Ch. 21 Affinity for Blonde Men, New Edits


I just use real memories now instead of fantasies!

Hey, my horny brothers, I’m on my own again, after spending a delightful morning with Larry.  My buddy is off to work now at the new proposed build site and I’m afraid he’ll come back with news, that I might not like! However, I’m going to try and stay positive and not think about him being away from home for weeks! Come on Marcus think! He will be home off and on during the build, I know, but he’ll spend time with his wife and maybe family first. I understand, just tell my wanting and bratty dick that, okay?

It’s been a couple of hours or so now since we were together. I took a break from my work for lunch, but instead of eating, I’m writing my thoughts into my journal for you to read. I guess, it’s food for my hungry soul instead! 


No fantasy is needed anymore!
Daily I’m learning more about being an active bisexual, versus the former fantasy bisexual I’ve been for years. If you think this is easy, it’s not! It might be the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever had to deal with in my life! My sexual fantasies were just between me and my mind, and I could design its landscape! Now, this is not just between Larry and me, others become factors too, this could be a recipe for disaster!

So, let this be between you and me, huh? Our new relationship has made me happier and giddier now than ever, especially, when I get myself off in my morning shower; for several years I created vivid fantasies with him to get me off, now there’s no fantasy needed, I just use real memories of being with him. Another secret, if I think there’s a chance we’ll get together sometime during the day or night, I save myself for him! Don’t tell my dick that though!

For all the years I’ve known Larry, I’ve wanted to tell him to his face that he fucking turns me on, that he is so good looking; no, I mean fucking gorgeous looking. I don’t want you to think that his good looks are the only reason that he turns me on, that’s fucking shallow, but I guess it’s a part of the attraction though. Of course, with the both of us hiding in the closet, that got too close to opening the closet door for me. I have let him know that I think he is handsome and tell him cool it whenever he gets down about his appearance though.

Okay, you probably think because we are out to each other now, I’m just seeing him with ‘Rose Colored Glasses,’ of course, that’s very true; but no one would question his handsomeness after meeting him. I remember long ago, he showed me some digitized photos of him in his Coast Guard Uniform, when he was in his early 20’s. We were comparing our military backgrounds over coffee that day. As a young Coasty, he was so thin, and boyish looking. In the photos he had a trimmed beard like the one he sports now. I’m thinking, knowing what I do about him now, he probably could have grown one like that when he was 10 years old! (Okay, that kind of ball bashing is not fair, if he can’t come back at me! Maybe he will one day! So, forget I said that about him. But it’s probably true! 😜) He’s grown very manly as an adult, handsome is a given.
When I was a teen in high school, maybe 14 to 15 years old, I had an Aunt, (my Dad’s baby sister who was only 13 years older than me), that I could talk to about stuff kids worry about. She would straight talk to me, something my parents couldn’t do. Or, maybe it was me too embarrassed to talk to them? She and my Uncle only lived several houses away from ours, and I’d pass it by, on the way home from where the school bus would drop us off. A couple of times a week I’d stop to visit, and she’d offer me a glass of refreshing iced tea with lemon.

All these years later, I really don’t remember the content of the conversations, but I’d always feel so much better afterwards, that’s the part I remember. She understood teenagers because it wasn’t that long ago that she was one too! Now that I’m writing about the visits, I think I was seeking advice on how to attract girls and get brave enough to ask them to a school dance.

My Aunt was very good at making me feel good about myself and what I looked like. She said I’d be some girls real catch one day, because I was good looking and a caring young man. Moreover, don’t worry, that she would help me on how to ask a girl out, so she wouldn’t turn me down. I do remember now, that I was never turned down by a girl, and I was surprised. Please factor in, that there weren’t that many invitations from me too! I always thought you had to be a high school jock, captain of the football team, or class president to get a girl to want to go out with you. I guess I had a shallow concept of what dating was back then, huh?

I loved to dance, not a showoff though, and I liked being seen with pretty girls too. Hey, I was a fucken horny kid, even back then, what did I know about anything! To be fair, a pretty girl for me, had a lot more to do with if I liked her personality, and did she laugh at my jokes because they were funny, not because she thought she had to laugh. And, I thought it was important that she tried to look nice in her appearance too. I never went after the “popular girls” though, I thought they were too full of themselves for my taste. As I said, I was a fucken kid, I acted the best way I knew how.

But those are not the reasons I brought all this up from memory. I really liked visiting my Aunt and Uncle. My Aunt is still with us, but my Uncle died when he was only 42 from Cancer, nobody saw it coming, not even him. He was a strapping man, way taller than me back then, and even now, if he was still with us. He was maybe 6’2” or more, I remember always looking up at his head when I talked to him. He was also a kind man, and I think he liked me as his nephew too. (Anyhow, get back to the fucking story Marc! I told you my wife says I talk too much!)
One very warm day while I was talking to my Aunt, iced tea with lemon in hand, my Uncle arrived home a little early. We were in the patio trying to stay cool, as he passed right by us. He kissed my Aunt, patted me on the head and said, “How are you doing, Stud!” Fucking cool, he called me STUD! that’s the first time he or anyone ever said that! I stammered something back I’m sure, my head trying to adjust to being called “STUD!” Man, I love him even more now! He told us, he needed a shower, so please excuse him. My Aunt said, okay, we are just talking anyway.

