Ch. 39 After the Shit Settled: EDITED Updates Made

A lot of stuff going on today; let's catch up time

Before I get to the journal today, I have some news that pissed me off. Tumblr took down my site the other day and made it impossible for me to communicate with you guys, or just reblog great looking guys doing what comes naturally! On the advice of David from the U.K. site, that I should create a site to use that is located on gay and bisexual friendly site. My feed there is located under, you are welcome to visit us there. I lost thousands of photos and gifs and a ton of followers, so it’s start all over again.🤬

I’d like to ask a favor from you guys that follow us on our Journal blog, that maybe occasionally you try to give your followers a link to our Bros Gone Rogue Journal. I can’t promote the site on Tumblr any longer, however, I’m trying to establish it on in my spare time.

The address link to our Journal Blog is:  You may say anything you wish about our Journal; Larry and I will be grateful for your help. Remember, we do not support ads or earnings from our blog, we do support other horny guys just like you and us.

It is so awesome that since the beginning of March 2019, our Blog has been read in 80 Countries around the Globe, with 36,000+ pages read to date. Tumblr was responsible for referring close to 10,000 of those pages each month, now that support will dwindle making it hard for you to find our new posts or for us to connect with new horny guys as well.

How I learned about our audience

I remember that day not long ago when I was finished with a chapter and had just posted it for you, and then took some time to look at the different features Blogger had. One tracked which Posts were being read right now, or in 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. And then I noticed the link labeled Audience, that’s where they listed the Countries reading our Journal, and it blew me away, I thought maybe just guys in the USA were reading about us, but there were many Nations starting to read now. So, I started to look every chance I could and then kept a log of my findings on my iPad Notes app and added Emoji Flags.

I’ve counted 81 Countries to date and there’s still an unknown place that reads about us too! Yesterday the Dominican Republic became the 80th Country, and today, Suriname the 81st Country with horny readers of our journal! Do you want to know the sad part of this good news? Larry is the only other person I know whom I can tell this to, and of course you guys. I wish I could talk directly to each and every one of you guys, but I guess I'd never have time for my real job, huh? I do welcome any of you guys to email me, I'll do my best to write back to you.

I was the loneliest guy I knew up to March of this year, I rarely see anyone in person, most of the time it’s on Video Conferences only. Larry a couple of times a month, usually for coffee, or if I’m lucky a boating day, and my constant buddies, my two rescued kitty sisters; they were born on the 4th of July last year.

Since the start of our Journal Blog, writing about Larry and me has been the most exciting thing I’ve done in a very long time, knowing you like to read about us is incredibly cool. So, I guess I still don’t have a lot of people I directly see every day, I do see my Babe Larry a lot more than ever before, thanks to him trying to be with me. Both wives, bless them, have work and commutes that take them away from home too long daily. But I get to write to you, thousands of you, and when I do, I imagine that you are right across from me at my office desk, where we both have our feet on top of the desk, (don’t tell my wife though), drinking some great coffee from Jamaica, laughing, chatting, and sometimes maybe a little sad, but mostly just fucken horny and looking for some Bro Time with an understanding buddy.

This morning very early, Larry and I reconnected after a horrible night for both of us, it wasn’t a fight, worse, a let down, a perceived lack of concern for his feelings, that caused the trouble. Larry is not like me, as rugged looking as he is, he can be ‘fragile’, for lack of a better word. [I’ll try to think of a better one Babe. Easily broken?]
He’s trusted me to protect him ever since he gave up his guard, weeks ago. I take things harder too now that we’ve connected a lot more personal than ever before. I always cared, but there were times when I took his nasty comments very personal and would just about write him the fuck off.

I think the one thing that amazes me is how the wives zeroed in on Larry’s bisexual ranting cover and I mostly dismissed it as a homophobe who was afraid of putting himself out there to make friends. I don’t know why I didn’t question him, I really don’t like people who discriminate against others on lifestyle or philosophy, I guess I just tuned out his rants and changed the subject often. I know for a fact, I was totally attracted to his appearance during the first meetings; now it mostly embarrasses me to acknowledge that, since we’ve connected at a much deeper level over the years.

