Larry's 18th Post: I PUT IT OUT THERE AGAIN!


Marcus said it’s my turn to write again so get busy. I am busy, there’s so much that I want to do around here now that I’m not working for a while. I gotta remind myself to talk some more about my job before I get done writing this chapter. I’m gonna try to write something just from me again, not use Marc’s stuff to get ideas. Well maybe if I screw up I’ll pick something he wrote about. I know there’s some of his stuff that I should talk about though. See, I’m already screwing up what I want to do. But you guys are very kind to me, so I expect that this time too. Hahah. Really I’m serious, you don’t want to see me as old Mark writing this right!

Okay where do I start. Kinda old news like last month-old news. Marcus took his sweet time getting his chapter finished but I guess it was worth it since he was covering my birthday and Christmas. Yup I’m half way to 60, Marc will be 60 this year, the old fart! Hahah. Oh, you know I’m not being mean to him, just bashing his balls again. I miss doing that! Maybe I’m a meanie down deep! Nah, at least he gets me back, he learned from me the pro ball basher around here! Anyway, I think he’s way sexier now as an old fart than ever before and I used to think he was really hot looking back then. His beard is getting grayer now and I think he looks way cool that way. He’s been getting gray for a while but lately a lot faster. I love seeing two color beards on guys now; my beard is slowly turning white, BFD, my hair color is so light you can hardly even notice it’s getting whiter. You gotta know I love everything about the dude, but I don’t like that we are both getting more scalp and less hair on the back of our heads. It’s gonna be a race to see who gets bald first. I want to lose this race! My hair grows so fast it’s probably gonna just pop off my head one day! Okay, this talk is depressing me, move on dude!

I have been working on my birthday present the wood working shed as much as I can, but there was so much from my job that had to get done before I stopped working from home. Anyway, we brought over all my stuff and put it inside the work shed now, but there’s some finish work to the outside and painting that needs to be done, and I haven’t really made the layout exactly like I want it yet. I’m glad there’s huge double doors that open wide too. I’ll be able to move stuff around to work on some projects. I think I should name the place something better than a work shed. Got ideas for me? Please not "Larry's Man Cave," huh!

Maybe a picture is worth more than words. 
Okay that was a bunch of really fucking horny sexy stuff to read, pretty lame huh? I know something sexier to write about that Marc did on Christmas morning though. He did such a good job writing about it that he made me cry again after reading it so I’m not gonna fuck it up here on him. Sometimes I wonder if you guys know how it feels to read stuff that someone you love so much, writes about you like Marc does and then puts it out there for everyone to read too. I wish I had all the words to tell you what it’s like. I think he called me a bag of bricks last time, or something like that, well imagine that bag of bricks becoming a bag of marshmallows. He just fucking melts me all the time, and then I get all watery-eyed and have fix them so I can read the rest of his story. Strange that I never felt like that for all the years I was married though. I really struck gold when I got him in my life.

(I’m trying something different with my pictures this time, tell you more than the caption let’s me do. Since Marc wrote about how he proposed to me, I figured maybe a little moving picture would save me fucking up what he wrote already. 😅 In case you wondered how we both like it done, enjoy the guys above and use your imagination. Don’t take too long, there’s more to read yet.)

I’m a little embarrassed that I wasn’t the one to propose first, maybe it’s because we are already living like we are married that I let it slide by. I mean I would have proposed if he didn’t anyway. Oh well, like I said I’m not gonna fuck with his version of how it went down. I might add something though if it comes into my head before I'm done. How’s that for being an organized writer. Man, I don’t know how you guys put up with me writing this stuff. But I love you guys and that you let me slide. Wouldn’t it be awful if I ever got as good as Marcus writing this shit that you couldn’t tell who was writing anymore. See there’s a reason you put up with me. Hahah. You do love me, right?

I think I will write about how I told my wife about being engaged in this chapter as soon as I get my mind around writing it. I’ll try to be more like my buddy Marc when I do it though because it’s something he’d be so good at telling you about it. The reason I want to be the one to tell you is because it’s more about me and Ellen than him and Lisa. He might want to write about it too, oh you know he will, you know that about him. Okay, for real I’ll do that in this chapter too. I hope you are starting to realize that I’m trying to figure out what the fuck I’m gonna write about and if I’ll ever put in the chapter and post it, but I’m gonna have to do it. Okay what else do I want to write about.

