed changing our names when in public places. Well you guys and the two of us know that’s more than a partial crock of shit; I changed his name to protect him in the journal blog you are reading. But calling him babe at the grocery store is still on my ‘do not do’ list.

Larry took over and gave Pops his birthday wish next, “Pops here’s my wish, would you try to remember not to call me Mark and just use Larry instead? I know it’s probably gonna be hard to remember, but I’m so not him anymore.” Before Pops could say anything, I horned in with my request for him to call me Marcus since it was the name he gave me anyway. Pops said, “That’s not a hard request for me to do, but if I slip, do I have to say I’m sorry all the time?” That was not a question since he mostly laughed at the thought. But did add that if it made his sons happy, he would do it. I guess you’ll know as soon as us if that happens.

Cheddar Bay Biscuits definitely not on my diet!
In case you wondered about dinner at Red Lobster, well more of a late lunch or early dinner to avoid the Friday night dinner rush to start the weekend. Larry was not the first to order, only waiting to be sure he had enough time to mull over the choices. When it did come time, he ordered the same meal I ordered, a half-size Salmon New Orleans, which was blackened and topped with shrimp; I inherited every little shrimp from his plate. No questions asked, I’m surprised after he saw the plate he didn’t dump everything on my plate instead of just the tiny shrimp. Got to give him credit, for the first time ever as far as I know, salmon crossed over his lips and tongue and made it to his tummy! Haha, he said it wasn’t as nasty as it smelled, that’s pushing it, I thought it smelled as awesome as it tasted. There was one saving grace for him, the Cheddar Bay Biscuits. Not only did I say he could have mine, but he also ordered a dozen extra and pretty much finished them off, well we did take a few home with us. That and a Caesar salad did a great job of filling him up before the entree came. Pops was all about the lobster, what else, it’s in the name of the place. I’ll let him write about the experience of eating something he’s had on his do not list for a lifetime. I was super-proud of his attempt and follow-through, not for any reason except his willingness to challenge himself and face his fears.

Pops had many very nice comments for Larry at the dinner, and if Larry is up to it, he can cover that part of the dinner himself. I’m only bringing up his birthday, so it won’t get ignored with the ton of activity going on for the big holiday visit coming up this week.

Well, I’m going to end this so I can get my ass back to helping them get the place in shape for Ryan and his family. Pops is all into the decorations inside the great room where a huge tree has been placed near the fireplace. I had to keep him from making our house a “Griswold Family Christmas House” so the neighbors wouldn’t have collective heart attacks, haha. We have not ignored the outside, just low-keyed it a bit with warm and cool white lights. It almost makes the lights twinkle that way.

I’m going to wish all of you a Happy Holiday Season, and a Merry Christmas from Pops, Larry, and myself. We will need some time off to get through the season and Pops coming 83rd birthday right after. I’m sorry that there was not enough time to go searching for appropriate images this time; if I took the time it takes, you’d be reading this in January instead. Oh well, just use your imagination this time.

I hope it will be Larry getting back to you in January, I’ll be sleeping in as often as I can. 
Love to all of you, and consider that from Larry as well.

If you are not on our mailing list that notifies you about new chapters posted, send me your safe email address, I promise never to sell it or send anything NSFO in the contents, just a link. My email:

Larry posted his next chapter now, here is a link for you:


  1. First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS to both of you! I hope you get everything you ever wanted, and your wood is hard and your balls are naughty! LOL. I love hearing all about Pops and how you two share this relationship but also have different relationships with him. It's just amazing to see Larry have this relationship he has never had before. I had a tenuous relationship with my Dad for many years and had a few different amazing father figures. Then my Dad got his shit together for the last 20 years of his life and was just amazing so I kind of get how it feels to get the feels for something like this when you have missed it forever or a long time. As for Pops, I would never tell him about the blog. You take a risk that he could be upset. Probably not, but why take that risk? Will he ever find it? Thats just my opinion. I know that you will have an awesome time with the family!! I cannot wait to hear about it in the next installment. If we don't chat before, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Hugs to both of you.

    1. Merry Christmas back to you and yours as well my good friend! I'm sure the wood will remain hard, time will tell about the draining of the balls! Haha! I'm glad you are on our side about having an octogenarian sharing the house with us, we just don't think of him that way, and if you caught the drift in my chapter, nor does he! I had no difficulty imagining Larry and Pops continuing to have a great relationship as time moves on, they need each other as much as I do with both of them. I'm glad you got a chance to have a better relationship with your father as well, it should give you an idea of how well it is going between the two of them. I have had a wonderful relationship with my Pops over the years, but what we have today is so much better and relaxed. I hope I was good enough in my writing to let everyone understand that.
      I asked for opinions on telling or not telling Pops about the blog, I'm glad you gave us your take on that. I tend to agree with you on not telling him about the blog. I guess it's about the time it takes to write these chapters and the privacy we need, even from each other since we both love to read the chapters after they have been posted. We only confer if it seems like we need each other's permission.
      Some have told us that they follow us because of the relationship we have together and by telling our story it allows them to be an important part of our lives, even if it is only a virtual online relationship. I believe I can speak for Larry when I say we both enjoy the relationships we've developed with you guys. It's as close to 'chosen family' as it can get.
      Thanks for always being there for us, and we do wish you all the best for the New Year as well. I bet you'll get an earful from us next month.
      Love and hugs to you Billy!

  2. This would have completely melted me into a puddle!! (And I love the steamroller reference) I can only imagine how Pops felt....

    Larry wasn’t finished though, because he said, “You know, I think you are the father we both missed. Anyhow, look at you and me, I look like you, people could think I’m your son, don’t you?” We both looked at Pops at that moment and it was evident that he was taking what Larry was saying directly into his heart and it was emotional for him. But that didn’t stop the steamroller going by the name of Larry from plowing through the emotions. He continued with, “Pops I know you like me, hopefully love me almost as much as you love Al. You are everything I ever dreamed a real father would be like. I have one small present I want from you starting today if you could do it for me.” Pops struggled to get his words out, he’s certainly has found his soft side since he’s been living with us, and just said, “Of course, anything you want from me, is yours.”

    Your bad ass SC brother, Charlie

    1. Happy New Year Charlie!
      I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you until now, we had a house full of people and then we got away for a little while to decompress.
      I know you and Larry have come a long way dealing with your issues and I couldn't be happier for both of you. I hope your Christmas time was very special for you and maybe you can write about it when you have some time.
      Check out Larry's new chapter I just sent a link out to everyone on the mailing list today letting them know about it.
      Be well my friend,


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