I’ve got a whole workday left before anyone gets back home, and then a few more hours before I can hopefully connect with him. I certainly have my work to take up my day, but I’m going to break it up some with a trip out shopping and some pool time too. I figure one way to see him a little earlier will be to invite him and his wife over for a BBQ dinner. I’ve got to make dinner anyway, and the weather is great for dining outside. I’m thinking it will get my mind off about how long it will be before seeing him, but of course, it will be shared time, and it might be under scrutiny as well.

I head for Costco to buy some Prime Tri-tip Beef to BBQ and a few other things not needed, like a $20.00 bag of Macadamia Nuts, what a bargain, it’s a huge bag, and I don’t have a wife telling me I don’t need it too! So, it’s in the shopping cart! After looking at the stuff I bought, I’m thinking maybe a shopping list would have been better, and maybe I should have eaten first too. It’s amazing how much stuff you’ll buy if you are hungry. Unfortunately, or maybe it was a good thing, the sample tables were not in use today, that’s even more stuff I’d probably taste and want! Next trip to my favorite Sicilian Delicatessen, I’m buying Arancini, (Fried Rice Balls) and some Italian cheeses plus dessert, the best Cannoli in the area. Just so happens my buddy is a wanna be Sicilian, because he loves this food as much as me.

It didn’t take any arm twisting to get him to agree to dinner at my place, but I did ask him to call his wife to tell her. I called my wife too, to make sure she gets home in time. Fortunately, I don’t have to cook anything ahead of time. I use a dry rub on the meat about a half hour before cooking, and the meat gets to room temperature too. And then, all I need is 20 minutes cooking time for the meat, four minutes each on three sides of the meat, and another four minutes wait time before cutting, got to keep those juices in the meat, medium rare, how we all like our meat.

My task at dinner, try to make Larry comfortable since the bombshell of last night. I figure, if we change our behavior too much, we are guilty as charged, but we also cannot give them any more ammunition as well. So, it’s time for more than just a text to him, he gets a personal phone call from me on this plan of mine. I know he will be shaky on trusting me, at least I think so, even though he apologized this morning for overreacting. I told him to follow my lead tonight, and don’t act any different than normal, the wives do not know I talked to him, and they don’t know about his meltdown too. Whatever he does, do not go back to the homophobic crap, they’ll think he knows something, and is trying to cover it up. If he does anything different, do his ball busting routine with me. I can’t believe I gave him permission to do that! Oh well, I guess it’s part of the plan I don’t have yet! I’m best at contemporaneous activities in these moments.

After some serious thought, I have concluded that, my wife was setting a trap for us, or at least Ellen was, with the request for two guys, (that be us), giving each other blow-jobs for their viewing pleasure. I know her too well to believe her request as innocent sexy fun for them to watch. What I do believe now, is Ellen tried to convince my wife to help her see if she was right about Larry covering up his true sexuality. I could be way off base, and I hope I am, because they have been married a long time, longer than us, and he’s never given her any idea of this before our trips. What is true and very visible, is the publicly visible, brotherly love we have for each other. We’ve been good friends for years and now after the two getaways, we do spend more time together than ever before. I think Ellen is jealous of our new bond and might feel threatened by it now. It’s time to work on that angle.

After my shopping trip, I decided to get some swim time in, and get to think some more on this idea of mine. I spend my think time alone in my pool all the time; when I was in my twenties, I used my bicycle for my quiet office think time. I miss that now that my knees bother me. I must watch how I swim as well to keep my knees from aching. Oh, the joys of getting older, huh? There’s got to be a few of you guys reading my journal, that know about the pain I’m talking about, right?