I know you guys want to hear about Joe and I have something new I can write about, and I’d like to write about one of you guys that I think I’m helping with emails. Go figure huh, me giving advice. I am you know, and I like doing it too. Oh ya, something else just popped in my head. It’s about Marcus’s Pops and me. I can’t believe that Pops likes to talk and text me like he does. And sometimes we even FaceTime too. I love that man and I’m so sad that he moved to Mexico, and I can’t visit with him like we were before. Yes I definitely want to talk about him. Maybe that’s enough subjects for me to write about, unless something else pops into my head before I finish writing. It could happen you know.

I said I’ve been writing one of our readers lately, his name is Charlie. Any of you guys with a good memory might think this is the “bent-dick Charley” that came onboard my boat long ago and had his way with our dicks. It’s not! Okay, if you think that old Mark could have written that sentence just now, man you gotta catch up with us. Hahah. Man, I love the new me! Anyhow, Charlie reminds me a lot about myself as Mark when he started writing me and Marc long ago. He is married too. Man, there are a lot of married guys that find out they are gay. He found us online and realized that he was like us but didn’t know how to deal with it. Ya, who does anyway. Look how long it took us to deal with it. Today he wrote me back about the Charley guy I mentioned to him from Marc’s chapter 12, and he told me that he definitely is not that guy and that his dick ain’t bent but maybe leans to the side a bit. Hahah, I love knowing that. I don’t know what I’ll do with it but it kinda makes up for us being so exposed in our journal. We just don’t hide stuff from you, kinda naked without really being naked sometimes.

Not too long ago when he wrote me he said that he decided to use an app to find other gay guys online and he found someone. He asked me not to use that guys name, maybe change it to something else. Little did Charlie know how hard it is to keep track of the people we have in our stories and man if we changed everyone’s name, I’d go fucking crazy trying to remember who was who. Anyhow, not important until he wants it to be. 

Charlie was a helluva lot faster than us though finding out what he wanted and how to get it. He’s already having blow jobs with his new friend but is not sure if this is for real or maybe just a fling I guess. I tried to tell him not to think about love right now, that comes later. He was brave enough to ask about if we used condoms or not. And I was honest with him, we do both. If we have prepared ourselves first the condoms stay in the night stands or in the office bathroom. I don’t have to write everything we’ve talked about, but we do feel like brothers now that we have shared so much personal stuff. I’m so excited that he reached out to me for advice like I know stuff. Maybe I do know more stuff than before, hahah maybe, definitely know a helluva lot more for sure. I know what I want, and I know what I like, and I like having friends that like to talk to me. 

You guys that write us always say you are surprised that we write back right away. I guess there a lot of guys who stiff their readers, that’s sad. Marcus told me when I first learned about the journal that he always write back to anyone who writes him and one day I should do the same. He had me go get a Gmail account of my own to use with him. I figured ya right, like somebody will actually want to write me. I still thought it was a stupid idea but I love the dude and I wasn't gonna fight him over something like that. Anyhow I did get the Gmail like he said. I figured it would just stay there getting junk mail to deal with later. Man, was I ever wrong about that! 

I love getting to know you guys that write me. You know when Marcus started this blog and put us out there like we were living in a glass fishbowl, I didn't want to think about who would be reading his stuff. Maybe I was a little scared to even think about it, knowing how much he was telling you about me at the time. But he did tell me you came from all over the world, like that helped! When I got my first letter it got all real, there are real guys reading about me and Marc, and you like to know everything about us too. It was more than scary at first, but Marcus found the words to that made me feel better and not be so concerned. Now I look in my Gmail app everyday to see if anyone is writing me. That is so much fun getting to meet you guys and finding out stuff that you share about yourselves with us. That is so cool. Anyway, a lot of small talk I guess, but you can write me anytime and I promise to write you back and you never know what I might write back to ya!

Like I said at the start, Pops has been talking to me too. Man, I hope I get to be a cool dude like him if I get to live that long. There’s a lot of stuff about Pops already written by Marcus and some from me too. I was writing Charlie, the guy I just wrote about, the other night and I told him some stuff about Pops that I haven’t written about, I don’t think so anyway. Pops turned 82 in January and is living in Mexico now so we couldn’t celibate with him. He seems to be fine though and he's with his lady friend Sarah and I bet he’s even hornier now that he’s with her. I'm just guessing here. The way he talks to me, I don't think he has a problem getting it up at all! Yay Pops!