After a short while, my Uncle came back out to the Patio to join us fresh from his shower, his hair was still wet and slicked back from not drying it, I guess. I’ve never seen my Uncle dressed in shorts and barefoot, he was always a fully dressed Businessman, shirt and tie, sometimes with a short sleeve shirt, but that was rare.

Too much uncle to see. Maybe?
What I haven’t told you, my Uncle is Swedish, or Norwegian, I believe, or one or those neighboring countries, and was very blonde, as was my Aunt, (probably a dyed Blonde, sorry Auntie), and my three blonde cousins. As a teen still wondering what I was going to look like as a full-grown adult male, I noticed my Uncle’s forearms when he had a short-sleeved shirt on. They were very muscular and very hairy, a very blonde hairy. (Don’t get too far ahead of me now!) My dad, a full-blood Sicilian, has black hair on his arms, and yet I still had peach fuzz just about everywhere. (Don’t forget I’m a young teen, 30 is antique!) And, I’ve never seen so much body hair on a man before, way more than my Dad, and very light blonde hair too! His stomach probably had abs, something I wasn’t totally aware of just yet, because it was very lumpy looking, but not fat at all. The hair just followed his lumps and got darker in the creases of his abs. (Now I know why bodybuilders shave their chests.) His shorts were kind of loose on his hips and very low in front. Now, I might be a teenager, but I now have pubic hair, and lots of it too! So, I know it when I see it! I could see his peeking out over the top of his shorts, it was blonde to, a darker shade of blonde, and a whole lot heavier than the rest of his belly hair.

However, for the first time ever, I saw much more Uncle than I ever saw before. He only had shorts on, and not long shorts, he wore them low on his hips, too low for me I thought, but I didn’t mind. He was in awesome shape for a 30 something year old man.

I might have been caught looking at it too long, because he pulled up his shorts, but they just fell back down to where the were before. His leg hair was incredible too, it must have stuck out over an inch from his legs. What brought this all to my attention, was the fact that the sun was to his backside, his body hair was glowing gold from the sunlight, I’ve never in my life, until recently, experienced seeing that. My Uncle had a halo glowing all around him, it looked like I was talking to an angel! There was no question that my young penis was being influenced by all this golden hairy halo stuff! But then, my dick got hard very often without provocation anyway. I was mostly scared of my dick for years, it seemed bent on embarrassing me whenever it wanted.

My luck seeing my Uncle this way was a one-shot event, when he came home early, that was a fluke, he usually gets home much later according to my Aunt. Neither one of them said anything about how my Uncle was dressed, and whether they even noticed my reaction. However, I’m glad no one ever said anything about it to me, but look at me today, over 40 years ago this happened and it’s as vivid in my mind as if it happened yesterday.

Finally a grown-ass man now
I have no idea if my Uncle was trying to turn me on, or if he was just hot and had lost weight since he bought the shorts. Or maybe he loves wearing shorts and pants low on his hips. Maybe just looking at himself in the mirror like that is a big turn on for him. None of this really occurred to me as a kid. What I remember the most was the halo, blonde body hair, and how handsome and I guess sexy he looked. After all, he was in his prime, and passed away in his prime, he was a very handsome and beautiful man, and he called me “Stud!” Plus, I think he really liked me as his Nephew! I’d like to believe he was giving me a small taste of what was coming for me as a grown-ass man in a few more years! I’m going to go with that! I do not want to think he was trying to pull anything with me, and I will never speak ill about those who have passed on.

Well, now if you followed any of that, and you know what Larry looks like from all I’ve said, you must wonder, you just must, I do now! My babe looks a lot like my Uncle, except for the height and the Dad Bod I dearly love, but I think Larry is in proportion to his height, and very symmetrical, in other words, his mirror image and photo image are the same, perfect! My Uncle, because of his height and lean body, was lanky, typical of very tall men. Oh, one more thing, and I’m going to tell you the truth about this, (what else do you expect from me anyway), I never once gave one minutes thought to my Uncles backside! I was fascinated by his golden glow, ass hair ain’t gonna come into play for another 40 years! But I bet, between you and me, it was a lot like my Larry’s! I mean, like why not, everything else that showed was the same. So now I’ve got me wondering what he looked like naked! Stop that, it’s gross!

I’ll tell you this much, once I got to the point of fantasizing about men, much later in life, the men were Golden Gods, gee I wonder where I got that fantasy from? 🤣 I never once saw another man that matched my Uncle in looks and hairiness until my Bro!

Our journal continues in Chapter 22:


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