Right now, I’m between letting this ride for a while longer, or facing it head on, my usual style. The thing that gnaws at me about my style, it never had to represent anyone but me, and I’ve always been good at getting out of the ditches I dig for myself. But and I do mean but, this time there’s another person on the receiving end of what I decide to do. Obviously, I fucked up how I handled what I thought was almost laughable with Larry, only to watch him have a meltdown. I know so much physical stuff about him lately, however, I’m starting to find out, there’s a lot of internal stuff he’s not letting me know about yet too. Maybe he’ll never? I must learn how to deal with that better than I have so far. As for me, I’m just a fucken open book, the only thing I’ve ever hidden is my bisexual or gay side. Well, I have let you and Larry into that part lately.

I’m floating on my back, with both hands, fingers entwined behind my head to hold it out of the water, my thinking pose. I head towards the shaded area coming from the group of Queen Palms, I’m tired of squinting from the full sun right now. That’s better, I can think now. No, I can’t think, shit! I’m trying to think for my Babe, and I’m on thin ice now, I know a lot less than I thought I did about him.

One thing I really do know, we are compatible, but very different. Maybe it’s that Gemini/Sagittarius combo that’s supposed to be good, that helps our bond, if you buy into that stuff. He doesn’t, I remain on the fence. I’m now thinking, what does a liberal extroverted person like myself really know about a conservative introverted person like him? This has nothing to do with the physical and sexual attraction between us though. That’s on solid ground for sure, the best thing either one of us has going for ourselves.

So now I’m admonishing my brain for picking that fence top again; I normally can see both sides of every situation, why can’t I figure one this out? Well, maybe I never had to see things through conservative eyes before, of course, that’s it! Well, that doesn’t help me one fucking bit! The most conservative guy I know doesn’t let go of much to help me there, I could really and truly fuck this up beyond repair! So, I decided, I don’t care how uncomfortable it will be for my guy, it’s only going to be between us anyway, and he knows I have his back to the best of my abilities. He will have to let me in so I may understand how he looks at things, other than just us and what we do together. There, now I can swim! Well, that lasted about two minutes and it was back to thinking about it again. So, I got out of the pool and sat in the sun to dry off.

Okay, I said to myself, fuck this shit, I’m calling him, and he will need to talk to me before dinner tonight. I’m going to ask him to come over at least an hour early, and he can help with the BBQ. He has a way with grilled corn in the husks that everyone loves; I’ll give him that to do while talking to him on about shit!

I called him, connected on the first ring and told him what I need from him. Well, I had one thing going for me, he really wanted to connect with me tonight, in at least the way we both love, so getting him to get off work early and come over was easy. He said he’ll wrap things up early and head home, maybe that will give us a couple of hours before dinner and the wives arriving home.

Early meeting with my Bro
Larry did leave early as he said he would and changed into a board-shorts swimsuit and a tank top before coming over to see me. I was also in shorts and tank top shirt; I knew that I’d better be decent when the girls arrived. I took one up down look at my Babe, laughed and said, “oh, I so hoped for the full naked look!” I got him to laugh too, and we hugged for a long time, I even got a couple of kisses in as well. We both reiterated that we were sorry and got one last solid hug in before we separated and sat down at my kitchen nook table and chairs for the talk.

No more walking on egg shells
I had to be as honest as I could with him, knowing I could set him off again with the wrong words. And now, I’m flashing back on those fucken eggshells I walked on for so many years with him, and here I am again, ready to tiptoe through the shells! And then I thought, Fuck No, no more shells, I love him, he loves me, let’s get through this as, fucking adults; I never want to walk on eggshells again. So that how I started this, “Larry, you know so fucking well, how I had to negotiate carefully around you for years, and I appreciate how that got solved with a heartfelt apology from you. However, since last night I’ve been worrying about those fucken eggshells again. Do you think we can get through this thing without stepping on each other?” He told me, he has been thinking for hours now on this, and we can get through this together. I told him ‘we can’ do this, instead of ‘I can’ do this, and that made him stop frowning and gave me the smile I needed.