All I need to show for my claim here
Pops and me are a lot alike in one important area and it’s helped me to be more comfortable in my own body. Pops is furry just like me, maybe way more! Ya way fucking more! (Check out the close up of his right pec I put here. I’m not that furry! Yet? 😬 Also, I hope you didn’t expect me to post the whole picture up here, Marcus would fucking freak if I did.) His fur really turned all white. I had no idea he was so much like me until the day we took him home and put him to bed because he was kinda drunk from too much wine. Marc and I undressed him for bed, and no we didn't get him naked! But I did see how much we looked alike. I don’t think he ever came to Marc’s house for a swim while I was there, or I would have remembered that. When I saw him after getting him ready for bed it kinda made me feel calm if that’s the word I should use. For years Marcus was aware of how I wasn’t dealing well with the look of my own body even though he had no problem with it himself. I’m surprised that he didn’t let me know his Pops was just like me, IDK, maybe it coulda helped me.

When I get to talk to Pops lately, I usually go outside or into a room where Marcus isn’t around. I love having a man like Pops to talk to and sometimes I just don’t want to share everything we talk about. Lately when I get to FaceTime Pops, which he loves to do now, he’s been sitting outside of the condo in the sun. (Ya, sun I remember that!) Anyway, he’s been shirtless for the last couple of times and man, I think I get it now how Marcus loved seeing my furry body glowing in the sun, because that’s how I’ve seen him now too. I guess we all know I'm pretty much over the furry thing by now, but it really feels wonderful seeing another guy like me being so comfortable in his own skin. I fucking mean it guys, I needed that. I'm way okay using the word furry now, but there was a time I hated it. It was too much like being called "Monkey Boy" growing up. That hurt me so much.

Pops is getting pretty tan living in Mexico lately, he was so white always working in his office all the time. I guess we shared that color too. Lately he's been letting his hair grow long, it's fucking blowing me away. He's starting to look like the guy he was in those old photographs in the album he gave Marcus. He’s really pulling it off too, maybe because he hasn’t lost any hair like most older guys. You know what else I love about him when we FaceTime? He’s always winking and smiling and telling me a dirty joke he heard, and maybe a just a little bit too sexy horny at times, but I’m getting used to it. I know he's trying to get a rise outta me. One day I’m gonna get brave and say something really fucking horny back to him and see how he handles it. He's probably waiting for me to do it too. I bet he will be better than me handling it. Maybe that’s his kind of ball bashing with me huh. Could be. I’m getting over the idea that older guys aren’t as horny as young guys, they are much worse! Well, maybe I should rethink about going one on one with him on the horny shit. Anyway, I hope I get to be half as horny as him when I get older. (That would be hornier than I already am.)

Okay guys, if you think I bullshitting you about him, I'm not. He's such a fucking trip to know now. He's nothing like the guy I knew here. Maybe it's the Tequila or Mezcal he's drinking! Anyhow, he’s just a fun horny dude to talk to, something I’ve never thought I would be doing. I also didn't know I'd be calling him a horny dude at 82.  I hope he stays that way forever; he can teach me a lot! I bet he wished he could have been like he is with me when he was watching over Marcus. I know he didn’t, or Marc would have said so, they were really father and son for real.

I guess if you’ve read old stuff about me you know I don’t remember what my father looked like, I was taken away and put into a shelter when I was very young. I never remember any foster parent looking like me as I became old enough to grow my own furry body. I wish I had a family to remember good thoughts and maybe a dad who could make me proud of what I was. Pops was so kind to me and before he left for Mexico we became really close like father and son. I was so happy and so sad at the same time. But I get to FaceTime him often and text him too. He really has learned how to use the iPhone Marc bought him too. He still tells me if he was a whole lot younger, old Marcus would have some competition over me, and then he laughs it off. From Marc's stories we know now that he had a special guy friend that he kinda grew up with that satisfied that "urge to merge." (That's something Marcus likes to say, so I stole it from him.) I don’t know why Marcus said he was so anti-gay around the office, oh ya, I remember, duh! 