I told him, this is not going to make you or me happy, and it’s only my feeling, not a fact, just a fucking feeling I now have. He said back to me, "is this about some kind of trap being set for us?" “Yes, but it’s only what I’ve been thinking though, okay?” “Sure, let’s talk about it.” Larry, I started, “I bet it’s nothing you did that wasn’t asked for by us. We all got on your back about the homophobic stuff you brought up, almost all the time. I get it now, and I’m so happy you never meant it the way we heard it, at least I don’t think you did. However, it did give them a chance to connect the dots.” He asked, “what dots.” I told him, “you stopped using the homophobic rants around us, as we asked you to do, we spent two different times away, alone together, and now we spend way more time together, than ever before. Is there anything about all of that, that couldn’t be misconstrued as, something funny going on between us?” “Yeah, I guess, damn that fucken sucks! What do you think we should do, and please don’t say, keep away from each other!” “No, that would probably make it even worse, it would really look like we are covering up shit, for sure!”

I went out on that limb again, a form of fence-top sitting. However, I told him he’s going to have to help me from today on, and really let me know what he’s thinking and not keep things from me, until this is not an issue any longer. He told me he didn’t think he was hiding shit from me, and then I reminded him about last night. So, he apologized again, I told him, “Babe, I don’t need your apology, I need to understand what’s going on inside your head and heart; you don’t always let people in. But I don’t give a flying fuck about other people right now, I’m the only one that needs to know how you really feel. I know it’s hard for you, but it’s only me, the one who loves and needs you unconditionally. We are the best thing that ever happened to each other, there should never be anything that we hide from each other, ever again, okay?” “Absolutely!” Wow I wasn’t expecting that quick of a response, especially, a positive one at that, but it was his typical one-word response!

I have a feeling it's a trap!
Surprisingly, he offered up his thoughts first, I guess he really has been thinking about this as much as me. He said, the trap being set idea was a strong contender for him, he knew his wife too, and that I should trust him on this, “she’d never ask to see two guys together.” It would be the shock of his life if it was true. And then he said, “but I’d also never believe she and my wife would have been swimming nude for some time now, without us knowing about it too.” But then that Birthday night strip show that he missed was never expected as well. “OMG, this is really fucking hard!”

I told him, “do you now see why I’m sitting on the fence about this? It’s fucking difficult to track down what’s real and what’s just conjecture at this point.” He agreed with me and asked me about what I’ve been thinking to do about it. Well, it’s normally what I’d do for myself, so I asked him, “Babe, are you willing to just follow my lead, no matter how stupid it may seem to you?” He said, “do I have another fucking choice; I don’t think so. You’re the guy who comes up with shit on the fly! That’s the one thing that fascinates the shit out of me, about you! Go fucking for it Babe, I’m on board with you. I mean it too!”

I just sighed a bit and gave a resigned smiled and told him, “come give me a hug and kiss, I will need the fuel it will give me.” Then that fucking hunk of a man said, “hell, I wonder how much fuel you’ll get from me, if I fucked you right now?” I said, “Oh, a helluva lot, but time is working against us, and I want to enjoy your dick in me longer than the time we have now. However, maybe a little sucking time would give me a boost and some real fuel too. So instead of the hug, kiss and goodbye, I tried to get into his board shorts, but there’s no fly; okay I’ll push them down over his hips and ass, mostly ass, and that didn’t happen either. I can’t push up the leg of the pants enough to reach his dick, so I said, “what the fuck did you do to get into these pants, paint them on?” He laughed and said, if I just asked for his dick, he’d see that I got it! Okay, I want your dick, and he fiddled with something and the pants dropped to his feet. And there it was with a healthy start on an erection too. I told him one of my favorite things about him, that he could get a hard-on just thinking about me. That’s fucken awesome Babe, I told him I never thought I’d see the day when someone would get a boner without me first touching and playing with it too! He told me, why would I ever think that, that he was getting hard-ons over thinking about me for years. Fucking unbelievable I thought, fucking unbelievable, I’m so lucky to have him in my life!