Pops never disapproved of Marc and me together, although he didn’t know everything until he kinda figured it out not to long ago. He knew I was his neighbor because I met him several times over the years. I know one thing about him, he was always telling our wives how pretty they were and always said the age thing. If he were only a lot younger. I guess those are safe words for him, nobody would expect him to make a move on any one of us. I bet he was as good as us with fantasies though. Once I thought Pops was going after me but that was only in my mind, but his hand really was on my butt at the time! He’s always asking me about myself and how I’m doing and always asks me if Marcus is okay too. He’s afraid Marc won’t tell him the truth. He loves Marcus like he really was his father; I can tell that on how he talks about him. Pops actually is Marc’s God Father and really looked after him when Marc lost his parents when he was a teenager. I’m so happy Pops has accepted me too and I wish I could tell him how much I think of him as a father for me too. I think he knows that, but I don’t think I can tell him and hide my feelings without blubbering though them. Maybe why I was so attracted to Marcus was that I never had a man or brother in my life to look up to and love being with. Now I have two men I love so very much, I guess sometimes you just gotta wait your turn in life.

Okay I think I’m gonna need to write about my new friend Joe all the time now. You guys sure love to think about him. I don’t blame you, he’s such a cool guy a lot like Marcus. (Well not exactly like Marcus, hahah. Okay, or me!)

You know it’s been too cold to swim or even sit outside on our office deck, sometimes we do for a few minutes in the afternoon, but it’s been dick-shrinking cold outside. Anyway, the last time Joe was here I was up and in the kitchen making coffee for us. We have the kitchen window coverings open to let the sun in and that means anyone in the backyard can look inside. Joe came just before 8:00am and had a big pink box in his hand. He knocked on the window to let me know he was there, actually I jumped out of my skin when he knocked, that never happened before. I walked over to our office and let him in. He put the box down on Marc’s desk and gave me a hug first, usually it’s me that starts the hugs. Don’t ask me why, I always have, and I love to hug people I like.

Maybe I should check what’s showing
I bet you are thinking I was naked when I was making coffee; did you not read that it was dick-shrinking cold out! I actually was wearing the white unisex bathrobe Lisa bought on the cruise to Alaska we were all on. Of course, I was naked under the robe, so maybe you weren’t too wrong thinking that huh? The other thing that you can fantasize about if you want to, sitting down with that robe on should make you watch what doesn’t get covered while sitting like men like to do. Sometimes I forget to look. I can’t tell you what I looked like so you gotta figure it out yourselves, I was having a good time talking to my friend Joe not to go checking. Well, if I flashed him, it wouldn’t be anything he hasn’t already seen anyway. 

(I found this picture of a guy sitting in a spa robe and he’s supposed to be me. I was gonna try and make him look blond like me but I thought, the dude is good looking like Marcus was when we met. Whoops, Marc is still good looking only better now! 😜 I couldn’t mess with the picture, sorry. Well at least he’s drinking coffee and had his legs open like I did, that oughta count for something huh.)

Joe told me he stopped to buy some donuts since he always drinks our coffee and felt he should bring something. He’s right about drinking coffee with us all the time. I love the company and I really like him a lot. No worries Marcus, I like him different. Joe was full of questions that day and the first was about where my buddy was. I told him he was still in bed the lazy bum, but I didn’t tell him it was because we just had some mind-blowing sex and I put him out like a light! Hahah, ya, I’m that fucking good! Okay, I don’t want to prove it to you, just know Larry has learned a whole bunch of new stuff! Anyway, I told him he’ll probably be up for coffee soon.

Joe wanted to know if Marcus was not happy with him or something because he doesn’t always have coffee with us anymore. (Okay guys time out for a minute, first of all Joe doesn’t call him Marcus because he only knows his real first name. But he does call me Larry because I told him that was my name.) I told him that Marc loves that I made a friend with him and that I just never had any close friends before Marcus. Anyhow, I let a “Marcus” slip out a few times and I got the question from him, “Who was Marcus, did we have another roommate.” Whoops! Ya know that was gonna happen one day.

Joe knows we are partners now and that’s not “business partners”. He knows we sleep together, like how much more did he need to know about “partners” huh? I told him why the name change but not about BGR yet. I think that needs to be from Marcus or the two of us together if the day comes to tell him. I said the Marcus is his middle name and since we are a new couple we wanted to have special names for each other. Of course, he wanted to know if my name was new too. I shoulda figured out that was coming, right. Anyway, like old Marcus says, the truth is easier to remember, I told him I was Larry because it was a name Marc picked for me, that I’m really Mark. I guess not seeing how that’s spelled it sounds like the same name. I laughed and said, “No my name is just Mark not short for anything else and that I want to be called Larry by everyone now, so don’t worry. Maybe forget I even brought it up.