I hadn’t realized how much I wanted to play with his dick, I’m not going to stop until he delivers that fuel I need too! Today I didn’t ignore his big balls this time, now I have three things in and out of my mouth, and he’s having the time of his life, well me too! 😋 Before I got him off, he told me, that I’m not off the hook myself, he’s been thinking about my dick for hours, and said, that ought to hold us until dark.

You get the intent of this GIF, right?
He didn’t lie, after I got him off, he had my shorts slid down around my ankles, (that was a lot easier than he made it for me) and made short order of repeating my moves just now with him. Although, he went first to my hanging balls and had a marvelous time sucking and licking them, and while he was into that he used both hands to play and rub my dick, I think he was trying to see if he could get my cock to point straight up like he can when he’s fully erect. Mine wasn’t built that way, but it didn’t stop him from trying to point it to the ceiling. Oh, it can be done, but not on its own like his. I swear he was about to use my dick to fuck him but settled for a great blow job. We both came hard this afternoon, and it’s been a while for each of us too.

Larry re-commented about getting hard-ons just thinking about each other, he thinks that’s awesome that I can get an erection just thinking about him too. I asked him if he remembered on the way to the lake back in March, that we both thought the other was hung, only because we both were often sporting hard ones under our clothes. We both laughed, and together said, “if we only knew the truth! Huh?” And laughed some more. Well, of course we did know the truth soon there after, and then there were two very grateful guys getting very comfortable with each other in a new world of being naked together as often as possible.

I told him, he better get his ass home before our wives arrive, no chance of giving them any more to talk about. Larry said, he’ll go get changed back into his business clothes again and get some gas for the truck, that way he’ll get back home after she arrives. I told him, that was good thinking on his part, he can change back into what he had on earlier before coming over for dinner, just maybe pick something I could just push down over his hips and ass, huh? He laughed at me as if I’m kind of helpless with bras and fancy pants. (Not to far from the truth!) And added, “what do you mean, ass? I don’t have a big ass!” I joked, “then maybe it all that ass hair!” “Watch it asshole, or you’ll never see that again!” “Oh no, not that, what would I do with out that hairy beast?” He said, “I’ll show you what you can’t do!” This went on for a while, it’s our new reality since March, we’re just ball bashing each other, and I can’t remember everything we said, it’s just silly stuff, but it makes us closer brothers than ever before.

And then I remembered to say, “BTW, are we going to all be swimming naked tonight?” The nerve of him, he gave me the finger! And laughed again! Then I said, “no, really, I mean that!” “What?! Have you really gone fucken crazy on me?” “No, I haven’t, they have no idea I talked to you about that shit, and maybe Ellen has no idea of what she told my wife will even get to me.” Larry thought for a little, and said, “Oh shit, maybe you’re right. The last time we all were here was on your birthday night, where all got naked the first time in the pool! Fuck, what’s your thinking on this shit?” So, I told him, “maybe it’s up to you this time, you started it on my birthday, and you were the only sober one too! No one seemed to be embarrassed back then; well, we were all feeling no pain! So maybe you should ask the girls what they’d like to do, and we’ll just comply.” Then I directly asked him for an answer, even if it’s only one word, “do you have the guts to do this?” Well, I got a word, “maybe” and then I said, “oh no you don’t, you little fucker, the answer is either Yes or No! Fuck the maybe!” He said, “thanks pal!” “You’re welcome,” said like I should have gotten a whack on the back of my head for being a smart ass! After a painful minute, he said, “Yes! The fucking answer is yes! I can find the guts!” “Alright! Such a big boy you are!” “Shut the fuck up Yoda, you turd!”

I told him to come over to me, which he did without a problem, and I gave him the best kiss I had in me! I told him, “you are finally growing into those big balls of yours!” And then he reminded me, “I was the only one of us allowed to brag about big balls, remember?” I laughed and tried to tell him at the same time how much I fucking loved him! Then I slipped this out, “man I want to fuck you right now, (I said fuck too, I really wanted his ass), but I have no useful dick to work with, he said he didn’t have that problem right now! And laughed and laughed and laughed and called me ‘old limp-dick man’ as he headed out my office door to go home. After a few feet he stopped to look over his shoulder only to see my two hands giving him double flipped-birds. And he laughed even harder, but he did say, “I love you too Babe, even if you are fucken old with a limp-dick, see you soon!” I said, I loved him too, and he better work up another batch of ‘young man fuel' for me later tonight! He turned completely around and faked jerking his non-existence cock for me, and then made believe he was pissing with it all over my plants too. God, he’s so much fun to be around, I hope I’m as much fun for him, maybe I’ll ask one day, nah, don’t push it. I never do the funky stuff he does around me; it’s so not what the public sees from him, it’s just for me to see and know about. Two middle-aged men acting like kids! A couple of years ago, I’d bet the house that I’d just get older and crankier, and never have the fun I have right now!

I bought some ears of White Corn grown in the Delta, sweet and delicious as can be, and I know Larry has this thing he does with corn grilled. I know it must soak in its husks for a while, so that’s the first thing I do, and when he gets here, I’ll ask him to do his magic. It also gets him next to me in the kitchen and later at the grill, it’s just nice to be close to him, now more than ever before.

I put my dry rub on the massive Tri-tip Roast and let it rest out of the refrigerator. This is an easy dinner tonight, Sicilian Arancini, corn on the cob, BBQ meat, and a great tasting salad of fresh strawberries, red onions, baby spinach, pecans, and feta crumbles. I use Brianna’s Salad Dressing with the picture of a strawberry on the label, it’s a vinaigrette that really makes the salad. This salad reminds me, spinach was the first vegetable we got my Babe to eat as an adult several years ago at a BBQ just like tonight. Now he usually requests the salad, bless his little fucken heart! Oh, I forgot, he likes grilled asparagus too! Go figure, I was way over 40 before I liked it, yet I love vegetables as much as meat! He might even bring some over tonight, he usually does. It’s an easy grill with just Italian Dressing on the asparagus before grilling. I’m getting hungry just writing about this!

Tonight, the wives got to just sit and talk, Larry and I cooked together and served them, maybe this is a good thing, God I hope so! I brought out a bottle of Merlot I had chilled from my wine cooler, and three stemmed wine glasses, Larry just went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of San Pellegrino Sparkling Water, which I always have for him. I’m trying to get him off the Club Soda all the time; I think there’s too much salt in that stuff.

Larry told me years ago, when we first became friends, and were trying to find out as much about each other as possible, that he used to be a mean drunk. And that his love for Ellen and her support got him off binge drinking, plus AA helped too, of course. He still goes to meetings, but not as frequently as he did when we first met. He said he loved beer most of all and explained it this way to me, “Marc, one beer was too much!” “Really?” “Yes, because 1,000 beers was not enough!” “Wow, I think I finally get that now.” Maybe he doesn’t go to as many meetings now because I became his sponsor without knowing or planning. I’ve only started to drink wine in front of him and with the wives recently, because he insisted that we should not feel we can’t drink in front of him. We are together so much now, he can depend on me if he needs to do so, and I’m just as happy drinking coffee with him, or my sparkling water as well. It would make me crumble inside if he started drinking again because of me, I think he’s aware of that too. I asked him if he’d like me to go with him to an AA Meeting, but he said, "no, I didn’t belong there." No offense, he said, I said none taken, but it was a lie, I really wanted to be his support crutch way back then too! I never had a close friendship with someone with an addiction before, I didn’t know what was expected of me. Just be there for them, when they need you, I guess, because that’s our eight-year history! If I’ve been just a little helpful for him, I’m eternally grateful to be there for him, and look now where it got me with him!