Joe said that he was okay with whatever we called ourselves and should he start calling him Marcus. I said, “Shit NO!, he won’t know I told you that.” But then I laughed so he would know that wasn’t so serious to worry about. Remember I said that Joe had lots of questions that day; that’s usually me though with questions. He asked me if it was alright if he could ask some personal questions. Like I haven’t asked personal questions of him before. I laughed again and said, “I think so, I’ve asked you plenty of embarrassing questions before that you answered. So go for it.”

Joe wanted to know something a lot of you guys are probably wondering about too. How did we go from married to like living with each other like we are. And more embarrassing, what it’s like having sex with a man instead of our wives. You know guys, if it wasn’t for this journal and all of you that actually write me emails telling me how much you love what we are doing with the journal, I don’t know if I could have answered his questions at all. I told him some of the stuff you’ve read about like how married sex was not so great anymore and how sometimes we didn’t care and just jerked off. Ya I really told him that, sometimes I blow me away! And I told him that I kinda loved Marcus for a long time in a way that was different from with my wife, but we never did anything together. Like I said, I told him stuff you’ve read about, and he really was interested in listening to me. I never saw him look at me that way before. Not like he wanted sex or something, just really trying to learn stuff. I think you’d be proud of me if you saw how it went down too. I didn’t act all embarrassed or nervous, IDK, maybe because we’ve become friends or because we’ve been all naked in the pool together, but I was super comfortable talking with him. I think I really wanted to let someone know how much I love being in love with Marcus. My life has changed so much, and I love my life now.

Of course, you gotta know I asked him if he was having some difficulty he wanted to talk about with me. He wasn’t to comfortable I think but said, he loved how me, and Marcus acted around him and that we seemed so happy all the time. I told him, that’s true we love being together and are happy with the changes. I could tell that he had questions that he wasn’t ready to ask yet, like maybe they were to weird to ask. I know I’m gonna be hearing them one day. But the subject came to a halt when Marc showed up for coffee. You know it’s a long way from our bedroom to the kitchen but as you get closer you can hear what’s going on in the kitchen. Marc knew Joe was in the kitchen with me and he said hello to him before he actually was in the kitchen. It was a little strange seeing Marc all dressed not in his boxers or PJ bottoms. No, he was dressed to go outside. Now it’s just me in my robe.

Joe got up and gave Marc a hug just like he did with me and said that he brought donuts with him. I don’t think donuts are on the Noom diet plan, but he did open the box and pick out a small donut for himself. Marcus would never let someone think they did something wrong I guess. Besides, Marc is getting too thin anyway and maybe some of those calories will end up in his ass! Hahah. Really I’m serious too. My exercises for him aren’t working that good at building a bubble butt for him. Hey, I can dream right?

After Marcus came into the kitchen with us the conversation got boring to write about, so I’ll stop talking about Joe for now. I know he’s gonna be asking more questions now because I said it was okay with me. You know I’m still pretty green with this stuff, but if any of you guys want to offer me some ideas on what to say or not say, I’m all fucking ears! Write me you know how.

Okay, I said I’d write about it and I’m gonna try, if you see any of this I got brave and left it in, if you don’t see it, well I fucking chickened out. I guess if you don’t see it you won’t know that I fucking chickened out. That’s a plus for me. Hahah.

We are engaged now, and the wives don’t know it yet. Oh, I bet they knew something was coming one day, like we haven’t gone back to living our former lives anymore, that ought to say something huh. Anyway, I am so happy that Marcus asked me to marry him, of course I want to, I never want anything to change back to the old days. Now we have to talk to the wives and let them know what our plans are. I think we want to get married sometime this year. But really, we are already living married, it’s just that maybe we’d love to get away like a honeymoon thing, although I don’t want to call it that. Who needs a honeymoon, we’ve been living that for months now. But I know one thing Marcus has dreamed about for years, and then he fixed the dream to include me too. He wants to go to deserted island in the tropics and live like a beachcomber, get toasty brown all over and grow a long beard. Well, me too, I want that too. Only I’ll be a lot better at growing that long beard first. My beard never gives me a break like Marc’s beard. Well, we are different in some ways you know.

Ya but there's that Covid shit that keeps us from wanting to travel. Maybe it will get better this year, otherwise, I don’t care if we ever fly again. We have a little piece of heaven right here in Granite Bay, CA. Anyhow this is not about getting to be brown beach bums, it’s supposed to be about talking to my wife. You gotta know I’d rather let Marcus do this since he’s the pro at this kind of shit. But I’m Larry now and I need to make sure he’s not just Mark with a new name. I’m fucking serious guys, it’s time.

I decided to tell Ellen and not bring Marcus and Lisa into it. They are a whole different breed of couple from us. I’m trying to see if I can be more like Marcus everyday because he’s got it so together and I never did. I love everything about him and right now I’m gonna try to make believe I’m him when I talk to Ellen. I can’t be Mark it won’t work, I just know it.

I told Marc what I had planned to do and of course he asked if I’d like him to be with me. Ya gotta love the dude, but no I didn’t want him there. I need to do this myself. If I’m gonna be half of our relationship I need to be half. I can do this I just know it. Well, that covers what was going on in my head before getting my balls ready to see if I could pull this off for real. 

I called Ellen on my phone and told her I wanted to talk to her about some serious stuff and asked her if maybe she’d like to have coffee with me someplace to talk about it. I know it might sound a little shaky here, well I didn’t know how she’d feel about seeing me like that. I kinda forgot she said long ago that we could go out for coffee again one day if I liked to do that. Ellen set up a time when she could get away from the office for a while. She doesn’t even know about me taking some months off from work. Not unless Marc said something to Lisa. I picked the Starbucks that we used before to meet, I still don’t want to use the place me and Marc use for coffee sometimes. That’s our place period!

Meeting Ellen for coffee and a divorce
You know she never asked what was on my mind and just looked for a time on her calendar we could have. Ya think she’s been waiting for this meeting, maybe. Anyhow that made me feel stronger about what I was gonna do. That was a couple of days before we met, and I didn’t tell Marc anything more about the meeting because I just didn’t want to back out of it or ask him to come and hold my hand. Like I’d ask him to come and hold my hand, get real! Ellen picked a morning before work for our meeting and then she would head to work a bit later. I had planned on telling her everything but would watch out if she decided to throw her hot coffee at me. Hahah. It’s been so many months apart now and I know she’s into Lisa like I’m into Marcus. They did get away together once letting us think it was work related and we fell for it too. 

(This picture was from an old chapter and was to be me talking to Lisa, this time it’s me talking to Ellen. Although Ellen’s hair is darker, but I guess you get the idea and I’m not as good as Marc using the Art software he gave me to edit stuff anyway. Well it kinda looks like me a little I think except where are my muscles. His body looks more like Marcus than me. Like Marcus always says I guess, “Use your imagination before you lose it!”)

We spent some time just catching up on stuff, like the nervous stuff that needed to get out of the way. I felt she was about ready to head for work thinking I just wanted to chat for a while. But I needed to clear the way for me to get married again. I told her that I had something really serious to tell her and I hoped she would listen to what I had to say first. That was how I started it and it worked. Yay for me. I flat out told her I was really in love with Marcus, and I didn’t see that changing and that we want to get married one day. I could see that was a lot more than she counted on hearing from me that morning. She was very quiet for a while and she didn’t look at me, just away from me. I didn’t like that feeling but it wasn’t that long before she said kinda choking a bit, that she knew one day she’d hear something like that from me.

I asked her if she really felt that way, and she said come on Mark we knew you guys were meant for each other long ago, maybe not like married but always together. Who helped you two when you needed help years ago, huh? She asked me if she could live with the idea for a while before she committed anything more. You know what she did, she hugged me and said that she was glad I could be so happy and that she was okay that it was Marcus that was the guy. Whew, I actually heard the breath leave me, and maybe she did too. There’s so much that has to be said and done between us before we can get a divorce and remarry. But that day I was so fucking proud of myself, seriously fucking proud that I didn’t chicken out or have Marc help me. I’m so ready to be half of Marcus and Larry forever. I didn’t see how that could be if I didn’t face it myself. There’s a lot of shit to do yet and at least I think it will be easier than I have imagined from the time I started thinking about spending my life with him. 