It wasn’t too much after everyone got home that dinner was served al fresco poolside. We chose a table under the palms and shaded from the sun which of course is still up and making it warm outside. It’s a lot cooler in the shade though.
My planned BBQ dinner tonight,  pretty tasty, too!
My dinner choice was perfect, but Larry didn’t bring any asparagus, he had enough to deal with, and his magic with the grilled corn, was on point. It’s amazing, he pulls off the chard husks and all the hairs go too, naked and then seasoned corn 🌽 brilliant!

My dessert was an unexpected treat for them, I’ve got them all addicted to Cannoli now. Since it meant a trip to the Sicilian Deli was needed, it’s a good thing I don’t have to punch a time clock daily! Surprisingly, dinner conversation was simple, no office talk, great! No complaining, wonderful! No talk about bisexual shit, awesome! Now I see my Babe has sweat beads on his forehead, I got his attention, shook my head no, don’t bring anything up yet, he let out a slight sigh of relief. As dinner ended, I told the girls enjoy your wine, Larry and I’ll clean up for you tonight! I got a “thanks guys, this is a nice treat!” I told them they deserve a treat at least once a year! And my wife said, she kind of expected that retort from me, and they laughed, well, we all laughed, because it was a typical Marcus joke. And then I had an idea, I told them why they don’t get started on their swim time, we’d join them as soon as we finished in the kitchen.

Back in the kitchen, away from their view, Larry grabbed my ass and goosed me hard to get my attention, he looked directly at me, and let go with, “you are fucking brilliant, you know that, right? Now the wives must decide if it’s naked or swimsuits! I fucking love you brother!” “So, you saw that huh?” “Yes, you motherfucker, don’t be glib with me, and switched from my asshole fingering to crotch rubbing!” And then he said, “do you think we can get them to go to the movies for a couple of hours?” I said, “if only we could, Babe, if only!” Now we can’t wait to find out if they changed or will naked be the new order for us. We tried to peek out into the pool, but there wasn’t a direct line of sight for us without having them see us peeking. But first I thought, maybe I need to ask him, “Hey Babe, are you cool if they are naked and we need to do the same?” He said, “thanks for asking me, that’s sweet of you; NO, I have no idea, now that you brought it up!” “Oh, come on, so you’ve got a tiny dick, we’ve all seen it now.” “Fuck you Babe, it’s no smaller than yours!” Okay, it’s laugh time, and we’re not done cleaning up yet. He said he was only playing with me, he’s okay with naked, mostly because he will see me that way too. In fact, he was hoping the girls were naked. We will know soon enough, I guess.

So, we got enough done inside, I’ll finish later or in the morning. I really wanted to know what we had to face out in the pool. For the first time I believe Larry was looking forward to naked time! Talk about personal growth huh? I hoping for the best, whatever the fuck that is!

Swimsuits are on tonight, I see color
Larry was the first headed outside from my office door, I would have bet that would have been me, and I get a whispered, “I see color in the pool” so that’s it, they chickened out, or did they? We both dove into the pool together from my office deck; years ago, I got him hooked on that spot too. This time we both swam over to the wives, no horsing around tonight! (That’s later hopefully.) Surprisingly, but I should have expected no less, Larry says to them, “what gives with the swimsuits? I thought we’d be swimming with a couple of naked broads, you know, it kind of sucks!” (Wow he’s moving into my territory now!) The wives said that they weren’t sure what we’d like since no one was kind of tipsy tonight. Where upon he came back with, “I wasn’t drunk, haven’t been in over ten years too, and I got bare-assed the last time!” He threw it right back at them. The wives looked at each other, exchanged some sort of visual clue and said, “it’s fine with us, if you guys want naked all the time, take off your trunks and we’ll do the same.” He had his off before me too, I’m so fucken impressed with him! Who is this dude? I know I’ll be talking to him later tonight, on this new behavior of his too. Maybe he’s trying to prove to me, that we finally are brothers, in all aspects of the word. I’m okay with naked around the girls now, this is new shit for him, but he did tell me after swimming naked the first time in my pool months ago, that he loved how it felt on his junk. (You know guys I really would love to come up with a better name than junk for our best man parts, what an awful word to use! They are not junk, they are… something I need a better word for, any ideas?)