You know I was planning on telling her about my leave of absence from work, but it just never came up. Another time and place I guess. That’s the least of my worries for now. I think I lost three pounds of sweat that morning before I got back home to tell Marc about my day. I was so fucking proud of myself that I told him that too. Hahah. Marcus just gave me the biggest hug ever, also squeezed the fucking life out of me and l let him too. I knew he was proud of me too and I did it all by myself. I wanted to be one half of us, and I needed to prove to myself that I was. I am, and I know it now.

It’s gonna be where you’ll find us one day
Maybe this is a good spot to finish my chapter, there’s a lot more life to live and write about yet. I know one thing more that I can add. I’m sure now that my work leave is gonna be permanent soon. I am not gonna over react about quitting, not like my buddy did. I’ve got so many things I want to do, and we can afford to do them now. We worked our asses off for the ability to do this one day and that day got here. I’m so ready to go find that deserted island and grow brown and old with the love of my life. All you guys have to hope for is that there’s the Internet on that island and we find a way to power up our iPads. Between the two of us, I'd be the one to get the grid up and working for us and then I'll watch Marcus record our lives together in beautiful paintings, that only we will get to see. I think our boat may have a serious leak once we get there, ya I see that happening. 

(Do you like the background I used for us here? That’s one of Marc’s digital paintings he makes on his iPad. I cropped my copy for this picture. His painting is much bigger. Marc made the Bro pictures for one of his older chapters, I don’t remember which one though. I loved the way he put us together but I think he made our dicks way too small! 😐 We really are not that small, trust me! Anyway, I saved the picture in my photo gallery. I figured one day maybe I’ll use it too. Obviously, I didn’t know how to make their dicks bigger.)

One day I will be living that dream with him, and I know how to fish too. All I have to do is learn how to like eating fish instead of catching and releasing them. Hahah, you know having Marcus at my side, I’ll even eat an octopus, yuck! I will, you know! After my day with Ellen, I know I have the balls to do whatever I want to do!

Love you guys, 
M. Larry

Here is a link to Larry’s Chapter 19:


  1. New exciting steps. That definitely took balls, but obviously was the right thing to do, and clears the way for further developments. (Probably for Ellen too, you know.) Booyah!


    1. Thanks Chip, I’m glad you agreed. Well, I’ve got the balls, just needed to use them huh.

  2. Billy Gay Dad AtlantaJanuary 19, 2022 at 7:03 AM

    Well, my friend that's another huge step in your journey and I'm so proud of (and proud for) you! One day you will marry the love of your life and you will be free to be completely you, not only with him but with the whole world. Your wife can't be mad at you since she helped facilitate this. She couldn't have known that the dicks would come out on that trip but they saw something and helped propel you forward. AWESOME! What I really want to say to you is about your friend Joe. When someone asks you a question about something you have no knowledge of, that's sometimes difficult to answer. In this case, he started to talk to you about something you recently experienced. What I know about you already, from what I've read, is that you are a lot like me in the emotions department. You can be IN control, but you can also let loose and just be emotional. I think he needs you to be genuine and honest about your feelings and your experiences in the last couple of years. That doesn't mean you have to tell him every detail of your personal life and sexual experiences, but it does mean that you can answer his questions honestly. I was the facilitator for a group of divorced Dads with kids in Atlanta for over 10 years and we talked about divorce, coming out, kids, and a lot of other stuff. Privately with some guys we discussed fears they weren't willing to talk about in the group, inexperience with sex with men and other painful topics. I would suggest you talk to him knowing up front what your boundaries are. I would suggest that you wear pants for this discussion, and you may show your excitement if you get too detailed LOL. Honestly, talking another person through your journey will help him more than you will ever know. I have had so many men through the years thank me for that. There is almost no one for many to talk to and they have no frame of reference. Talk to your "future husband :)" about what he is comfortable with you saying as well. I don't think specific sexual stuff will come up quickly but down the road he may feel comfortable asking you that. He has told you enough, in my opinion, to let you know he is curious. You won't know more until he tells you. Just be the friend you have already shown yourself to be and you will be fine! Again, proud for you and I can't wait to hear more!

    1. I tried almost 20 times to post my reply to Billy but it wouldn’t let me so I emailed him instead. This pisses me off I wanted my reply here. 🤬


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