Tonight, we actually spent quality time playing with our wives in the pool. I was afraid Larry was getting a little too close to having actual sex with her; fuck he really is working his plan at top speed tonight. I did spend some romantic time with my wife too, the ladies were undoubtedly impressed with our attention, but we aren’t totaly free and clear yet.

No pool sex tonight, that sucks
After a while Larry swam over to me at the deep end; the wives don’t spend time down there, other than lap swimming. He got up close to my ear and told me, sorry, that he had a date in bed tonight. I told him, “lucky bastard!” I also told him I wasn’t sure what my dick would be doing just yet. Before he swam back to Ellen, he said, "then maybe real late for us?" I shrugged; and told him it could be too risky a move for him. And then, he said to me, “Did I earn my big balls back tonight?” “Babe, you never lost them, especially after tonight (and shaving them!)” We both laughed as he swam back to his wife, I decided to do the same. But it wasn’t long before my wife said, it was past bedtime for her, 'another day another dollar' coming up soon. I kissed her goodnight, and she went over to kiss both Ellen and Larry before leaving the pool, she wrapped herself in a large bath sheet, and picked up her clothes to go in. A couple of minutes later, Ellen told Larry it’s time to go too. She came over and gave me a kiss; and got out of the pool and wrapped herself in one of our big bath sheets too, and said she’d wash and return our towels if it was okay. “Sure, no problem”. Larry decided a quick hug was the proper thing to do tonight, but it didn’t stop a rogue hand from squeezing my balls lightly, as he repeated his, “I sorry Babe about tonight.” In my ear as he broke the hug and hold. I told him, “what’s with the sorry, she’s your wife and she needs you tonight, you won the battle, but don’t forget about the war though, huh?” I could tell, he’d rather have Ellen go home to bed just like my wife did, but we did have an awesome afternoon, and I really loved cooking next to him tonight. I told him, "It’s alright, good night Babe, knock it out of the park for me okay? Show her how much of a fucken man I know you are!" Larry got out of the pool and wrapped a smaller bath towel around his waist and headed to his dry clothes too, but after he saw his wife had her back turned to us, he opened the towel to flash me with his growing dick, I chuckled some to myself, and thought, he’s such a cool fucken kid, huh? Got to love him.

No shadow dicks tonight, too!
I stayed in the pool to swim a few laps and I kept the pool light on tonight, I was looking to see if my dick made any big shadows on the pool wall. Oh, it made a shadow, but it wasn’t much tonight, I told myself, “what else is new? Kind of goes with the territory.” I agreed with myself though, the swimming and floppy dick shadows weren’t doing me any favors, and I was just feeling lonely again. So here I am, I writing again in my iPad journal tonight, it’s late and I’m thinking about you guys and it’s making me feel much better. I told myself, I really did have an awesome day, and my Babe delivered my dick off to an unbelievable ‘Limpsville’ this afternoon. That’s better than most of my days around here without him, maybe I should go to bed too!

Like the wife said, another day, another dollar coming up soon. Yup, and I’m not the least bit tired; I’m horny as fuck, and I’ve got a wife who needs to book sex! I think I’ll have a date with my dick tonight too, that’ll get me sleepy, maybe?

Let’s call this chapter finished, huh? I’ve got something to do right now!
Later guys,

Our journal continues in Chapter 40:


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